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Test Coverage
 * Copyright (c) 2006 Michael Eddington
 * Copyright (c) 2001 Jani Kajala
 * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute and sell this
 * software and its documentation for any purpose is hereby
 * granted without fee, provided that the above copyright notice
 * appear in all copies and that both that copyright notice and
 * this permission notice appear in supporting documentation.
 * Jani Kajala makes no representations about the suitability
 * of this software for any purpose. It is provided "as is"
 * without express or implied warranty.

// $Id$

#include "printStackTrace.h"
#include "StackTrace.h"
#include "MapFile.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>


using namespace dev;


// We will keep the parsed map file around
// after we create it.
static MapFile*    map = NULL;

/* Function: StackTraceCleanup
 * Cleanup memory used by stacktrace library.
 * See Also:
 *   <printStackTrace>
extern "C" void StackTraceCleanup()
        delete map;

    map = NULL;

/* Function: printStackTrace
 * Prints stack trace to user defined buffer.
 * Always terminates the buffer with 0.
 * Must call <StackTraceCleanup> to free used memory.
 * GitHub #81: Support for multiple map files in func def.
 *             already supported by core code.
 * Parameters:
 *    buffer - Buffer to recieve stacktrace, at least 600 bytes
 *    bufferSize - Size of buffer
 *    mapFilename - [Optional] Location of map file to use
 * See Also:
 *    <StackTraceCleanup>
extern "C" void printStackTrace( char* buffer, int bufferSize, char* mapFilename )
    if(map == NULL)
        // find out map file name
        char modname[500];
        if(mapFilename == NULL)
            MapFile::getModuleMapFilename( modname, sizeof(modname) );
            strncpy(modname, mapFilename, sizeof(modname)/sizeof(char));

        // parse map file
        map = new MapFile( modname );
        switch ( map->error() )
        case MapFile::ERROR_OPEN:    sprintf( buffer, "Failed to open map file %s\n", modname ); break;
        case MapFile::ERROR_READ:    sprintf( buffer, "Error while reading map file %s(%i)\n", modname, map->line() ); break;
        case MapFile::ERROR_PARSE:    sprintf( buffer, "Parse error in map file %s(%i)\n", modname, map->line() ); break;
        default:                    break;

    // print stack trace to buffer
    if ( !map->error() )
        MapFile* maps[] = {map};
        StackTrace::printStackTrace( maps, 1, 1, 16, buffer, bufferSize);
