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"""`tldextract` accurately separates a URL's subdomain, domain, and public suffix.

It does this via the Public Suffix List (PSL).

    >>> import tldextract

    >>> tldextract.extract('')
    ExtractResult(subdomain='', domain='cnn', suffix='com', is_private=False)

    >>> tldextract.extract('') # United Kingdom
    ExtractResult(subdomain='forums', domain='bbc', suffix='', is_private=False)

    >>> tldextract.extract('') # Kyrgyzstan
    ExtractResult(subdomain='www', domain='worldbank', suffix='', is_private=False)

Note subdomain and suffix are _optional_. Not all URL-like inputs have a
subdomain or a valid suffix.

    >>> tldextract.extract('')
    ExtractResult(subdomain='', domain='google', suffix='com', is_private=False)

    >>> tldextract.extract('google.notavalidsuffix')
    ExtractResult(subdomain='google', domain='notavalidsuffix', suffix='', is_private=False)

    >>> tldextract.extract('')
    ExtractResult(subdomain='', domain='', suffix='', is_private=False)

To rejoin the original hostname, if it was indeed a valid, registered hostname:

    >>> ext = tldextract.extract('')
    >>> ext.registered_domain
    >>> ext.fqdn

from __future__ import annotations

import logging
import os
import urllib.parse
from import Collection, Sequence
from dataclasses import dataclass
from functools import wraps

import idna
import requests

from .cache import DiskCache, get_cache_dir
from .remote import lenient_netloc, looks_like_ip, looks_like_ipv6
from .suffix_list import get_suffix_lists

LOG = logging.getLogger("tldextract")



class ExtractResult:
    """A URL's extracted subdomain, domain, and suffix.

    Also contains metadata, like a flag that indicates if the URL has a private suffix.

    subdomain: str
    domain: str
    suffix: str
    is_private: bool

    def registered_domain(self) -> str:
        """Joins the domain and suffix fields with a dot, if they're both set.

        >>> extract('').registered_domain
        >>> extract('http://localhost:8080').registered_domain
        if self.suffix and self.domain:
            return f"{self.domain}.{self.suffix}"
        return ""

    def fqdn(self) -> str:
        """Returns a Fully Qualified Domain Name, if there is a proper domain/suffix.

        >>> extract('').fqdn
        >>> extract('http://localhost:8080').fqdn
        if self.suffix and (self.domain or self.is_private):
            return ".".join(i for i in (self.subdomain, self.domain, self.suffix) if i)
        return ""

    def ipv4(self) -> str:
        """Returns the ipv4 if that is what the presented domain/url is.

        >>> extract('').ipv4
        >>> extract('').ipv4
        >>> extract('').ipv4
        if (
            and not (self.suffix or self.subdomain)
            and looks_like_ip(self.domain)
            return self.domain
        return ""

    def ipv6(self) -> str:
        """Returns the ipv6 if that is what the presented domain/url is.

        >>> extract('http://[aBcD:ef01:2345:6789:aBcD:ef01:]/path/to/file').ipv6
        >>> extract('http://[aBcD:ef01:2345:6789:aBcD:ef01:]/path/to/file').ipv6
        >>> extract('http://[aBcD:ef01:2345:6789:aBcD:ef01:]').ipv6
        min_num_ipv6_chars = 4
        if (
            len(self.domain) >= min_num_ipv6_chars
            and self.domain[0] == "["
            and self.domain[-1] == "]"
            and not (self.suffix or self.subdomain)
            debracketed = self.domain[1:-1]
            if looks_like_ipv6(debracketed):
                return debracketed
        return ""

class TLDExtract:
    """A callable for extracting, subdomain, domain, and suffix components from a URL."""

    # TODO: too-many-arguments
    def __init__(
        cache_dir: str | None = get_cache_dir(),
        suffix_list_urls: Sequence[str] = PUBLIC_SUFFIX_LIST_URLS,
        fallback_to_snapshot: bool = True,
        include_psl_private_domains: bool = False,
        extra_suffixes: Sequence[str] = (),
        cache_fetch_timeout: str | float | None = CACHE_TIMEOUT,
    ) -> None:
        """Construct a callable for extracting subdomain, domain, and suffix components from a URL.

        Upon calling it, it first checks for a JSON in `cache_dir`. By default,
        the `cache_dir` will live in the tldextract directory. You can disable
        the caching functionality of this module by setting `cache_dir` to `None`.

        If the cached version does not exist (such as on the first run), HTTP request the URLs in
        `suffix_list_urls` in order, until one returns public suffix list data. To disable HTTP
        requests, set this to an empty sequence.

        The default list of URLs point to the latest version of the Mozilla Public Suffix List and
        its mirror, but any similar document could be specified. Local files can be specified by
        using the `file://` protocol. (See `urllib2` documentation.)

        If there is no cached version loaded and no data is found from the `suffix_list_urls`,
        the module will fall back to the included TLD set snapshot. If you do not want
        this behavior, you may set `fallback_to_snapshot` to False, and an exception will be
        raised instead.

        The Public Suffix List includes a list of "private domains" as TLDs,
        such as These do not fit `tldextract`'s definition of a
        suffix, so these domains are excluded by default. If you'd like them
        included instead, set `include_psl_private_domains` to True.

        You can pass additional suffixes in `extra_suffixes` argument without changing list URL

        cache_fetch_timeout is passed unmodified to the underlying request object
        per the requests documentation here:

        cache_fetch_timeout can also be set to a single value with the
        environment variable TLDEXTRACT_CACHE_TIMEOUT, like so:


        When set this way, the same timeout value will be used for both connect
        and read timeouts
        suffix_list_urls = suffix_list_urls or ()
        self.suffix_list_urls = tuple(
            url.strip() for url in suffix_list_urls if url.strip()

        self.fallback_to_snapshot = fallback_to_snapshot
        if not (self.suffix_list_urls or cache_dir or self.fallback_to_snapshot):
            raise ValueError(
                "The arguments you have provided disable all ways for tldextract "
                "to obtain data. Please provide a suffix list data, a cache_dir, "
                "or set `fallback_to_snapshot` to `True`."

        self.include_psl_private_domains = include_psl_private_domains
        self.extra_suffixes = extra_suffixes
        self._extractor: _PublicSuffixListTLDExtractor | None = None

        self.cache_fetch_timeout = (
            if isinstance(cache_fetch_timeout, str)
            else cache_fetch_timeout
        self._cache = DiskCache(cache_dir)

    def __call__(
        url: str,
        include_psl_private_domains: bool | None = None,
        session: requests.Session | None = None,
    ) -> ExtractResult:
        """Alias for `extract_str`."""
        return self.extract_str(url, include_psl_private_domains, session=session)

    def extract_str(
        url: str,
        include_psl_private_domains: bool | None = None,
        session: requests.Session | None = None,
    ) -> ExtractResult:
        """Take a string URL and splits it into its subdomain, domain, and suffix components.

        I.e. its effective TLD, gTLD, ccTLD, etc. components.

        >>> extractor = TLDExtract()
        >>> extractor.extract_str('')
        ExtractResult(subdomain='', domain='cnn', suffix='com', is_private=False)
        >>> extractor.extract_str('')
        ExtractResult(subdomain='forums', domain='bbc', suffix='', is_private=False)

        Allows configuring the HTTP request via the optional `session`
        parameter. For example, if you need to use a HTTP proxy. See also

        >>> import requests
        >>> session = requests.Session()
        >>> # customize your session here
        >>> with session:
        ...     extractor.extract_str("", session=session)
        ExtractResult(subdomain='', domain='cnn', suffix='com', is_private=False)
        return self._extract_netloc(
            lenient_netloc(url), include_psl_private_domains, session=session

    def extract_urllib(
        url: urllib.parse.ParseResult | urllib.parse.SplitResult,
        include_psl_private_domains: bool | None = None,
        session: requests.Session | None = None,
    ) -> ExtractResult:
        """Take the output of urllib.parse URL parsing methods and further splits the parsed URL.

        Splits the parsed URL into its subdomain, domain, and suffix
        components, i.e. its effective TLD, gTLD, ccTLD, etc. components.

        This method is like `extract_str` but faster, as the string's domain
        name has already been parsed.

        >>> extractor = TLDExtract()
        >>> extractor.extract_urllib(urllib.parse.urlsplit(''))
        ExtractResult(subdomain='', domain='cnn', suffix='com', is_private=False)
        >>> extractor.extract_urllib(urllib.parse.urlsplit(''))
        ExtractResult(subdomain='forums', domain='bbc', suffix='', is_private=False)
        return self._extract_netloc(
            url.netloc, include_psl_private_domains, session=session

    def _extract_netloc(
        netloc: str,
        include_psl_private_domains: bool | None,
        session: requests.Session | None = None,
    ) -> ExtractResult:
        netloc_with_ascii_dots = (
            netloc.replace("\u3002", "\u002e")
            .replace("\uff0e", "\u002e")
            .replace("\uff61", "\u002e")

        min_num_ipv6_chars = 4
        if (
            len(netloc_with_ascii_dots) >= min_num_ipv6_chars
            and netloc_with_ascii_dots[0] == "["
            and netloc_with_ascii_dots[-1] == "]"
            if looks_like_ipv6(netloc_with_ascii_dots[1:-1]):
                return ExtractResult("", netloc_with_ascii_dots, "", is_private=False)

        labels = netloc_with_ascii_dots.split(".")

        suffix_index, is_private = self._get_tld_extractor(
        ).suffix_index(labels, include_psl_private_domains=include_psl_private_domains)

        num_ipv4_labels = 4
        if suffix_index == len(labels) == num_ipv4_labels and looks_like_ip(
            return ExtractResult("", netloc_with_ascii_dots, "", is_private)

        suffix = ".".join(labels[suffix_index:]) if suffix_index != len(labels) else ""
        subdomain = ".".join(labels[: suffix_index - 1]) if suffix_index >= 2 else ""
        domain = labels[suffix_index - 1] if suffix_index else ""
        return ExtractResult(subdomain, domain, suffix, is_private)

    def update(
        self, fetch_now: bool = False, session: requests.Session | None = None
    ) -> None:
        """Force fetch the latest suffix list definitions."""
        self._extractor = None
        if fetch_now:

    def tlds(self, session: requests.Session | None = None) -> list[str]:
        """Returns the list of tld's used by default.

        This will vary based on `include_psl_private_domains` and `extra_suffixes`
        return list(self._get_tld_extractor(session=session).tlds())

    def _get_tld_extractor(
        self, session: requests.Session | None = None
    ) -> _PublicSuffixListTLDExtractor:
        """Get or compute this object's TLDExtractor.

        Looks up the TLDExtractor in roughly the following order, based on the
        settings passed to __init__:

        1. Memoized on `self`
        2. Local system _cache file
        3. Remote PSL, over HTTP
        4. Bundled PSL snapshot file
        if self._extractor:
            return self._extractor

        public_tlds, private_tlds = get_suffix_lists(

        if not any([public_tlds, private_tlds, self.extra_suffixes]):
            raise ValueError("No tlds set. Cannot proceed without tlds.")

        self._extractor = _PublicSuffixListTLDExtractor(
        return self._extractor


class Trie:
    """Trie for storing eTLDs with their labels in reverse-order."""

    def __init__(
        matches: dict[str, Trie] | None = None,
        end: bool = False,
        is_private: bool = False,
    ) -> None:
        self.matches = matches if matches else {}
        self.end = end
        self.is_private = is_private

    def create(
        public_suffixes: Collection[str],
        private_suffixes: Collection[str] | None = None,
    ) -> Trie:
        """Create a Trie from a list of suffixes and return its root node."""
        root_node = Trie()

        for suffix in public_suffixes:

        if private_suffixes is None:
            private_suffixes = []

        for suffix in private_suffixes:
            root_node.add_suffix(suffix, True)

        return root_node

    def add_suffix(self, suffix: str, is_private: bool = False) -> None:
        """Append a suffix's labels to this Trie node."""
        node = self

        labels = suffix.split(".")

        for label in labels:
            if label not in node.matches:
                node.matches[label] = Trie()
            node = node.matches[label]

        node.end = True
        node.is_private = is_private

def extract(  # noqa: D103
    url: str,
    include_psl_private_domains: bool | None = False,
    session: requests.Session | None = None,
) -> ExtractResult:
    return TLD_EXTRACTOR(
        url, include_psl_private_domains=include_psl_private_domains, session=session

def update(*args, **kwargs):  # type: ignore[no-untyped-def]  # noqa: D103
    return TLD_EXTRACTOR.update(*args, **kwargs)

class _PublicSuffixListTLDExtractor:
    """Wrapper around this project's main algo for PSL lookups."""

    def __init__(
        public_tlds: list[str],
        private_tlds: list[str],
        extra_tlds: list[str],
        include_psl_private_domains: bool = False,
        # set the default value
        self.include_psl_private_domains = include_psl_private_domains
        self.public_tlds = public_tlds
        self.private_tlds = private_tlds
        self.tlds_incl_private = frozenset(public_tlds + private_tlds + extra_tlds)
        self.tlds_excl_private = frozenset(public_tlds + extra_tlds)
        self.tlds_incl_private_trie = Trie.create(
            self.tlds_excl_private, frozenset(private_tlds)
        self.tlds_excl_private_trie = Trie.create(self.tlds_excl_private)

    def tlds(self, include_psl_private_domains: bool | None = None) -> frozenset[str]:
        """Get the currently filtered list of suffixes."""
        if include_psl_private_domains is None:
            include_psl_private_domains = self.include_psl_private_domains

        return (
            if include_psl_private_domains
            else self.tlds_excl_private

    def suffix_index(
        self, spl: list[str], include_psl_private_domains: bool | None = None
    ) -> tuple[int, bool]:
        """Return the index of the first suffix label, and whether it is private.

        Returns len(spl) if no suffix is found.
        if include_psl_private_domains is None:
            include_psl_private_domains = self.include_psl_private_domains

        node = (
            if include_psl_private_domains
            else self.tlds_excl_private_trie
        i = len(spl)
        j = i
        for label in reversed(spl):
            decoded_label = _decode_punycode(label)
            if decoded_label in node.matches:
                j -= 1
                node = node.matches[decoded_label]
                if node.end:
                    i = j

            is_wildcard = "*" in node.matches
            if is_wildcard:
                is_wildcard_exception = "!" + decoded_label in node.matches
                if is_wildcard_exception:
                    return j, node.matches["*"].is_private
                return j - 1, node.matches["*"].is_private


        return i, node.is_private

def _decode_punycode(label: str) -> str:
    lowered = label.lower()
    looks_like_puny = lowered.startswith("xn--")
    if looks_like_puny:
            return idna.decode(lowered)
        except (UnicodeError, IndexError):
    return lowered