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Test Coverage
    <h2>void printStackTrace( char* buffer, int bufferSize )</h2>

    Assertion failed in some string function while your client was testing the
    application. Well, the string function got some wrong input. The function is
    used in couple of other functions, which, in turn, are used in couple of
    other functions... At the end you have no idea what caused the problem
    without the help of debugger. Which isnt always available, especially while
    beta testing something.

      printStackTrace prints formatted call stack to the user defined buffer,
      always terminating the buffer with 0. Uses stack frame to find out the
      caller function address and the map file to find out the function name.

    MSVC: Just open the stacktrace.dsw and compile the test project. The test
    project shows how the library can be used to boost simple assert macro. To
    use the library in a new project, create a workspace and insert
    stacktrace.dsp to the workspace. Be sure to use (Debug) Multithreaded DLL
    runtime (or just modify the library options if you prefer Single-Threaded or
    plain Multithreaded runtimes)

    <h3>Map Files</h3>
      Library requires that the executable has proper map file. The map file
      must be in the same directory as the exe and the map file must have
      <code>.map</code> extension. From MS Visual Studio map file creation can
      be enabled by checking 'Generate mapfile' box from 'Link' tab of 'Project
      Settings' dialog (ALT+F7).

    <h3>About Output</h3>
      The output is printed only in debug build (_DEBUG is defined). In release
      build the user buffer receives only terminating 0, or error message if the
      map file is missing. The library could be used also in release build, but
      as it requires special options (frame pointer omission optimization must
      be disabled) the release build usage is not currently enabled.

      Namespaces and other scopes get printed as they appear in a map file (a
      bit cleanup is done tho), so for example class name and namespaces get
      printed after the function name.

    <p>Example output:</p>
 _mainCRTStartup (403fa9)
  _main (4011ff)
   testfunc1 (4011b1)
    testfunc2.nspace (401161)
     testfunc3.MyClass.nspace (40110a)
      internalError (40105f)
       printStackTrace (401360)

    <h3>Known issues</h3>
        Local functions dont get reported correctly. Local functions are not
        listed in the map file and the end points of the functions are not
        known, so the preceding public function will be reported when the stack
        is printed.
        Template name output formatting isnt too pretty. If you happen to
        implement proper MSVC mangled name parser feel free put it in this
        library. :)

    <br />
      Copyright (c) 2001 <a href="">Jani Kajala</a><br />
      Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute and sell this software and its
      documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that
      the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that
      copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting
      documentation. Jani Kajala makes no representations about the suitability
      of this software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express
      or implied warranty.