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# Matrix Factorization JS
A matrix factorization implementation in Javascript.
*This is a Work in Progress. Use at your own risk.*

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*To try an interactive example, clone and edit this [Runkit Notebook](*

## Installing / Getting started

### Install using `npm`:
npm install matrix-factorization

#### Import in code
// Node, ES5
var matrixFactorization = require('matrix-factorization')

// Node, ES6
const matrixFactorization = require('matrix-factorization')

### Install using `yarn`:
yarn add matrix-factorization

#### Import in code
// Node, ES5
var matrixFactorization = require('matrix-factorization')

// Node, ES6
const matrixFactorization = require('matrix-factorization')

### Install with minified library
Copy `matrix-factorization.min.js` from `dist/matrix-factorization.min.js` to a `lib` folder.

#### Import in code
<script src="lib/matrix-factorization.min.js"></script>
This will expose a `matrixFactorization` variable which you can access the functions from.

### Include using CDN
<script src=""></script>
This will expose a `matrixFactorization` variable which you can access the functions from.

### Using a function in the library:

Just reference a function using the dot notation or get the functions from the `matrixFactorization` object. For example, to use the sum function, you can do:

// or
var factorizeMatrix = matrixFactorization.factorizeMatrix

### Example
var targetMatrix = [
var latentFeatureCount = 2
var factors = factorizeMatrix(targetMatrix, latentFeatureCount)
var completeMatrix = buildCompletedMatrix(factors)

## Notes
Implementation based on this [article]( by [@albertauyeung](

## License