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Test Coverage
= simple_form_for [lab,employee] do |f|
  = render "form_errors", resource: employee
  -# = f.association :user

    .text-large Role Details
    = f.input :job_title, input_html: { placeholder: "e.g. Fab Lab Manager" }, autofocus: f.object.new_record?
    = f.input :description, as: 'string', label: 'Job description/responsibilities'

  -# = f.input :is_public
  -# = f.input :is_admin

    .text-large Public Contact Details
    %p.hint These are optional, they will be listed publicly on #{employee.lab}'s page. We recommend that you at least add a direct email address if possible. It will be obfuscated in the source code to prevent SPAM bots from harvesting it.
    = f.input :email, label: "Direct Email"
    = f.input :phone, label: "Direct Phone Number"

  = f.submit (f.object.new_record? ? "Send Application" : "Update"), class: 'btn btn-primary btn-lg mt-4'