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# Category Theory Environment
Enpowerment Prototype Object on algebraic and Category Theory

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## Usage
### node
npm install losand
const _ = require("cte")
### worker
ex. inside ./lib subfolder
### browser
<script src=""></script>
// static function sector... ***************************************************

_.id_({a: 5}).a === 5

//get constructor function (get type)
_.is_([]) === Array;
_.is_({}) === Object;

_.fullen_([1, 2, 3]) === true;
_.fullen_([1, null, 3]) === false;
_.fullen_([1, undefined, 3]) === false;

_.fullen_({a: 5, b: 3}) === true;
_.fullen_({a: 5, b; null}) === false;
_.fullen_({a: null, b: 3}) === false;

// join ************************************************************************
_({a: 5})._.a === 5

  lift is applying whole Functor.
  lift is Categoly theory's "Unit".
_({a: 5}).lift(t => t._).a === 5;
_({a: 5}).lift()._._.a === _({a: 5}).lift(_)._._.a;
_({a: 5}).lift(t => t.put({b: 3}))._.b === 3;

//Can it in Associativity
_({a: 5}).lift(t => t.keys.endo(t => t.reduce((p, c) => p + c))._

  flat can accessor into a value on closure.
  flat is Categoly theory's "CoUnit".
  flat can map likely flatMap
_({a: 5}).lift().flat()._.a === 5;
_({a: 5}).flat(o => o.a) === 5;
_({a: 5}).flat().a === 5;

// flat Have a Kleisli Triple

// Left Identity
_({a: 5}).flat(o => _({a: o.a * 3}))._.a === (o => _({a: o.a * 3}))({a: 5})._.a;

// Right Identity
_({a: 5}).flat(_).flat(_)._.a === 5

// Associativity
_({a: 5}).flat(o => _({a: o.a * 3})).flat(o => _({a: o.a + 5}))._ === 20;
_({a: 5}).flat(o => _({a: o.a * 3}).flat(o => _({a: o.a + 5})))._ === 20;

// endo is a endo functor ******************************************************
_({a: 5}).endo(o => o.a)._ === 5;

// Associativity
_({a: 5}).endo(o => o.a).endo(v => v + 8).endo(v => v * 5)._ === 65;

// fork is Comonad's duplicate**************************************************
_({a: 5}).fork;

// $ is extract ****************************************************************
_({a: 5}).fork.$.a === 5;

// base traverce Comonad to Monad **********************************************
_({a: 5}).fork.endo(o => o.a).base._ //{a: 5};

// use is Comonad's extend *****************************************************
  {add (v) {
    this.a + v;
  {a: {
    value: 5
)).use(o => o.add(8))._.a === 13

//affix is Comonad's Can Lift It ***********************************************
  {add (v) {
    this.a + v;
  {a: {
    value: 5
)).affix(t => t.been.add(8).to)._.a === 13

//annex is Comonad's Can Flat It ***********************************************
  {add (v) {
    this.a + v;
  {a: {
    value: 5
)).annex(o => _(o).been.add(8).to)._.a === 13

// is **************************************************************************

_({a: 5}).is._ === Object;
_([1, 2, 3]).is._ === Array;
_(new Foo()).is._ === Foo;

// fold reduce *****************************************************************
_({a: 5, b: 3}).fold((p, k, v) => p + v)._ === 8;
_({a: 5, b: 3}).reduce((p, k, v) => p + v)._ === 8;

// map *************************************************************************
_({a: 5, b: 3}).map((k, v) => v * 8)._.b === 24;

// each ************************************************************************
_({a: 5, b: 3}).each((k, v) => console.log(`${k}: ${v}`))._.b === 3;

// filter **********************************************************************
_({a: 5, b: 3}).filter((k, v) => v === 5)._.a === 5;
_({a: 5, b: 3}).filter((k, v) => v === 5)._.b === undefined;

// pick ************************************************************************
_({a: 5, b: 3}).pick("a")._.a === 5;
_({a: 5, b: 3}).pick("a")._.b === undefined;

// drop ************************************************************************
_({a: 5, b: 3}).drop("a")._.a === undefined;
_({a: 5, b: 3}).drop("a")._.b === 3;

// swap ************************************************************************
_({a: 5, b: 3}).swap._[5] === "a";
_({a: 5, b: 3}).swap._[3] === "b";

// adapt ***********************************************************************
_([1, null, 3, 4, undefined]).adapt(5, 8)._ // [1, 5, 3, 4, 8]

// pushL ***********************************************************************
_([1, 2, 3]).pushL(5, 6)._; // [5, 6, 1, 2, 3]

// pushR ***********************************************************************
_([1, 2, 3]).pushR(5, 6)._; // [1, 2, 3, 5, 6]

// popL ************************************************************************
_([1, 2, 3]).popL._ === 1;

// popR ************************************************************************
_([1, 2, 3]).popR._ === 3;

// toggle **********************************************************************
_([1, 2, 3]).toggle(2, 4, 5)._ // [1, 3, 4, 5]

// by **************************************************************************
_({a: 5}).by._ === Object.prototype
_(Array).by._ === Array.prototype

// keys ************************************************************************
_({a: 5, b: 3}).keys._[0] === "a";

// vals ************************************************************************
_({a: 5, b: 3}).vals._[1] === 3;

// sets *************************************************************************
_({a: 5, b: 3}).sets._[0][1] === 5; // Object.entries

// put *************************************************************************
_({a: 5}).put({b: 3})._.b === 3;

// descript ********************************************************************
_({a: 5}).descript._ // Object.getOwnProperyDescriptors

/* return it,
  a: {
    configurable: true,
    writable: true,
    enumerable: true,
    value: 5

// struct **********************************************************************
_({a: 5, b: 3}).struct({a: {
  configurable: true,
  value: 3
}})._.a === 3; // Object.create

_({a: 5, b: 3}).struct({a: {
  configurable: true,
  value: 3
}}).by._.a === 5; // getPrototypeOf

// define **********************************************************************
_({a: 5}).define({b: {
  configurable: true,
  value: 3
}})._.b === 3;

// make create *****************************************************************
  add (v) {
    this.a = a + v
  a: {
    writable: true,
    value: 5
.use(t => t._.add(3))
.a === 8;

  add (v) {
    this.a = a + v
  a: {
    writable: true,
    value: 5
.use(t => t._.add(3))
.a === 8;

// other get other one *********************************************************
_([3, 4, 5]).other._; // []

// copy get shallow copy *******************************************************
let o = {a: {b: 8}}
_(o).copy._   !== o;
_(o).copy._.a === o.a;

// clone get deep copy *********************************************************
let p = {a: {b: 8}}
_(p).clone._   !== p;
_(p).clone._.a !== p.a;

// get is lens's zoom **********************************************************
_({a: {b: {c: 5}}).get("a", "b", "c")._ === 5;
_({a: {b: {c: 5}}).get("a", "c", "b")._ === null;

// set is lens's setter ********************************************************
_({}).set(5, "a", "b", "c")._;  // {a: {b: {c: 5}}

// delete is delete properties and methods *************************************
_({a: 5, b: 3}).delete("a")._.a === undefined;
_({a: 5, b: 3}).delete("a")._.b === 3;
_({a: 5, b: 3}).delete("a", "b")._;  // {}

// been get's Object.with like to use ******************************************
  {add (v) {
    this.a + v;
  {a: {
    value: 5
._ === 13

  {add (v) {
    this.a + v;
  {a: {
    value: 5
.a === 13

  {add (v) {
    this.a + v;
  {a: {
    value: 5
.b(4, "c", "d")
.d === 4

// list get to Array from Array like Object ************************************
_({0: 3, 1: 5}).list._ // [3, 5]

// json get JSON ***************************************************************
_({a: 5}).json._.constructor === String;
_({a: 5}).json.json._.a === 5;

// done force on wrapped function **********************************************
_(v => v + 9).done(5).done(18)._ === 14;

// redo reforce on wrapped function ********************************************
_(v => v + 9).done(5).redo(18)._ === 32;

// part is partial applying on wrapped function ********************************
_((x, y, z) => x + y + z).part(null, null, 5)(null, 3)(1)._ === 9;

## Event driven development

const EETest = _(EventEmitter).fork(function () {

const eeTest = new EETest()

  a: 3,
  "get" () {
    this.a === 3 // true
    this.put() // can call it
  "put": () => {},
  "post": () => {},
  "delete": () => {}

  b: 10,
  "get" () {
    this.b === 10 // true
    this.put() // can call it
  "put": () => {},
  "post": () => {},
  "delete": () => {}

//Example with Promise

const promise = new Promise((res, rej) => {
.then(v => _(v))
.then(v => v.draw(v => ({foo: foo(v)}))
.then(v => =>;