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Test Coverage
 * KDUMA - Kernel Mode Red-Zone memory allocator.
 * Copyright (C) 2006 Michael Eddington <>
 * Copyright (C) 2006 Eric Rachner <>
 * Copyright (C) 2002-2005 Hayati Ayguen <>, Procitec GmbH
 * Copyright (C) 1987-1999 Bruce Perens <>
 * License: GNU GPL (GNU General Public License, see COPYING-GPL)
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA

/* $Id$ */

/* Variable: version
 * KDUMA version string
static const char  version[] =
    "KDUMA v0.1 -- Kernel Mode Red-Zone Memory Allocator\n"
    "  Copyright (C) 2006 Michael Eddington\n"
    "  Copyright (C) 2006 Eric Rachner\n"
    "  Copyright (C) 2002-2005 Hayati Ayguen <>, Procitec GmbH\n"
    "  Copyright (C) 1987-1999 Bruce Perens <>\n"
    "  License: GNU GPL (GNU General Public License, see COPYING-GPL)\n";

 * MEMORY_CREATION_SIZE is the amount of memory to get from the operating
 * system at one time. We'll break that memory down into smaller pieces for
 * malloc buffers. One megabyte is probably a good value.
#define      MEMORY_CREATION_SIZE  1024 * 1024

/* Enum: _DUMA_SlotState
 * State of slot values (empty, free, etc)
enum _DUMA_SlotState
    DUMAST_EMPTY            /* slot not in use */
  , DUMAST_FREE                /* internal memory reserved, unused by user */
  , DUMAST_IN_USE            /* memory in use by allocator; see following enum AllocType */
  , DUMAST_ALL_PROTECTED    /* memory no more used by allocator; memory is not deallocated but protected */
  , DUMAST_BEGIN_PROTECTED    /* most memory deallocated, but not page covering userAddress:
                             * slot holds userAddress, userSize and allocator.

/* Enum: _DUMA_Slot_FileSource
 * Where did we get file info
enum _DUMA_Slot_FileSource
    DUMAFS_EMPTY            /* no filename, lineno */
  , DUMAFS_ALLOCATION        /* filename, lineno from allocation */
  , DUMAFS_DEALLOCATION        /* filename, lineno from deallocation */

/* Enum: _DUMA_InitState
 * Whats are initialization start
enum _DUMA_InitState
    DUMAIS_UNINITIALIZED = 0x1611    /* not initialized */
  , DUMAIS_IN_CONSTRUCTOR            /* in constructor _duma_init() */
  , DUMAIS_OUT_CONSTRUCTOR            /* construction _duma_init() finished */
  , DUMAIS_IN_INIT                    /* in initializer duma_init() */
  , DUMAIS_OUT_INIT                    /* initialization duma_init() finished */

/* Enum: _DUMA_MemRegion
 * Memory region of slot.  Really we should only
 * hang onto NORMAL memory.  DMA should be released
 * fast.
enum _DUMA_MemRegion

/* Struct: _DUMA_Slot
 * Struct Slot contains all of the information about a malloc buffer except
 * for the contents of its memory.
struct _DUMA_Slot
    void            *internalAddress;
    void            *userAddress;
    void            *protAddress;
    size_t            internalSize;
    size_t            userSize;

    /* save (some) space in production */
    unsigned short    state       :16;
    unsigned short    allocator   :8;
    unsigned short    fileSource  :8;

    int                    frame;
    char                *filename;   /* filename of allocation */
    int                    lineno;     /* linenumber of allocation */

    int                    slackfill;

 * DUMA_ALIGNMENT is a global variable used to control the default alignment
 * of buffers returned by malloc(), calloc(), and realloc(). It is all-caps
 * so that its name matches the name of the environment variable that is used
 * to set it. This gives the programmer one less name to remember.

 * DUMA_PROTECT_BELOW is used to modify the behavior of the allocator. When
 * its value is non-zero, the allocator will place an inaccessable page
 * immediately _before_ the malloc buffer in the address space, instead
 * of _after_ it. Use this to detect malloc buffer under-runs, rather than
 * over-runs. It won't detect both at the same time, so you should test your
 * software twice, once with this value clear, and once with it set.

/* Variable: DUMA_FILL
 * DUMA_FILL is set to 0-255 if DUMA should fill all new allocated
 * memory with the specified value. Set to -1 when DUMA should not
 * initialise allocated memory.
 * default is set to initialise with 255, cause many programs rely on
 * initialisation to 0!
int DUMA_FILL = 255;

 * DUMA_SLACKFILL is set to 0-255. The slack / no mans land of all new allocated
 * memory is filled with the specified value.
 * default is set to initialise with 0xAA (=binary 10101010)
 * initialisation to 0!
static int DUMA_SLACKFILL = 0xAA;

 * DUMA_PROTECT_FREE is used to control the disposition of memory that is
 * released using free(). It is all-caps so that its name
 * matches the name of the environment variable that is used to set it.
 * If its value is non-zero, memory released by free is made inaccessable.
 * Any software that touches free memory will then get a segmentation fault.
 * Depending on your application and your resources you may tell
 * DUMA not to use this memory ever again by setting a negative
 * value f.e. -1.
 * You can tell DUMA to limit the sum of protected memory by setting
 * a positive value, which is interpreted in kB.
 * If its value is zero, freed memory will be available for reallocation,
 * but will still be inaccessable until it is reallocated.
static long DUMA_PROTECT_FREE = -1L;

/* Variable: DUMA_MAX_ALLOC
 * DUMA_MAX_ALLOC is used to control the maximum memory print of the program
 * in total: When the sum of allocated and protected memory would exceed
 * this value in kB, the protected memory is freed/deleted.
static long DUMA_MAX_ALLOC = -1L;

/* Variable: DUMA_ALLOW_MALLOC_0
 * DUMA_ALLOW_MALLOC_0 is set if DUMA is to allow malloc(0). I
 * trap malloc(0) by default because it is a common source of bugs.
 * But you should know the allocation with size 0 is ANSI conform.
static int DUMA_ALLOW_MALLOC_0 = 1;

 * DUMA_MALLOC_FAILEXIT controls the behaviour of DUMA when
 * malloc() fails and would return NULL. But most applications don't
 * check the return value for errors ... so
 * default to Exit on Fail
static int DUMA_MALLOC_FAILEXIT = 1;

 * DUMA_FREE_ACCESS is set if DUMA is to write access memory before
 * freeing it. This makes easier using watch expressions in debuggers as the
 * process is interrupted even if the memory is going to be freed.
static int DUMA_FREE_ACCESS = 0;

/* Variable: DUMA_SHOW_ALLOC
 * DUMA_SHOW_ALLOC is set if DUMA is to print all allocations
 * and deallocations to the console. Although this generates a lot
 * of messages, the option can be useful to detect inefficient code
 * containing many allocations / deallocations
static int DUMA_SHOW_ALLOC = 0;

/* Variable: _duma_allocList
 * _DUMA_allocList points to the array of slot structures used to manage the
 * malloc arena.
struct _DUMA_Slot * _duma_allocList = 0;

/* Variable: _duma_allocListSize
 * _duma_allocListSize is the size of the allocation list. This will always
 * be a multiple of the page size.
static size_t _duma_allocListSize = 0;

/* Variable: slotCount
 * slotCount is the number of Slot structures in allocationList.
static size_t slotCount = 0;

/* Variable: unUsedSlots
 * unUsedSlots is the number of Slot structures that are currently available
 * to represent new malloc buffers. When this number gets too low, we will
 * create new slots.
static size_t unUsedSlots = 0;

/* Variable: slotsPerPage
 * slotsPerPage is the number of slot structures that fit in a virtual
 * memory page.
static size_t slotsPerPage = 0;

/* Variable: sumAllocatedMem
 * internal variable: sum of allocated -freed +protected memory in kB
static long   sumAllocatedMem = 0;

/* Variable: sumTotalAllocatedMem
 * internal variable: sum of allocated memory in kB
static long   sumTotalAllocatedMem = 0;

/* Variable: sumProtectedMem
 * internal variable: sum of protected memory in kB
static long   sumProtectedMem = 0;

/* Variable: numDeallocs
 * internal variable: number of deallocations processed so far
static long numDeallocs = 0;

/* Variable: numAllocs
 * internal variable: number of allocations processed so far
static long numAllocs = 0;

/* Variable: duma_init_done
 * internal variable: state of initialization
static enum _DUMA_InitState duma_init_state = DUMAIS_UNINITIALIZED;

/* Function: _duma_assert
 * Print message and halt program execution in crazy way.
void _duma_assert(const char * exprstr, const char * filename, int lineno)
    // !!!! Needs to be re implemented for KDUMA
    int *pcAddr = 0;
    DUMA_Print("\nDUMA: DUMA_ASSERT(%s) failed at\n%s(%i)\n", exprstr, filename, lineno );

    /* this is "really" bad, but it works. assert() from assert.h system header
    * stops only the current thread but the program goes on running under MS Visual C++.
    * This way the program definitely halts.
    while (1)
        *pcAddr++ = 0;

/* Function: duma_init
 * duma_init sets configuration settings.  Can sometimes cause problems
 * when called from _duma_init.
 * See Also: <_duma_init>
void duma_init(void)
    char            * string;
    void            * testAlloc;

    /* avoid double call, when initialization already in progress */
    if ( duma_init_state >= DUMAIS_IN_INIT && duma_init_state <= DUMAIS_OUT_INIT )
        duma_init_state = DUMAIS_IN_INIT;

    DUMA_Print("DUMA: Registration was successful.\n");

    /* initialize semaphoring */

     * Check whether malloc and free is available
    testAlloc = kmalloc(123);
    if (numAllocs == 0)
        DUMA_Abort("kmalloc() is not bound to kduma.\nKDUMA Aborting.\n");

    if (numDeallocs == 0)
        DUMA_Abort("kfree() is not bound to kduma.\nKDUMA Aborting.\n");

    /* initialization finished */
    duma_init_state = DUMAIS_OUT_INIT;

/* Function: _duma_init
 * _duma_init sets up the memory allocation arena and the run-time
 * configuration information.  We will call duma_init unless DUMA_EXPLICIT_INIT
 * is defined at compile time.
 * See Also: <duma_init>
    size_t size = MEMORY_CREATION_SIZE;
    struct _DUMA_Slot * slot;
    int               inRecursion = (duma_init_state >= DUMAIS_IN_CONSTRUCTOR && duma_init_state <= DUMAIS_OUT_INIT);

    /* constuction already done? this should not happen! */
    if (duma_init_state >= DUMAIS_OUT_CONSTRUCTOR && duma_init_state <= DUMAIS_OUT_INIT)
        goto duma_constructor_callinit;
        duma_init_state = DUMAIS_IN_CONSTRUCTOR;

    if ( DUMA_PAGE_SIZE != Page_Size() )
        DUMA_Abort("DUMA_PAGE_SIZE is not correct. Run createconf and save results as duma_config.h");


    /* call of DUMA_GET_SEMAPHORE() may already have done the construction recursively! */
    if ( duma_init_state >= DUMAIS_OUT_CONSTRUCTOR )
        goto duma_constructor_relsem;

     * Figure out how many Slot structures to allocate at one time.
    slotCount = slotsPerPage = DUMA_PAGE_SIZE / sizeof(struct _DUMA_Slot);
    _duma_allocListSize = DUMA_PAGE_SIZE;

    if ( size < _duma_allocListSize )
        size = _duma_allocListSize;

    size = ( size + DUMA_PAGE_SIZE -1 ) & ~( DUMA_PAGE_SIZE -1 );

     * Allocate memory, and break it up into two malloc buffers. The
     * first buffer will be used for Slot structures, the second will
     * be marked free.
    slot = _duma_allocList = (struct _DUMA_Slot *)Page_Create(size, 0/*=exitonfail*/, 0/*=printerror*/);
    if ( 0 == _duma_allocList  &&  0L != DUMA_PROTECT_FREE )
        int reduce_more;
            /* reduce as much protected memory as we need - or at least try so */
            reduce_more = reduceProtectedMemory( (size+1023) >>10 );
            /* simply try again */
            slot = _duma_allocList = (struct _DUMA_Slot *)Page_Create( size, 0/*=exitonfail*/, 0/*= printerror*/ );
        while ( reduce_more && 0 == _duma_allocList );

        if ( 0 == _duma_allocList )
            slot = _duma_allocList = (struct _DUMA_Slot *)Page_Create( size, 1/*=exitonfail*/, 1/*= printerror*/ );

    memset((char *)_duma_allocList, 0, _duma_allocListSize);

    /* enter _duma_allocList as slot to allow call to free() when doing allocateMoreSlots() */
    slot[0].internalAddress   = slot[0].userAddress = _duma_allocList;
    slot[0].internalSize      = slot[0].userSize    = _duma_allocListSize;
    slot[0].state             = DUMAST_IN_USE;
    slot[0].allocator         = EFA_INT_ALLOC;
    slot[0].fileSource        = DUMAFS_ALLOCATION;
    slot[0].frame             = 0;
    slot[0].filename          = __FILE__;
    slot[0].lineno            = __LINE__;

    if ( size > _duma_allocListSize )
        slot[1].internalAddress = slot[1].userAddress
                = ((char *)slot[0].internalAddress) + slot[0].internalSize;
        slot[1].internalSize    = slot[1].userSize
                =   size - slot[0].internalSize;
        slot[1].state           = DUMAST_FREE;
        slot[1].allocator       = EFA_INT_ALLOC;
        slot[1].fileSource      = DUMAFS_ALLOCATION;
        slot[1].frame           = 0;
        slot[1].filename        = __FILE__;
        slot[1].lineno          = __LINE__;

     * Deny access to the free page, so that we will detect any software
     * that treads upon free memory.
    Page_DenyAccess(slot[1].internalAddress, slot[1].internalSize);

     * Account for the two slot structures that we've used.
    unUsedSlots = slotCount - 2;

    /* construction done */
    if ( duma_init_state < DUMAIS_OUT_CONSTRUCTOR )
        duma_init_state = DUMAIS_OUT_CONSTRUCTOR;

    if ( !inRecursion )

    if ( duma_init_state < DUMAIS_OUT_INIT )

/* Function: allocateMoreSlots
 * allocateMoreSlots is called when there are only enough slot structures
 * left to support the allocation of a single malloc buffer.
 * See Also: <_duma_allocate>
static void allocateMoreSlots(void)
    size_t  newSize = _duma_allocListSize + DUMA_PAGE_SIZE;
    void *  newAllocation;
    void *  oldAllocation = _duma_allocList;

    newAllocation = _duma_allocate( 1 /*=alignment*/, newSize,
        0 /*=protectBelow*/, -1 /*=fillByte*/, 0 /*=protectAllocList*/,

    if ( ! newAllocation )

    memcpy(newAllocation, _duma_allocList, _duma_allocListSize);
    memset(&(((char *)newAllocation)[_duma_allocListSize]), 0, DUMA_PAGE_SIZE);

    _duma_allocList = (struct _DUMA_Slot *)newAllocation;
    _duma_allocListSize = newSize;
    slotCount   += slotsPerPage;
    unUsedSlots += slotsPerPage;

        _duma_deallocate( oldAllocation, 0 /*=protectAllocList*/, EFA_INT_DEALLOC, __FILE__, __LINE__ );
        _duma_deallocate( oldAllocation, 0 /*=protectAllocList*/, EFA_INT_DEALLOC);

/* Function: _duma_allocate
 * This is the memory allocator. When asked to allocate a buffer, allocate
 * it in such a way that the end of the buffer is followed by an inaccessable
 * memory page. If software overruns that buffer, it will touch the bad page
 * and get an immediate segmentation fault. It's then easy to zero in on the
 * offending code with a debugger.
 * There are a few complications. If the user asks for an odd-sized buffer,
 * we would have to have that buffer start on an odd address if the byte after
 * the end of the buffer was to be on the inaccessable page. Unfortunately,
 * there is lots of software that asks for odd-sized buffers and then
 * requires that the returned address be word-aligned, or the size of the
 * buffer be a multiple of the word size. An example are the string-processing
 * functions on Sun systems, which do word references to the string memory
 * and may refer to memory up to three bytes beyond the end of the string.
 * For this reason, I take the alignment requests to memalign() and valloc()
 * seriously, and
 * DUMA wastes lots of memory.
 * See Also: <_duma_deallocate>
void * _duma_allocate(size_t alignment, size_t userSize, int protectBelow,
    int fillByte, int protectAllocList, enum _DUMA_Allocator allocator, enum _DUMA_FailReturn fail  DUMA_PARAMLIST_FL)
    size_t                count;
    struct _DUMA_Slot    *slot;
    struct _DUMA_Slot    *fullSlot;
    struct _DUMA_Slot    *emptySlots[2];
    DUMA_ADDR            intAddr, userAddr, protAddr, endAddr;
    size_t                internalSize;
    char                stacktrace[601];
    char*                ptrStacktrace;

    DUMA_ASSERT( 0 != _duma_allocList );

    /* initialize return value */
    userAddr = 0;

    /* check userSize */
    if ( 0 == userSize )
        if ( !DUMA_ALLOW_MALLOC_0 )
            DUMA_Abort("Allocating 0 bytes, probably a bug: %s(%i)", filename, lineno);
            return (void*)userAddr;

    /* check alignment */
    if ( ! alignment )
        DUMA_SIZE s = (DUMA_SIZE)userSize;

        if ( s < a )
            /* to next lower power of 2 */
            for (a = s; a & (a-1); a &= a-1)  ;

        alignment = (size_t)a; /* this is new alignment */

    if ( (int)alignment != ((int)alignment & -(int)alignment) )
            DUMA_Abort("Alignment (=%d) is not a power of 2 requested from %s(%i)", (DUMA_SIZE)alignment, filename, lineno);
            DUMA_Abort("Alignment (=%d) is not a power of 2", (DUMA_SIZE)alignment);

    /* count and show allocation, if requested */
            DUMA_Print("\nDUMA: Allocating %d bytes at %s(%i).", (DUMA_SIZE)userSize, filename, lineno);
            DUMA_Print("\nDUMA: Allocating %d bytes.", (DUMA_SIZE)userSize);

     * If protectBelow is set, all addresses returned by malloc()
     * and company will be page-aligned.
     * The internal size of the buffer is rounded up to the next alignment and page-size
     * boundary, and then we add another page's worth of memory for the dead page.
    /* a bit tricky but no modulo and no if () */
    internalSize = ( (userSize + DUMA_PAGE_SIZE -1) & ~(DUMA_PAGE_SIZE -1) ) + DUMA_PAGE_SIZE;

    if ( alignment > DUMA_PAGE_SIZE )
        internalSize += alignment - DUMA_PAGE_SIZE;

     * These will hold the addresses of two empty Slot structures, that
     * can be used to hold information for any memory I create, and any
     * memory that I mark free.
    fullSlot = emptySlots[0] = emptySlots[1] = 0;

     * The internal memory used by the allocator is currently
     * inaccessable, so that errant programs won't scrawl on the
     * allocator's arena. I'll un-protect it here so that I can make
     * a new allocation. I'll re-protect it before I return.
    if ( protectAllocList )

        Page_AllowAccess(_duma_allocList, _duma_allocListSize);

     * If I'm running out of empty slots, create some more before
     * I don't have enough slots left to make an allocation.
    if ( DUMAAT_INTERNAL != _duma_allocDesc[allocator].type  &&  unUsedSlots < 7 )

     * Iterate through all of the slot structures. Attempt to find a slot
     * containing free memory of the exact right size. Accept a slot with
     * more memory than we want, if the exact right size is not available.
     * Find two slot structures that are not in use. We will need one if
     * we split a buffer into free and allocated parts, and the second if
     * we have to create new memory and mark it as free.
    for ( slot = _duma_allocList, count = slotCount ; count > 0; --count, ++slot )
         * Windows needs special treatment, cause Page_Delete() needs exactly
         * the same memory region as Page_Create()!
         * Thus as a quick hack no memory management is done by DUMA.
#if !defined(WIN32)
        if ( DUMAST_FREE == slot->state  &&  slot->internalSize >= internalSize )
            if ( !fullSlot || slot->internalSize < fullSlot->internalSize )
                fullSlot = slot;
                if ( slot->internalSize == internalSize )
                    break;  /* All done; no empty slot needed in this case */
            if ( DUMAST_EMPTY == slot->state )
                    emptySlots[0] = slot;
                else if ( !emptySlots[1] )
                    emptySlots[1] = slot;

                #if defined(WIN32)

    if ( !fullSlot )
            * I get here if I haven't been able to find a free buffer
            * with all of the memory I need. I'll have to create more
            * memory. I'll mark it all as free, and then split it into
            * free and allocated portions later.
        size_t  chunkSize;
        size_t    chunkSizekB;

        #if defined(WIN32)
            chunkSize = internalSize;
            chunkSize = MEMORY_CREATION_SIZE;

            if ( chunkSize < internalSize )
                chunkSize = internalSize;

            chunkSize = ( chunkSize + DUMA_PAGE_SIZE -1 ) & ~( DUMA_PAGE_SIZE -1 );

        chunkSizekB = (chunkSize+1023) >>10;

        /* Use up one of the empty slots to make the full slot. */
        if ( !emptySlots[0] )
            DUMA_Abort("Internal error in allocator: No empty slot 0.\n");

        #if !defined(WIN32)
            if ( !emptySlots[1] )
                DUMA_Abort("Internal error in allocator: No empty slot 1.\n");

        fullSlot      = emptySlots[0];
        emptySlots[0] = emptySlots[1];

        /* reduce protected memory when we would exceed DUMA_MAX_ALLOC */
        if ( DUMA_MAX_ALLOC > 0  &&  sumAllocatedMem + chunkSizekB > DUMA_MAX_ALLOC )
            reduceProtectedMemory( chunkSizekB );

        fullSlot->internalAddress = Page_Create( chunkSize, 0/*= exitonfail*/, 0/*= printerror*/ );

        if ( 0 == fullSlot->internalAddress  &&  0L != DUMA_PROTECT_FREE )
            int reduce_more;
                /* reduce as much protected memory as we need - or at least try so */
                reduce_more = reduceProtectedMemory( (chunkSize+1023) >>10 );
                /* simply try again */
                fullSlot->internalAddress = Page_Create( chunkSize, 0/*= exitonfail*/, 0/*= printerror*/ );
            while ( reduce_more && 0 == fullSlot->internalAddress );

            if ( 0 == fullSlot->internalAddress  &&  DUMA_FAIL_ENV == fail )
                fullSlot->internalAddress = Page_Create( chunkSize, DUMA_MALLOC_FAILEXIT, 1/*= printerror*/ );

        if ( fullSlot->internalAddress )
            sumAllocatedMem          += ( (chunkSize +1023) >>10 );
            sumTotalAllocatedMem     += ( (chunkSize +1023) >>10 );
            fullSlot->internalSize    = chunkSize;
            fullSlot->state           = DUMAST_FREE;
    } /* end if ( !fullSlot ) */

    if ( fullSlot->internalSize )

        if ( !protectBelow )
            * Arrange the buffer so that it is followed by an inaccessable
            * memory page. A buffer overrun that touches that page will
            * cause a segmentation fault.
            * internalAddr <= userAddr < protectedAddr

            /* Figure out what address to give the user. */
            intAddr  = (DUMA_ADDR)fullSlot->internalAddress;
            endAddr  = intAddr + internalSize;
            userAddr = ( intAddr  + internalSize - DUMA_PAGE_SIZE - userSize )
                        & ~(alignment -1);
            protAddr = ( userAddr + userSize     + DUMA_PAGE_SIZE -1)
                        & ~(DUMA_PAGE_SIZE -1);

            /* DUMA_ASSERT(intAddr <= userAddr && intAddr < protAddr ); */

            /* Set up the "live" page(s). */
            Page_AllowAccess( (char*)intAddr, protAddr - intAddr );
            /* Set up the "dead" page(s). */
            Page_DenyAccess( (char*)protAddr, endAddr - protAddr );
        else /* if (protectBelow) */
                * Arrange the buffer so that it is preceded by an inaccessable
                * memory page. A buffer underrun that touches that page will
                * cause a segmentation fault.
            /* Figure out what address to give the user. */
            intAddr  = (DUMA_ADDR)fullSlot->internalAddress;
            endAddr  = intAddr + internalSize;
            userAddr = ( intAddr + DUMA_PAGE_SIZE + alignment -1)
                        & ~(alignment -1);
            protAddr = ( userAddr & ~(DUMA_PAGE_SIZE -1) ) - DUMA_PAGE_SIZE;

            /* DUMA_ASSERT(intAddr < userAddr && intAddr <= protAddr ); */

            /* Set up the "live" page(s). userAddr == protAddr + DUMA_PAGE_SIZE ! */
            Page_AllowAccess( (char*)userAddr, internalSize - (userAddr - protAddr) );
            /* Set up the "dead" page(s). */
            Page_DenyAccess( (char*)intAddr, userAddr - intAddr );

        /* => userAddress = internalAddress + DUMA_PAGE_SIZE */
        fullSlot->userAddress = (char*)userAddr;
        fullSlot->protAddress = (char*)protAddr;
        fullSlot->userSize    = userSize;
        fullSlot->state       = DUMAST_IN_USE;
        fullSlot->allocator   = allocator;

            fullSlot->fileSource  = DUMAFS_ALLOCATION;
            #ifdef DUMA_USE_FRAMENO
                fullSlot->frame       = frameno;
            fullSlot->filename    = (char*)filename;
            #ifdef DUMA_EXPLICIT_INIT

                /* mark allocations from standard libraries
                * before duma_init() is finished with lineno = -1
                * to allow special treatment in leak_checking
                fullSlot->lineno      = (DUMAIS_OUT_INIT == duma_init_state) ? lineno : -1;
                fullSlot->lineno      = lineno;

        /* initialise no mans land of slot */
        _duma_init_slack( fullSlot );

    } /* end if ( fullSlot->internalSize ) */

     * Make the pool's internal memory inaccessable, so that the program
     * being debugged can't stomp on it.
    if ( protectAllocList )
        Page_DenyAccess(_duma_allocList, _duma_allocListSize);


    /* Fill the memory if it was specified to do so. */
    if ( ((char*)userAddr) && fillByte != -1 )
        memset( (char*)userAddr, fillByte, userSize);

    return (char*)userAddr;

/* Function: _duma_deallocate
 * Deallocate allocated memory after running some checks, then open
 * slot for use.  Uses Page_Delete to free the underlying memory.
 * See Also: <Page_Delete> <_duma_allocate>
void _duma_deallocate(void * address, int protectAllocList, enum _DUMA_Allocator allocator  DUMA_PARAMLIST_FL)
    struct _DUMA_Slot   * slot;
    long                internalSizekB;

    if ( 0 == _duma_allocList )
        DUMA_Abort("free() called before first malloc().");

    if ( 0 == address )

    if ( protectAllocList )

        Page_AllowAccess(_duma_allocList, _duma_allocListSize);

    if ( !(slot = slotForUserAddress(address)) )
        if ( (slot = nearestSlotForUserAddress(address)) )
            if ( DUMAFS_ALLOCATION == slot->fileSource )
                DUMA_Abort("free(%a): address not from DUMA or already freed. Address may be corrupted from %a allocated from %s(%i)",
                    (DUMA_ADDR)address, (DUMA_ADDR)slot->userAddress, slot->filename, slot->lineno);
            else if ( DUMAFS_DEALLOCATION == slot->fileSource )
                DUMA_Abort("free(%a): address not from DUMA or already freed. Address may be corrupted from %a deallocated at %s(%i)",
                    (DUMA_ADDR)address, (DUMA_ADDR)slot->userAddress, slot->filename, slot->lineno);
            DUMA_Abort("free(%a): address not from DUMA or already freed.", (DUMA_ADDR)address);

    if ( DUMAST_ALL_PROTECTED == slot->state || DUMAST_BEGIN_PROTECTED == slot->state )
        if ( DUMAFS_ALLOCATION == slot->fileSource )
            DUMA_Abort("free(%a): memory already freed. allocated from %s(%i)",
                (DUMA_ADDR)address, slot->filename, slot->lineno);
        else if ( DUMAFS_DEALLOCATION == slot->fileSource )
            DUMA_Abort("free(%a): memory already freed at %s(%i)",
                (DUMA_ADDR)address, slot->filename, slot->lineno);
            DUMA_Abort("free(%a): memory already freed.", (DUMA_ADDR)address);
    else if ( _duma_allocDesc[slot->allocator].type != _duma_allocDesc[allocator].type )
        if ( DUMAFS_ALLOCATION == slot->fileSource )
            DUMA_Abort("Free mismatch: allocator '%s' used  at %s(%i)\n  but  deallocator '%s' called at %s(%i)!",
                _duma_allocDesc[slot->allocator].name, slot->filename, slot->lineno,
                _duma_allocDesc[allocator].name, filename, lineno );
        else if ( DUMAFS_DEALLOCATION == slot->fileSource )
            DUMA_Abort("Free mismatch: allocator '%s' used \nbut deallocator '%s' called at %s(%i)!",
                _duma_allocDesc[allocator].name, filename, lineno );
            DUMA_Abort("Free mismatch: allocator '%s' used  but  deallocator '%s' called!",
                _duma_allocDesc[slot->allocator].name, _duma_allocDesc[allocator].name );

    /* count and show deallocation, if requested */
        DUMA_Print("\nDUMA: Freeing %d bytes at %s(%i) (Allocated from %s(%i)).",
            (DUMA_SIZE)slot->userSize, filename, lineno, slot->filename, slot->lineno);

    _duma_check_slack( slot );

        volatile char *start = slot->userAddress;
        volatile char *cur;

        for (cur = (char*)slot->userAddress+slot->userSize; --cur >= start; )
            char c = *cur;
            *cur = c-1;
            *cur = c;

    internalSizekB = (slot->internalSize+1023) >>10;

    /* protect memory, that nobody can access it */
    /* Free as much protected memory, that we can protect this one */
    /* is there need? and is there a way to free such much? */
        && sumProtectedMem  + internalSizekB >  DUMA_PROTECT_FREE
        &&                    internalSizekB <  DUMA_PROTECT_FREE
        && sumProtectedMem >= internalSizekB)
        reduceProtectedMemory( internalSizekB );

    if (( EFA_INT_ALLOC != slot->allocator )
        && ( DUMA_PROTECT_FREE < 0L
        || ( DUMA_PROTECT_FREE > 0L
        && sumProtectedMem + internalSizekB <= DUMA_PROTECT_FREE
        )   )
        slot->state = DUMAST_ALL_PROTECTED;
        Page_DenyAccess(slot->internalAddress, slot->internalSize);
        sumProtectedMem += internalSizekB;

        if ( lineno )
            slot->fileSource  = DUMAFS_DEALLOCATION;
            slot->filename    = (char*)filename;
            slot->lineno      = lineno;
        /* free all the memory */
        Page_Delete(slot->internalAddress, slot->internalSize);
        sumAllocatedMem -= internalSizekB;

        /* free slot and userAddr */
        slot->internalAddress = slot->userAddress = 0;
        slot->internalSize    = slot->userSize    = 0;
        slot->state           = DUMAST_EMPTY;
        slot->allocator       = EFA_INT_ALLOC;
        slot->fileSource      = DUMAFS_EMPTY;
        slot->frame         = 0;
        slot->filename      = 0;
        slot->lineno        = 0;

    if ( protectAllocList )
        Page_DenyAccess(_duma_allocList, _duma_allocListSize);


/* Function: _duma_kmalloc
 * A version of kmalloc.
void * _duma_kmalloc(size_t size, int flags  DUMA_PARAMLIST_FL)
    if ( _duma_allocList == 0 )
        _duma_init();  /* This sets DUMA_ALIGNMENT, DUMA_PROTECT_BELOW, DUMA_FILL, ... */

    return _duma_allocate(0, size, flags, DUMA_PROTECT_BELOW,
        DUMA_FILL, 1 /*=protectAllocList*/, EFA_MALLOC,

/* Function: _duma_kfree
 * A version of free.
void   _duma_kfree(void * baseAdr  DUMA_PARAMLIST_FL)
  if ( _duma_allocList == 0 )
      _duma_init();  /* This sets DUMA_ALIGNMENT, DUMA_PROTECT_BELOW, DUMA_FILL, ... */

    _duma_deallocate(baseAdr, 1 /*=protectAllocList*/, EFA_FREE  DUMA_PARAMS_FL);

/* Function: _duma_valloc
 * A version of valloc.
void * _duma_valloc(size_t size  DUMA_PARAMLIST_FL)
    if ( _duma_allocList == 0 )
        _duma_init();  /* This sets DUMA_ALIGNMENT, DUMA_PROTECT_BELOW, DUMA_FILL, ... */

    return _duma_allocate(DUMA_PAGE_SIZE, size, DUMA_PROTECT_BELOW,
        DUMA_FILL, 1 /*=protectAllocList*/, EFA_VALLOC,

/* Function: _duma_vfree
 * A version of free.
void   _duma_vfree(void * baseAdr  DUMA_PARAMLIST_FL)
  if ( _duma_allocList == 0 )
      _duma_init();  /* This sets DUMA_ALIGNMENT, DUMA_PROTECT_BELOW, DUMA_FILL, ... */

    _duma_deallocate(baseAdr, 1 /*=protectAllocList*/, EFA_FREE  DUMA_PARAMS_FL);

/* Function: _duma_strdup
 * A version of strdup.
char * _duma_strdup(const char * str  DUMA_PARAMLIST_FL)
    size_t size;
    char * dup;
    unsigned i;

    if ( _duma_allocList == 0 )
        _duma_init();  /* This sets DUMA_ALIGNMENT, DUMA_PROTECT_BELOW, DUMA_FILL, ... */

    size = 0;
    while (str[size])

    dup = _duma_allocate(0, size +1, DUMA_PROTECT_BELOW,
        -1 /*=fillByte*/, 1 /*=protectAllocList*/, EFA_STRDUP,

    if (dup)                    /* if successful */
        for (i=0; i<=size; ++i)   /* copy string */
            dup[i] = str[i];

    return dup;

/* Function: _duma_memcpy
 * A version of memcpy that provides extra checks based on
 * information we know about HEAP.
 * Currently the only check we perform is overlapping memory
 * regions.  This should be expanded to include checking size
 * of dest to verify assumptions.
void * _duma_memcpy(void *dest, const void *src, size_t size  DUMA_PARAMLIST_FL)
    char       * d = (char *)dest;
    const char * s = (const char *)src;
    unsigned i;

    if ( (s < d  &&  d < s + size) || (d < s  &&  s < d + size && !_duma_s.MEMCPY_OVERLAP) )
        DUMA_Abort("memcpy(%a, %a, %d): memory regions overlap.",
            (DUMA_ADDR)dest, (DUMA_ADDR)src, (DUMA_SIZE)size);

    for (i=0; i<size; ++i)
        d[i] = s[i];

    return dest;

/* Function: _duma_memmove
 * An implementation of memmove is provied by Duma to prevent some optimized
 * memmove implementations from calling memcpy and generate false positive overlap
 * errors.
void * _duma_memmove(void *dest, const void *src, size_t size)
  char       * d = (char *)dest;
  const char * s = (const char *)src;

  if (d < s) {
        const char *end = src + size;
    while (s < end) {
      *d++ = *s++;
  } else {
    d += size;
    s += size;
    while (s > (const char*)src) {
      *--d = *--s;
  return dest;

/* Function: _duma_strcpy
 * A version of strcpy that provides extra checks based on
 * information we know about HEAP.
 * Currently the only check we perform is overlapping memory
 * regions.  This should be expanded to include checking size
 * of dest to verify assumptions.
char * _duma_strcpy(char *dest, const char *src  DUMA_PARAMLIST_FL)
    unsigned i;
    size_t size = strlen(src) +1;

    if ( src < dest  &&  dest < src + size )
        DUMA_Abort("strcpy(%a, %a): memory regions overlap.", (DUMA_ADDR)dest, (DUMA_ADDR)src);

    for (i=0; i<size; ++i)
        dest[i] = src[i];

    return dest;

/* Function: _duma_strncpy
 * A version of strncpy that provides extra checks based on
 * information we know about HEAP.
 * Currently the only check we perform is overlapping memory
 * regions.  This should be expanded to include checking size
 * of dest to verify assumptions.
char * _duma_strncpy(char *dest, const char *src, size_t size  DUMA_PARAMLIST_FL)
    size_t srcsize;
    unsigned i;

    if ( size > 0  &&  src < dest  &&  dest < src + size )
        DUMA_Abort("strncpy(%a, %a, %d): memory regions overlap.",
            (DUMA_ADDR)dest, (DUMA_ADDR)src, (DUMA_SIZE)size);

    /* calculate number of characters to copy from src to dest */
    srcsize = strlen(src) + 1;
    if ( srcsize > size )
        srcsize = size;

    /* copy src to dest */
    for (i=0; i<srcsize; ++i)
        dest[i] = src[i];

    /* fill rest with '\0' character */
    for ( ; i<size; ++i)
        dest[i] = 0;

    return dest;

/* Function: _duma_strcat
 * A version of strcat that provides extra checks based on
 * information we know about HEAP.
 * Currently the only check we perform is overlapping memory
 * regions.  This should be expanded to include checking size
 * of dest to verify assumptions.
char * _duma_strcat(char *dest, const char *src  DUMA_PARAMLIST_FL)
    unsigned i;
    size_t destlen = strlen(dest);
    size_t srcsize = strlen(src) + 1;

    if ( src < dest +destlen  &&  dest + destlen < src + srcsize )
        DUMA_Abort("strcat(%a, %a): memory regions overlap.", (DUMA_ADDR)dest, (DUMA_ADDR)src);

    for (i=0; i<srcsize; ++i)
        dest[destlen+i] = src[i];

    return dest;

/* Function: _duma_strncat
 * A version of strncat that provides extra checks based on
 * information we know about HEAP.
 * Currently the only check we perform is overlapping memory
 * regions.  This should be expanded to include checking size
 * of dest to verify assumptions (like is size right).
char * _duma_strncat(char *dest, const char *src, size_t size  DUMA_PARAMLIST_FL)
    unsigned i;
    size_t destlen, srclen;

    /* do nothing, when size not > 0 */
    if ( size <= 0 )
        return dest;

    /* calculate number of characters to copy from src to dest */
    destlen = strlen(dest);
    srclen  = strlen(src);

    if ( srclen > size )
        srclen = size;

    /* CHECK: Verify memory regions do not overlap */
    if ( src < (dest + destlen) && (dest + destlen) < (src + srclen + 1) )
        DUMA_Abort("strncat(%a, %a, %d): memory regions overlap.",
            (DUMA_ADDR)dest, (DUMA_ADDR)src, (DUMA_SIZE)size);

    /* copy up to size characters from src to dest */
    for (i=0; i<srclen; ++i)
        dest[destlen+i] = src[i];

    /* append single '\0' character */
    dest[destlen+srclen] = 0;

    return dest;


/* Function DUMA_newFrame
 * Increments the frameno variable.  Not sure why we do this :)
void  DUMA_newFrame(void)

/* Function DUMA_delFrame
 * Will output DUMA message for all in use frames along with totals.
 * This method is called to when all memory should have been free'd by
 * the application to locate memory leaks.
 * Note: No frames are deleted or modified by this function.
void  DUMA_delFrame(void)
    if (-1 != frameno)
        struct _DUMA_Slot *    slot    = _duma_allocList;
        size_t              count        = slotCount;
        int                  nonFreed    = 0;


        Page_AllowAccess(_duma_allocList, _duma_allocListSize);

        for    ( ;    count >    0; --count,    ++slot )
            if ( DUMAST_IN_USE    == slot->state
                && frameno == slot->frame
                && EFA_INT_ALLOC    != slot->allocator
                && -1 !=    slot->lineno

            DUMA_Print("\nDUMA: ptr=0x%a size=%d alloced from %s(%i) not freed\n",


        if (nonFreed)
            DUMA_Abort("DUMA_delFrame(): Found non free'd pointers.\n");

        Page_DenyAccess(_duma_allocList, _duma_allocListSize);



        DUMA_Print("\nDUMA:    DUMA_delFrame(): Processed %l allocations and %l deallocations in total.\n", numAllocs,    numDeallocs);

/* Function: _duma_exit
 * DUMA's exit function, called atexit() or with GNU C Compiler's destructor attribute.
 * This function also calls DUMA_delFrame to check for still in use memory and allert
 * the user.
    /* DUMA_ASSERT(0); */
    while (-1 != frameno)

/* end */