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 * @doc function
 * @id support.error_types:UnhandledError
 * @name UnhandledError
 * @description Error that is thrown/returned when Reheat encounters an uncaught/unknown exception.
 * Example:
 * ```js
 *  var reheat = require('reheat');
 *  {...}
 *  // The database server is down, causing a failed connection error
 * (err) {
     *      err instanceof;   //  true
     *  });
 * ```
 * @param {Error} error The originally thrown error.
 * @returns {UnhandledError} A new instance of `UnhandledError`.
function UnhandledError(error) {;
  Error.captureStackTrace(this, this.constructor);

  error = error || {};

   * @doc property
   * @id support.error_types:UnhandledError.type
   * @name type
   * @propertyOf support.error_types:UnhandledError
   * @description Name of error type. Default: `"UnhandledError"`.
   * Example:
   * ```js
   *  var reheat = require('reheat');
   *  {...}
   *  // The database server is down, causing a failed connection error
   * (err) {
         *      err.type;   //  "UnhandledError"
         *  });
   * ```
  this.type =;

   * @doc property
   * @id support.error_types:UnhandledError.originalError
   * @name originalError
   * @propertyOf support.error_types:UnhandledError
   * @description A reference to the original error that was thrown.
  this.originalError = error;

   * @doc property
   * @id support.error_types:UnhandledError.message
   * @name message
   * @propertyOf support.error_types:UnhandledError
   * @description Message and stack trace. Same as `UnhandledError#stack`.
  this.message = 'UnhandledError: This is an uncaught exception. Please consider submitting an issue at\n\n' +
    'Original Uncaught Exception: ';

  if (error && error.constructor && === 'RqlRuntimeError') {
    this.message = this.message + + '\n' + error.message + '\n' + this.stack + '\n';
  } else if (error instanceof Error) {
    this.message = this.message + 'Error' + '\n' + (error.stack ? error.stack.toString() : error.stack);

   * @doc property
   * @id support.error_types:UnhandledError.stack
   * @name stack
   * @propertyOf support.error_types:UnhandledError
   * @description Message and stack trace. Same as `UnhandledError#message`.

UnhandledError.prototype = Object.create(Error.prototype);
UnhandledError.prototype.constructor = UnhandledError;

 * @doc function
 * @id support.error_types:IllegalArgumentError
 * @name IllegalArgumentError
 * @description Error that is thrown/returned when a caller does not honor the pre-conditions of a method/function.
 * Example:
 * ```js
 *  var reheat = require('reheat');
 *  {...}
 *  post.setSync(1234, 1234);
 *  post.validate(function (err) {
 *      err instanceof;   //  true
 *  });
 * ```
 * @param {string=} message Error message. Default: `"Illegal Argument!"`.
 * @param {object=} errors Object containing information about the error.
 * @returns {IllegalArgumentError} A new instance of `IllegalArgumentError`.
function IllegalArgumentError(message, errors) {;
  Error.captureStackTrace(this, this.constructor);

   * @doc property
   * @id support.error_types:IllegalArgumentError.type
   * @name type
   * @propertyOf support.error_types:IllegalArgumentError
   * @description Name of error type. Default: `"IllegalArgumentError"`.
   * Example:
   * ```js
   *  var reheat = require('reheat');
   *  {...}
   *  post.setSync(1234, 1234);
   *  post.validate(function (err) {
     *      err.type;   //  "IllegalArgumentError"
     *  });
   * ```
  this.type =;

   * @doc property
   * @id support.error_types:IllegalArgumentError.errors
   * @name errors
   * @propertyOf support.error_types:IllegalArgumentError
   * @description Object containing information about the error.
   * Example:
   * ```js
   *  var reheat = require('reheat');
   *  {...}
   *  post.setSync(1234, 1234);
   *  post.validate(function (err) {
     *      err.errors; //  {
     *                  //      actual: 'number',
     *                  //      expected: 'string|object'
     *                  //  }
     *  });
   * ```
  this.errors = errors || {};

   * @doc property
   * @id support.error_types:IllegalArgumentError.message
   * @name message
   * @propertyOf support.error_types:IllegalArgumentError
   * @description Error message. Default: `"Illegal Argument!"`.
   * Example:
   * ```js
   *  var reheat = require('reheat');
   *  {...}
   *  post.setSync(1234, 1234);
   *  post.validate(function (err) {
     *      err.message;   //  "Post#set(key[, value][, options], cb): key: Must be a string or an object!"
     *  });
   * ```
  this.message = message || 'Illegal Argument!';

IllegalArgumentError.prototype = Object.create(Error.prototype);
IllegalArgumentError.prototype.constructor = IllegalArgumentError;

 * @doc function
 * @id support.error_types:RuntimeError
 * @name RuntimeError
 * @description Error that is thrown/returned when a caller does not honor the pre-conditions of a method/function.
 * Example:
 * ```js
 *  var reheat = require('reheat');
 *  {...}
 *  post.setSync(1234, 1234);
 *  post.validate(function (err) {
 *      err instanceof;   //  true
 *  });
 * ```
 * @param {string=} message Error message. Default: `"Illegal Argument!"`.
 * @param {object=} errors Object containing information about the error.
 * @returns {RuntimeError} A new instance of `RuntimeError`.
function RuntimeError(message, errors) {;
  Error.captureStackTrace(this, this.constructor);

   * @doc property
   * @id support.error_types:RuntimeError.type
   * @name type
   * @propertyOf support.error_types:RuntimeError
   * @description Name of error type. Default: `"RuntimeError"`.
   * Example:
   * ```js
   *  var reheat = require('reheat');
   *  {...}
   *  post.setSync(1234, 1234);
   *  post.validate(function (err) {
     *      err.type;   //  "RuntimeError"
     *  });
   * ```
  this.type =;

   * @doc property
   * @id support.error_types:RuntimeError.errors
   * @name errors
   * @propertyOf support.error_types:RuntimeError
   * @description Object containing information about the error.
   * Example:
   * ```js
   *  var reheat = require('reheat');
   *  {...}
   *  post.setSync(1234, 1234);
   *  post.validate(function (err) {
     *      err.errors; //  {
     *                  //      actual: 'number',
     *                  //      expected: 'string|object'
     *                  //  }
     *  });
   * ```
  this.errors = errors || {};

   * @doc property
   * @id support.error_types:RuntimeError.message
   * @name message
   * @propertyOf support.error_types:RuntimeError
   * @description Error message. Default: `"Illegal Argument!"`.
   * Example:
   * ```js
   *  var reheat = require('reheat');
   *  {...}
   *  post.setSync(1234, 1234);
   *  post.validate(function (err) {
     *      err.message;   //  "Post#set(key[, value][, options], cb): key: Must be a string or an object!"
     *  });
   * ```
  this.message = message || 'Illegal Argument!';

RuntimeError.prototype = Object.create(Error.prototype);
RuntimeError.prototype.constructor = RuntimeError;

 * @doc function
 * @id support.error_types:ValidationError
 * @name ValidationError
 * @description Error that is thrown/returned when validation of a schema fails.
 * Example:
 * ```js
 *  var reheat = require('reheat');
 *  {...}
 *  post.setSync('author', 1234);
 *  post.validate(function (err) {
 *      err instanceof;   //  true
 *  });
 * ```
 * @param {string=} message Error message. Default: `"Validation Error!"`.
 * @param {object=} errors Object containing information about the error.
 * @returns {ValidationError} A new instance of `ValidationError`.
function ValidationError(message, errors) {;
  Error.captureStackTrace(this, this.constructor);

   * @doc property
   * @id support.error_types:ValidationError.type
   * @name type
   * @propertyOf support.error_types:ValidationError
   * @description Name of error type. Default: `"ValidationError"`.
   * Example:
   * ```js
   *  var reheat = require('reheat');
   *  {...}
   *  post.setSync('author', 1234);
   *  post.validate(function (err) {
     *      err.type;   //  "ValidationError"
     *  });
   * ```
  this.type =;

   * @doc property
   * @id support.error_types:ValidationError.errors
   * @name errors
   * @propertyOf support.error_types:ValidationError
   * @description Object containing information about the error.
   * Example:
   * ```js
   *  var reheat = require('reheat');
   *  {...}
   *  post.setSync('author', 1234);
   *  post.validate(function (err) {
     *      err.errors; //  {
     *                  //      author: {
     *                  //          errors: [{
     *                  //              rule: 'type',
     *                  //              actual: 'number',
     *                  //              expected: 'string'
     *                  //          }]
     *                  //      }
     *                  //  }
     *  });
   * ```
  this.errors = errors || {};

   * @doc property
   * @id support.error_types:ValidationError.message
   * @name message
   * @propertyOf support.error_types:ValidationError
   * @description Error message. Default: `"Validation Error!"`.
   * Example:
   * ```js
   *  var reheat = require('reheat');
   *  {...}
   *  post.setSync('author', 1234);
   *  post.validate(function (err) {
     *      err.message;   //  "Post#validate(cb): Validation failed!"
     *  });
   * ```
  this.message = message || 'Validation Error!';

ValidationError.prototype = Object.create(Error.prototype);
ValidationError.prototype.constructor = ValidationError;

 * @doc interface
 * @id support
 * @name Reheat support classes
 * @description
 * `` gives access to `UnhandledError`, `IllegalArgumentError`, `RuntimeError` and `ValidationError`.
module.exports = function () {
  return {
    UnhandledError: UnhandledError,
    IllegalArgumentError: IllegalArgumentError,
    RuntimeError: RuntimeError,
    ValidationError: ValidationError