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# JoatU

## Contents
- About the project
- Contributing
- Development Setup (Docker)
    - Requirements
    - Installation
    - Configuration
    - Running the application

## About the Project
The Jack Of All Trade Universe is an online marketplace for self-organized
exchanges. The JoatUnit is a currency that is generated to promote community
activities such as planting community gardens or teaching classes. More
information can be found at [](

## Contributing
JoatU is created and maintained by Volunteers, and we would love your help.
Please feel free to check out our
[issues]( and if you fix something, send us
a [pull request](!

### Dependencies
#### Development Dependencies
- Docker
- Docker Compose

#### Production Dependencies
- Ruby 2.4.5+
- Bundler
- Postgres 9.3+
- Postgis (Postgres Geo Extension) 2.1+

### Setup
The following commands will get you set up to begin develpment on JoatU:

1. Check out the code:
  - `git clone`
  - `cd joatu-v2`
  - `docker-compose build`
  - `docker-compose run app bundle`

2. Set up environment:
  - You must create a [Google Maps API key]( before completing this next step
  - Once you have obtained your API key, you must add it to the environment file located at `<project_folder>/docker/`. 
      - edit the file and add the following line to the end, replacing `<api_key_value>` with the API key that you created.
      - `GOOGLE_API_KEY=<api_key_value>`

3. Create the development and test databases
  - Run the following command, it will create the development and test databases in the postgres server
  - `docker-compose run app bundle exec rake db:setup`
4. Load seed data and create an initial admin user:
  - `docker-compose run app bundle exec rake db:seed INITIAL_ADMIN_PASSWORD=password`
  - Log in to JoatU using email ``, password `password`.
  - Once logged in, you will have access to administration tools from within
    the "Manage JoatU" menu.

5. Start up the app
  - run `docker-compose up app`
  - The app should now be available on `localhost:3000`

## License
[![FOSSA Status](](