
View on GitHub


Test Coverage
- title t("views.home.welcome")

              = t("views.home.welcome")
              = t("views.home.whats_a_fab_lab")
              = t("views.home.fab_labs_description", fab_foundation: (link_to "Fab Foundation", "") ).html_safe

              = t("views.home.lab_card.subtitle", default: "Profile")
              = t("views.home.lab_card.title", default: "I’m a Fablab")
              = t("views.home.lab_card.description", default: "Each lab has its own profile page which can be maintained and updated by its staff")

            =image_tag ("home/lab-illustration.png"), :class => "homepage-card-image"

            = link_to new_lab_path, class: 'homepage-cta' do
              = t("views.home.lab_card.cta", default: "Register your lab")
              = image_tag ("icons/arrow-right.svg")

              = t("views.home.person_card.subtitle", default: "Explore")
              = t("views.home.person_card.title", default: "I’m a Person")
              = t("views.home.person_card.description", default: "An interactive map showing the location of all the Fab Labs around the world")

            =image_tag ("home/person-illustration.png"), :class => "homepage-card-image"

            = link_to signup_path, class: 'homepage-cta' do
              = t("views.home.person_card.cta", default: "Register an account")
              = image_tag ("icons/arrow-right.svg")

      = t("views.home.quote", default: "Because all Fab Labs share common tools and processes, the program is building a global network, a distributed laboratory for research and invention.")

          = t("views.home.fablabs-section.title", default: "All Fab Labs share common tools and processes.")
          = t("views.home.fablabs-section.description", default: "In order to build a global network, a distributed laboratory for research and invention.")
        = link_to labs_path, class: 'homepage-cta' do
          = t("views.home.fablabs-section.cta", default: "Learn more")
          = image_tag ("icons/arrow-right.svg")

          = t("views.home.fablabs-section.title", default: "All Fab Labs share common tools and processes.")
          = t("views.home.fablabs-section.description", default: "In order to build a global network, a distributed laboratory for research and invention.")
        = link_to labs_path, class: 'homepage-cta' do
          = t("views.home.fablabs-section.cta", default: "Learn more")
          = image_tag ("icons/arrow-right.svg")

              = t("views.home.fablabs-section.title", default: "Global league of fab labs for local purposes.")
              = t("views.home.fablabs-section.description", default: "In order to build a global network, a distributed laboratory for research and invention.")
            = link_to labs_path, class: 'homepage-cta' do
              = t("views.home.fablabs-section.cta", default: "See the full list")
              = image_tag ("icons/arrow-right.svg")
          =image_tag ("home/fablabs-logos.png"), :class => "homepage-fablabs-logos"

              = t("views.home.lab_card.subtitle", default: "Profile")
              = t("views.home.lab_card.title", default: "I’m a Fablab")
              = t("views.home.lab_card.description", default: "Each lab has its own profile page which can be maintained and updated by its staff")

            =image_tag ("home/lab-illustration.png"), :class => "homepage-card-image"

            = link_to new_lab_path, class: 'homepage-cta' do
              = t("views.home.lab_card.cta", default: "Register your lab")
              = image_tag ("icons/arrow-right.svg")

              = t("views.home.person_card.subtitle", default: "Explore")
              = t("views.home.person_card.title", default: "I’m a Person")
              = t("views.home.person_card.description", default: "An interactive map showing the location of all the Fab Labs around the world")

            =image_tag ("home/person-illustration.png"), :class => "homepage-card-image"

            = link_to signup_path, class: 'homepage-cta' do
              = t("views.home.person_card.cta", default: "Register an account")
              = image_tag ("icons/arrow-right.svg")