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**taurenmd** is written in, and depends on projects written in, `Python <>`_; therefore, its installation process is based on the Python installation routines and related community-available tools. Find *taurenmd*:

#. `package at PyPI <>`_
#. `GitHub source repository <>`_

Supported Platforms

**taurenmd** is designed to run natively under any `platform compatible with Python <>`_ (paths are not hard coded ``;-)``). However, **the libraries taurenmd depends on may or may not be compatible with all OS platforms**, and we are **not** responsible for providing compatibility or support for such libraries. To be able to exploit all its features, you should choose a platform compatible with all the required Molecular Dynamics analysis libraries used by *taurenmd*. :ref:`At the bottom of this page we have a section that describes taurenmd's dependencies <How taurenmd manages its dependencies>`.

We can **guarantee** *taurenmd* works fully with all its dependencies using Anaconda on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS, and we are *positive* (not sure) it will be the same for any system supporting Anaconda.

Installation steps

From a previous defined environment

If you use Molecular Dynamics for your research, odds are you have already installed the :ref:`required dependencies <How taurenmd manages its dependencies>`; if this is the case, you can just install *taurenmd* on top of them, run: ``pip install taurenmd`` in your MD analysis Python environment.

From scratch

To install *taurenmd* from scratch:

With Anaconda

If you use `Anaconda`_ as your Python package manager just do the following on your ``terminal``:

1. Download the *taurenmd* Anaconda environment file from our repository::

    curl -o taurenmdenv.yml

If for some reason the above does not work, just open the link on your WebBrowser and save the text to a file (or save the file).

2. Create a new Anaconda Python environment to host *taurenmd*. Choose the python version that best fits your needs; if you are not sure chose 3.7.::

    conda create -n taurenmd python=3.8
    conda env update -n taurenmd --file taurenmddev.yml

Where ``taurenmdenv.yml`` is the file downloaded in the previous step.

3. Activate the newly created environment::

    conda activate taurenmd

4. You are ready, type::


to start using ``taurenmd``.

With PyPI

If you do not use `Anaconda`_ and you actually rely on `PyPI`_ as your package manager, that is also (almost) perfectly fine.

1. Create a new Python environment if you wish following the `official instructions for your running Python version <>`_. We do not provide specific commands for these operations because these change with certain frequency, so it is best to refer to the official sources.

2. Install *taurenmd*::

    python -m pip install --upgrade pip wheel
    pip3 install taurenmd[all]

3. You should be good to go

Note. What is the problem with the pure PyPI installation?

*taurenmd* relies on OpenMM to read ``.cif`` topology files when using routines based on ``MDTraj``, and OpenMM is not deployed on PyPI and requires `installation through its conda channel <>`_. Therefore, unless you need to load ``.cif`` files you can use *taurenmd* from a pure PyPI installation. Otherwise, you should follow the :ref:`With Anaconda` instructions. :ref:`May be you want to help us out solving this problem :-) <Contributing>`.

Other Platforms

We do not provide support for other distribution platforms such as `HomeBrew <>`_ or `Chocolatey <>`_, but may be you can emulate the steps described above for these systems. Feel welcomed to :ref:`improve this documentation with your insights <Contributing>`!

**User installation suggestions for particular systems:**

#. :issue:`pyenv in Arch Linux <34>`
#. :issue:`on zsh <35>`

From GitHub

If you are a proficient Pythonista you might want to install **taurenmd** directly from the GitHub repository. If that is the case you might not need to read this section because you already know well what to do; nonetheless, let's go through it:

.. note::

    ``taurenmd`` follows :ref:`Semantic Version 2.0 <Versioning>`, meaning that every single new addition to the master branch gets released on PyPI with a new version number. Therefore, installing from the ``master`` GitHub branch actually adds no benefit to installing with ``pip``.

#. Clone our repository: ``git clone``
#. Place yourself in the new ``taurenmd`` folder, in Linux-like systems: ``cd taurenmd``.
#. Install the dependencies using Anaconda. Choose your preferred python version.::

    conda create -n taurenmd python=3.8
    conda env update -n taurenmd --file requirements-dev.yml

#. Install **taurenmd** with the following command: ``python develop --no-deps``
#. In the future, to keep your installation up to the latest:

  #. pull repository updates from the upstream repository: ``git pull`` (from within ``taurenmd`` git folder)
  #. because taurenmd developments are mostly reflected on new interfaces you need to update those as well: ``python develop --no-deps``
  #. beaware, if the version increment denotes API breaks you might need to reinstall ``taurenmd`` from scratch.

Running taurenmd

After installation you can run *taurenmd* with the following command ``:-)``::


Please read our :ref:`Usage` page for, *whatelse*, usage instructions and examples.


To upgrade *taurenmd* and all its dependencies to the latest version:

#. If you installed from PyPI::

    pip3 install -U --force-reinstall taurenmd

#. If you installed from Anaconda::

    pip3 install -U --force-reinstall taurenmd --no-deps

Something failed

In case something is failing during installation, execution or upgrade, please write us an `Issue <>`_ explaining your situation.

How taurenmd manages its dependencies

By default, installing ``taurenmd`` does **not** install **all** its dependencies. **Why?** Because *taurenmd* relies on large and complex libraries required to manage the Molecular Dynamics (MD) data, such as `MDAnalysis <>`_ and `MDTraj <>`_, and installing them automatically might not be the optimal solution for every case, for example:

1. Many MD researchers may actually work on:

  * cutting edge *development* versions,
  * forked versions,
  * source-compiled versions

2. There may be platform compatibility issues (read further),
3. Lastly and minor, not all dependencies are required for every *taurenmd command*,

So installing those libraries by default together with *taurenmd* might be counter productive [1]_.

**Nonetheless**, *taurenmd* does provide an easy way to install this dependencies whenever possible and needed. These details are explained in the :ref:`Installation steps` section above.

The dependencies that are kept separate from the default installation process are listed bellow; here, links point to their respective official installation instructions.

#. `MDAnalysis Installation instructions <>`_
#. `MDTraj installation instructions <>`_
#. `OpenMM installation <>`_
#. `Numpy <>`_, is installed together with the above dependencies, so you should not need to reinstall it again, just stick to the version compatible with the 3 libraries, this should be managed automatically by your Python package manager. Nonetheless, and for your interest, **taurenmd** requires *Numpy* but it is not installed along with the main installation.

Other dependencies installed automatically

Other dependencies that are indeed automatically installed alongside with *taurenmd* are listed bellow:

#. `python-bioplottemplates <>`_
#. `pyquaterion <>`_

.. [1] Dependency installation could be disabled using the ``--no-deps`` flag of ``pip``, but we decided for the other strategy.
.. _PyPi:
.. _Anaconda: