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module.exports = function (utils, errors, Model_set, Model_setSync, Model_unset, Model_clear, Model_save, Model_destroy, Model_load) {

  return {

     * @doc method
     * @id Model.instance_methods:initialize
     * @name initialize
     * @description
     * Called at the end of construction of Model instances. Override this method via Model#extend([proto], static) to
     * execute custom initialization logic when instantiating new instances of Model.
     * ## Signature:
     * ```js
     * Model#initialize()
     * ```
     * ## Example:
     * ```js
     *  var Post = reheat.defineModel('Post', {
         *      connection: new reheat.Connection(),
         *      tableName: 'post'
         *  }, {
         *      initialize: function () {
         *          this.dirty = false;
         *      }
         *  });
     *  var post = new Post();
     *  post.dirty; // false
     * ```
    initialize: function () {

     * @doc method
     * @id Model.instance_methods:escape
     * @name escape
     * @description
     * Return the HTML-escaped version of one of this instance's attributes.
     * ## Signature:
     * ```js
     * Model#escape(key)
     * ```
     * ## Throws:
     * - `{IllegalArgumentError}` - Argument `key` must be a string.
     * @param {string} key The key of the attribute to retrieve. Supports nested keys, e.g. `"address.state"`.
     * @returns {string} The HTML-escaped version of one of this instance's attributes.
    escape: function (key) {
      if (!utils.isString(key)) {
        throw new errors.IllegalArgumentError('Model#escapeHtml(key): key: Must be a string!', { actual: typeof key, expected: 'string' });
      try {
        return utils.escapeHtml(this.get(key));
      } catch (err) {
        throw new errors.UnhandledError(err);

     * @doc method
     * @id Model.instance_methods:toJSON
     * @name toJSON
     * @description
     * Return the plain attributes of this instance. Override this method to se your own custom  serialization.
     * ## Signature:
     * ```js
     * Model#toJSON()
     * ```
     * ## Examples:
     * ```js
     *  var post = new Post({ author: 'John Anderson' });
     *  post;   //  {
         *          //      attributes: { author: 'John Anderson' },
         *          //      ...
         *          //  }
     *  post.toJSON();  //  { author: 'John Anderson' }
     *  ```
     * You can override the `toJSON()` method for custom serialization.
     * ```js
     *  // Example of overriding toJSON()
     *  var Post = reheat.defineModel('Post', {
         *      connection: new reheat.Connection(),
         *      tableName: 'post'
         *  }, {
         *      toJSON: function () {
         *          var attrs = this.constructor.__super__.toJSON.apply(this);
         *          delete attrs.secretField;
         *          return attrs;
         *      }
         *  });
     *  var post = new Post({ author: 'John Anderson', secretField: 'mySecret' });
     *  post;   //  {
         *          //      attributes: { author: 'John Anderson', secretField: 'mySecret' },
         *          //      ...
         *          //  }
     *  post.toJSON();  //  { author: 'John Anderson' }
     * ```
     * ## Throws:
     * - `{UnhandledError}` - Thrown for any uncaught exception.
     * @returns {object} The plain attributes of this instance.
    toJSON: function () {
      try {
        var toKeep = [];
        var clone = {};
        utils.forOwn(this.attributes, function (value, key) {
          if (utils.isObject(value) && value.constructor.__reheat_super__) {
            clone[key] = value.toJSON();
          } else if (utils.isArray(value) && value.length && utils.isObject(value[0]) && value[0].constructor.__reheat_super__) {
            clone[key] = [];
            for (var i = 0; i < value.length; i++) {
          } else {
        clone = utils.deepMixIn(clone, utils.pick(this.attributes, toKeep));
        return clone;
      } catch (err) {
        throw new errors.UnhandledError(err);

     * @doc method
     * @id Model.instance_methods:functions
     * @name functions
     * @description
     * Return an array of available methods on this instance.
     * ## Signature:
     * ```js
     * Model#functions()
     * ```
     * ## Throws:
     * - `{UnhandledError}` - Thrown for any uncaught exception.
     * @returns {array} Array of available functions on this instance.
    functions: function () {
      try {
        return utils.functions(this);
      } catch (err) {
        throw new errors.UnhandledError(err);

     * @doc method
     * @id Model.instance_methods:get
     * @name get
     * @description
     * Return the attribute specified by the given key.
     * ## Signature:
     * ```js
     * Model#get(key)
     * ```
     * ## Example:
     * ```js
     *  var contanct = new Contact({
         *      firstName: 'John',
         *      address: {
         *          state: 'NY'
         *      }
         *  });
     *  contact.get('firstName'); // John
     *  contact.get('address.state'); // NY
     * ```
     * ## Throws:
     * - `{IllegalArgumentError}` - Argument `key` must be a string.
     * - `{UnhandledError}` - Thrown for any uncaught exception.
     * @param {string} key The key of the attribute to retrieve. Supports nested keys, e.g. `"address.state"`.
     * @returns {*} The attribute specified by the given key.
    get: function (key) {
      if (!utils.isString(key)) {
        throw new errors.IllegalArgumentError('Model#get(key): key: Must be a string!', { actual: typeof key, expected: 'string' });
      try {
        return utils.get(this.attributes, key);
      } catch (err) {
        throw new errors.UnhandledError(err);

    // See reheat/lib/model/prototype/set.js
    set: Model_set,

    // See reheat/lib/model/prototype/setSync.js
    setSync: Model_setSync,

    // See reheat/lib/model/prototype/unset.js
    unset: Model_unset,

    // See reheat/lib/model/prototype/clear.js
    clear: Model_clear,

    // See reheat/lib/model/prototype/save.js
    save: Model_save,

    // See reheat/lib/model/prototype/destroy.js
    destroy: Model_destroy,

    // See reheat/lib/model/prototype/load.js
    load: Model_load,

     * @doc method
     * @id Model.instance_methods:clone
     * @name clone
     * @description
     * Clone this instance.
     * ## Signature:
     * ```js
     * Model#clone()
     * ```
     * ## Example:
     * ```js
     *  contact.toJSON();   //  { address: { state: 'NY' }, firstName: 'John' }
     *  var cloned = contact.clone();
     *  cloned.toJSON();   //  { address: { state: 'NY' }, firstName: 'John' }
     *  cloned.setSync('firstName', 'Sally');
     *  cloned.toJSON();   //  { address: { state: 'NY' }, firstName: 'Sally' }
     *  contact.toJSON();   //  { address: { state: 'NY' }, firstName: 'John' }
     * ```
     * ## Throws:
     * - `{UnhandledError}` - Thrown for any uncaught exception.
     * @returns {*} A new instance identical to this instance.
    clone: function () {
      try {
        var toKeep = [];
        var clone = {};
        utils.forOwn(this.attributes, function (value, key) {
          if (utils.isObject(value) && value.constructor.__reheat_super__) {
            clone[key] = value.clone();
          } else if (utils.isArray(value) && value.length && utils.isObject(value[0]) && value[0].constructor.__reheat_super__) {
            clone[key] = [];
            for (var i = 0; i < value.length; i++) {
          } else {
        var model = new this.constructor(utils.merge({}, utils.pick(this.attributes, toKeep)));
        utils.deepMixIn(model.attributes, clone);
        return model;
      } catch (err) {
        throw new errors.UnhandledError(err);

     * @doc method
     * @id Model.instance_methods:isNew
     * @name isNew
     * @description
     * Return `true` if this instance has not yet been saved to the database (lacks the property specified by
     * `Model.idAttribute`, which defaults to `"id"`).
     * ## Signature:
     * ```js
     * Model#isNew()
     * ```
     * ## Example:
     * ```js
     *  contact.toJSON();   //  { address: { state: 'NY' }, firstName: 'John' }
     *  contact.isNew();   //  true
     * (err, contact) {
         *      contact.toJSON();   //  { id: 45, address: { state: 'NY' }, firstName: 'John' }
         *      contact.isNew();    //  false
         *  });
     *  ```
     * @returns {boolean} Whether this instance has been saved to the database.
    isNew: function () {
      return !this.attributes[this.constructor.idAttribute];

     * @doc method
     * @id Model.instance_methods:beforeValidate
     * @name beforeValidate
     * @summary `beforeValidate` Model lifecycle step.
     * @description
     * `beforeValidate` Model lifecycle step.
     * Called immediately before `Model#validate(cb)` is called and executes in the context this instance. The
     * default implementation does nothing. This method can be overridden via `reheat.defineModel()`. This method should
     * not pass anything to the callback function unless there is an error, in which case the lifecycle will be aborted
     * with the error.
     * ## Signature:
     * ```js
     * Model#beforeValidate(cb)
     * ```
     * ## Example:
     * ```js
     *  var Post = reheat.defineModel('Post', {
         *      connection: new reheat.Connection(),
         *      tableName: 'post'
         *  }, {
         *      beforeValidate: function (cb) {
         *          // "this" refers to an instance of Post
         *          if (this.get('author') === 'Walt Disney') {
         *              cb('Impossible!');
         *          } else {
         *              cb();
         *          }
         *      }
         *  });
     *  var post = new Post({ author: 'Walt Disney' });
     * (err, post) {
         *      err; // Impossible!
         *  });
     * ```
     * @param {function} cb Callback function. Signature: `cb(err)`.
    beforeValidate: function (cb) {

     * @doc method
     * @id Model.instance_methods:afterValidate
     * @name afterValidate
     * @description
     * `afterValidate` Model lifecycle step.
     * Called immediately after `Model#validate(cb)` is called and executes in the context of this instance. The
     * default implementation does nothing. This method can be overridden via `reheat.defineModel()`. This method should
     * not pass anything to the callback function unless there is an error, in which case the lifecycle will be aborted
     * with the error.
     * ## Signature:
     * ```js
     * Model#afterValidate(cb)
     * ```
     * ## Example:
     * ```js
     *  var Post = reheat.defineModel('Post', {
         *      connection: new reheat.Connection(),
         *      tableName: 'post'
         *  }, {
         *      afterValidate: function (cb) {
         *          // "this" refers to an instance of Post
         *          if (this.get('author') === 'Walt Disney') {
         *              cb('Impossible!');
         *          } else {
         *              cb();
         *          }
         *      }
         *  });
     *  var post = new Post({ author: 'Walt Disney' });
     * (err, post) {
         *      err; // Impossible!
         *  });
     * ```
     * @param {function} cb Callback function. Signature: `cb(err)`.
    afterValidate: function (cb) {

     * @doc method
     * @id Model.instance_methods:validate
     * @name validate
     * @description
     * Validate the current attributes of this instance against the schema of this instance's Model, if any is
     * specified.
     * This method does nothing if the Model of this instance does not have an instance of Schema. If this Model
     * has an instance of Schema, the current attributes of this instance will be validated with the Schema instance.
     * This method can be overridden for complete custom validation behavior.
     * ## Signature:
     * ```js
     * Model#validate(cb)
     * ```
     * ## Example:
     * ```js
     *  var Post = reheat.defineModel('Post', {
         *      connection: new reheat.Connection(),
         *      tableName: 'post'
         *  }, {
         *      validate: function (cb) {
         *          // "this" refers to an instance of Post
         *          if (typeof this.get('author') !== 'string') {
         *              cb('type error');
         *          } else {
         *              cb();
         *          }
         *      }
         *  });
     *  var post = new Post({ author: 4435 });
     * (err, post) {
         *      err; // type error
         *  });
     * ```
     * @param {function} cb Callback function. Signature: `cb(err)`. Arguments:
     * - `{ValidationError|UnhandledError}` - `err` - `null` if no error occurs. `ValidationError` if a validation
     * error occurs and `UnhandledError` for any other error.
    validate: function (cb) {
      var _this = this;

      if (this.constructor.schema) {
        this.constructor.schema.validate(this.attributes, function (err) {
          if (err) {
            _this.validationError = new errors.ValidationError( + '#validate(cb): Validation failed!', err);
          } else {
      } else {

     * @doc method
     * @id Model.instance_methods:beforeCreate
     * @name beforeCreate
     * @description
     * `beforeCreate` Model lifecycle step.
     * Called immediately before this instance is saved to the database for the first time and executes in the
     * context of this instance. The default implementation does nothing. This method can be overridden via
     * `reheat.defineModel()`. This method should not pass anything to the callback function unless there is an error, in
     * which case the lifecycle will be aborted with the error.
     * ## Signature:
     * ```js
     * Model#beforeCreate(cb)
     * ```
     * ## Example:
     * ```js
     *  var Post = reheat.defineModel('Post', {
         *      connection: new reheat.Connection(),
         *      tableName: 'post'
         *  }, {
         *      beforeCreate: function (cb) {
         *          // "this" refers to an instance of Post
         *          if (this.get('author') === 'Walt Disney') {
         *              cb('Impossible!');
         *          } else {
         *              cb();
         *          }
         *      }
         *  });
     *  var post = new Post({ author: 'Walt Disney' });
     * (err, post) {
         *      err; // Impossible!
         *  });
     * ```
     * @param {function} cb Callback function. Signature: `cb(err)`.
    beforeCreate: function (cb) {

     * @doc method
     * @id Model.instance_methods:afterCreate
     * @name afterCreate
     * @description
     * `afterCreate` Model lifecycle step.
     * Called immediately after this instance is saved to the database for the first time. The default
     * implementation does nothing. This method can be overridden via `reheat.defineModel()`. This method should pass
     * along the instance argument to the callback function, unless there is an error, in which case the
     * lifecycle will be aborted with the error. The inserted row is still in the database at this point, and it is
     * currently up to the developer to remove it.
     * ## Signature:
     * ```js
     * Model#afterCreate(instance, cb)
     * ```
     * ## Example:
     * ```js
     *  var Post = reheat.defineModel('Post', {
         *      connection: new reheat.Connection(),
         *      tableName: 'post'
         *  }, {
         *      afterCreate: function (instance, cb) {
         *          // "this" refers to an instance of Post, and in this case, the "instance" argument is also a reference
         *          // to "this"
         *          // e.g. send a transactional email, log the activity, etc.
         *          cb(null, instance);
         *      }
         *  });
     * ```
     * @param {object} instance The instance of the Model.
     * @param {function} cb Callback function. Signature: `cb(err, instance)`. Arguments:
     * - `{UnhandledError}` - `err` - `null` if no errors occur.
     * - `{object}` - `instance` - If no error occurs, a reference to the instance on which `save([options][, cb])` was called.
    afterCreate: function (instance, cb) {
      cb(null, instance);

     * @doc method
     * @id Model.instance_methods:beforeUpdate
     * @name beforeUpdate
     * @description
     * `beforeUpdate` Model lifecycle step.
     * Called immediately before the row specified by this instance's primary key is updated with this instance's
     * current attributes. The default implementation does nothing. This method can be overridden via
     * `reheat.defineModel()`. This method should not pass anything to the callback function unless there is an error, in
     * which case the lifecycle will be aborted with the error.
     * ## Signature:
     * ```js
     * Model#beforeUpdate(cb)
     * ```
     * ## Example:
     * ```js
     *  var Post = reheat.defineModel('Post', {
         *      connection: new reheat.Connection(),
         *      tableName: 'post'
         *  }, {
         *      beforeUpdate: function (cb) {
         *          // "this" refers to an instance of Post
         *          if (this.get('author') === 'Walt Disney') {
         *              cb('Impossible!');
         *          } else {
         *              cb();
         *          }
         *      }
         *  });
     *  Post.get(45, function (err, post) {
         *      post.setSync('author', 'Walt Disney');
         * (err, post) {
         *          err; // Impossible!
         *      });
         *  });
     * ```
     * @param {function} cb Callback function. Signature: `cb(err)`.
    beforeUpdate: function (cb) {

     * @doc method
     * @id Model.instance_methods:afterUpdate
     * @name afterUpdate
     * @description
     * `afterUpdate` Model lifecycle step.
     * Called immediately after the row specified by this instance's primary key is updated with this instance's
     * current attributes and executes in the context this instance. The default implementation does nothing. This
     * method can be overridden via `reheat.defineModel()`. This method should pass along the instance
     * argument to the callback function, unless there is an error, in which case the lifecycle will be aborted with
     * the error. The row in the database has still been updated at this point, and for now it is up to the developer to
     * roll back the changes in case of an error. The old value of the updated row is in `instance.meta.old_val` or
     * `this.previousAttributes`.
     * ## Signature:
     * ```js
     * Model#afterValidate(instance, cb)
     * ```
     * ## Example:
     * ```js
     *  var Post = reheat.defineModel('Post', {
         *      connection: new reheat.Connection(),
         *      tableName: 'post'
         *  }, {
         *      afterUpdate: function (instance, cb) {
         *          // "this" refers to an instance of Post, and in this case, the "instance" argument is also a reference
         *          // to "this"
         *          // e.g. send a transactional email, log the activity, etc.
         *          cb(null, instance);
         *      }
         *  });
     * ```
     * @param {object} instance The instance of the Model.
     * @param {function} cb Callback function. Signature: `cb(err, instance)`. Arguments:
     * - `{UnhandledError}` - `err` - `null` if no errors occur.
     * - `{object}` - `instance` - If no error occurs, a reference to the instance on which `save([options][, cb])` was called.
    afterUpdate: function (instance, cb) {
      cb(null, instance);

     * @doc method
     * @id Model.instance_methods:beforeDestroy
     * @name beforeDestroy
     * @description
     * `beforeDestroy` Model lifecycle step.
     * Called immediately before `Model#destroy(cb)` and executes in the context of this instance. The default
     * implementation does nothing. This method can be overridden via `reheat.defineModel()`. This method should not pass
     * anything to the callback function unless there is an error, in which case the lifecycle will be aborted with the
     * error. See [r#delete](
     * ## Signature:
     * ```js
     * Model#beforeDestroy(cb)
     * ```js
     * ## Example:
     * ```js
     *  var Post = reheat.defineModel('Post', {
         *      connection: new reheat.Connection(),
         *      tableName: 'post'
         *  }, {
         *      beforeDestroy: function (cb) {
         *          // "this" refers to an instance of Post
         *          if (this.get('author') === 'Walt Disney') {
         *              cb('Impossible!');
         *          } else {
         *              cb();
         *          }
         *      }
         *  });
     *  Post.get(45, function (err, post) {
         *      post.destroy(function (err, post) {
         *          err; // Impossible!
         *      });
         *  });
     * ```
     * @param {function} cb Callback function. Signature: `cb(err)`.
    beforeDestroy: function (cb) {

     * @doc method
     * @id Model.instance_methods:afterDestroy
     * @name afterDestroy
     * @description
     * `afterDestroy` Model lifecycle step.
     * Called immediately after `reheat.defineModel()` and executes in the context of this instance. The default
     * implementation does nothing. This method can be overridden via `reheat.defineModel()`. This method should pass
     * along the instance argument to the callback function, unless there is an error, in which case the
     * lifecycle will be aborted with the error. The row in the database has still been updated/removed at this point,
     * and for now it is up to the developer to roll back the changes in case of an error. The old value of the updated/
     * deleted row is in `instance.meta.old_val` or `this.previousAttributes`.
     * ## Signature:
     * ```js
     * Model#afterDestroy(instance, cb)
     * ```
     * ## Example:
     * ```js
     *  var Post = reheat.defineModel('Post', {
         *      connection: new reheat.Connection(),
         *      tableName: 'post'
         *  }, {
         *      afterDestroy: function (instance, cb) {
         *          // "this" refers to an instance of Post, and in this case, the "instance" argument is also a reference
         *          // to "this"
         *          // e.g. send a transactional email, log the activity, etc.
         *          cb(null, instance);
         *      }
         *  });
     * ```
     * @param {object} instance This instance.
     * @param {function} cb Callback function. Signature: `cb(err, instance)`. Arguments:
     * - `{UnhandledError}` - `err` - `null` if no errors occur.
     * - `{object}` - `instance` - If no error occurs, a reference to the instance on which `destroy([options][, cb])` was called.
    afterDestroy: function (instance, cb) {
      cb(null, instance);