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# Rukawa
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Rukawa = (流川)

This gem is workflow engine and this is hyper simple.
Job is defined by Ruby class.
Dependency of each jobs is defined by Hash.

## Installation

Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'rukawa'

And then execute:

    $ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

    $ gem install rukawa

## Usage

### Job Definition

See [sample/jobs/sample_job.rb](

### JobNet Definition

See [sample/job_nets/sample_job_net.rb](

### JobGraph

### Execution

% cd rukawa/sample

# load ./jobs/**/*.rb, ./job_nets/**/*.rb automatically
% bundle exec rukawa run SampleJobNet -r 10 -c 10
| Job            | Status   |
| Job1           | finished |
| Job2           | waiting  |
| Job3           | waiting  |
| Job4           | waiting  |
| InnerJobNet    | waiting  |
|   InnerJob3    | waiting  |
|   InnerJob1    | waiting  |
|   InnerJob2    | waiting  |
| Job8           | waiting  |
| Job5           | waiting  |
| Job6           | waiting  |
| Job7           | waiting  |
| InnerJobNet2   | waiting  |
|   InnerJob4    | waiting  |
|   InnerJob5    | waiting  |
|   InnerJob6    | waiting  |
| InnerJobNet3   | waiting  |
|   InnerJob7    | waiting  |
|   InnerJob8    | waiting  |
|   InnerJob9    | waiting  |
|   InnerJob10   | waiting  |
| InnerJobNet4   | waiting  |
|   InnerJob11   | waiting  |
|   InnerJob12   | waiting  |
|   InnerJob13   | waiting  |
|   NestedJobNet | waiting  |
|     NestedJob1 | waiting  |
|     NestedJob2 | waiting  |
| Job            | Status   |
| Job1           | finished |
| Job2           | finished |
| Job3           | finished |
| Job4           | finished |
| InnerJobNet    | error    |
|   InnerJob3    | finished |
|   InnerJob1    | finished |
|   InnerJob2    | error    |
| Job8           | aborted  |
| Job5           | error    |
| Job6           | aborted  |
| Job7           | aborted  |
| InnerJobNet2   | running  |
|   InnerJob4    | running  |
|   InnerJob5    | waiting  |
|   InnerJob6    | waiting  |
| InnerJobNet3   | aborted  |
|   InnerJob7    | aborted  |
|   InnerJob8    | aborted  |
|   InnerJob9    | aborted  |
|   InnerJob10   | aborted  |
| InnerJobNet4   | aborted  |
|   InnerJob11   | aborted  |
|   InnerJob12   | aborted  |
|   InnerJob13   | aborted  |
|   NestedJobNet | aborted  |
|     NestedJob1 | aborted  |
|     NestedJob2 | aborted  |

# generate result graph image
% dot -Tpng -o result.png


`aborted` means that dependent job failure aborts following jobs.

### Resume

Add `JOB_NAME` arguments to `run` command.

% bundle exec rukawa run SampleJobNet Job8 InnerJob4 -r 5 -c 10
| Job            | Status   |
| Job1           | bypassed |
| Job2           | bypassed |
| Job3           | bypassed |
| Job4           | bypassed |
| InnerJobNet    | bypassed |
|   InnerJob3    | bypassed |
|   InnerJob1    | bypassed |
|   InnerJob2    | bypassed |
| Job8           | waiting  |
| Job5           | bypassed |
| Job6           | bypassed |
| Job7           | bypassed |
| InnerJobNet2   | waiting  |
|   InnerJob4    | waiting  |
|   InnerJob5    | waiting  |
|   InnerJob6    | waiting  |
| InnerJobNet3   | waiting  |
|   InnerJob7    | waiting  |
|   InnerJob8    | waiting  |
|   InnerJob9    | waiting  |
|   InnerJob10   | waiting  |
| InnerJobNet4   | waiting  |
|   InnerJob11   | waiting  |
|   InnerJob12   | waiting  |
|   InnerJob13   | waiting  |
|   NestedJobNet | waiting  |
|     NestedJob1 | waiting  |
|     NestedJob2 | waiting  |
| Job            | Status   |
| Job1           | bypassed |
| Job2           | bypassed |
| Job3           | bypassed |
| Job4           | bypassed |
| InnerJobNet    | bypassed |
|   InnerJob3    | bypassed |
|   InnerJob1    | bypassed |
|   InnerJob2    | bypassed |
| Job8           | finished |
| Job5           | bypassed |
| Job6           | bypassed |
| Job7           | bypassed |
| InnerJobNet2   | skipped  |
|   InnerJob4    | finished |
|   InnerJob5    | skipped  |
|   InnerJob6    | skipped  |
| InnerJobNet3   | running  |
|   InnerJob7    | finished |
|   InnerJob8    | running  |
|   InnerJob9    | waiting  |
|   InnerJob10   | waiting  |
| InnerJobNet4   | waiting  |
|   InnerJob11   | waiting  |
|   InnerJob12   | waiting  |
|   InnerJob13   | waiting  |
|   NestedJobNet | waiting  |
|     NestedJob1 | waiting  |
|     NestedJob2 | waiting  |

In above case, All jobs except `Job8` and `InnerJob4` and depending them are set `bypassed`.
`bypassed` means that job is not executed, and regarded as successful.
For example, a job depends two other jobs. Even if either job is `bypassed`, and another job is `finished`, it is executed.

### Run Specific jobs

`run_job` command executes specified job forcely.

% be rukawa run_job Job8 InnerJob6 NestedJob1 -c 3 -r 5
| Job        | Status  |
| Job8       | waiting |
| InnerJob6  | waiting |
| NestedJob1 | running |
| Job        | Status   |
| Job8       | finished |
| InnerJob6  | finished |
| NestedJob1 | finished |

Main usage is manual reentering.

### Output jobnet graph (dot file)

% bundle exec rukawa graph -o SampleJobNet
% dot -Tpng -o SampleJobNet.png

### Use variables

class Job < Rukawa::Job
  def run
    # access via `variables` method
    # return freezed Hash object
    puts variables["var1"]
    puts variables["var2"]

% bundle exec rukawa run SampleJobNet --var var1:value1 var2:value2
# or
% bundle exec rukawa run SampleJobNet --varfile variables.yml
# or
% bundle exec rukawa run SampleJobNet --varfile variables.json

# variables.yml
var1: value1
var2: value2

// variables.json
  "var1": "value1",
  "var2": "value2"

### Semaphore

You can control concurrency consumption.

class Job < Rukawa::Job
  set_resource_count 2

  def run
    # process

This job use 2 concurrency. (this does not means that job use 2 threads)
If concurrency is less than jobs's resource count, resource count is set concurrency size.

You can set 0 to resource count.
If a job is set 0 resource, concurrency of the job is unlimited.

### Callback

- before\_run
- after\_run
- around\_run
- after\_fail

class Job < Rukawa::Job
  before_run :wait_other_resource
  after_run :notify_finish
  around_run do |job, blk|

  def run
    # process

  def wait_other_resource

  def notify_finish

### Config Example

# rukawa.rb

Rukawa.configure do |c|
  c.logger =
  c.concurrency = 4
  c.graph.concentrate = true
  c.graph.nodesep = 0.8

see. [Rukawa::Configuration](

### ActiveJob Integration

class SampleJobNet < Rukawa::JobNet
  class << self
    def dependencies
      # Generate Wrapper class
      wrapped1 = Rukawa::Wrapper::ActiveJob[ActiveJobSample1] # named Rukawa::Wrapper::ActiveJobSample1Wrapper
      wrapped2 = Rukawa::Wrapper::ActiveJob[ActiveJobSample2] # named Rukawa::Wrapper::ActiveJobSample2Wrapper
        Job1 => [],
        wrapped1 => [Job1],
        wrapped2 => [wrapped1],

And write config to define status store for tracking remote job status"

redis_host = ENV["REDIS_HOST"] || "localhost:6379"
Rukawa.configure do |c|
  c.status_store =
  c.status_expire_duration = 72 * 60 * 60 # default is 24 hours

__Caution: When rukawa runs wrapper job, base ActiveJob class includes hook modules automatically in order to track job running status.__

### help
% bundle exec rukawa help run
  rukawa run JOB_NET_NAME [JOB_NAME] [JOB_NAME] ...

      [--config=CONFIG]                     # If this options is not set, try to load ./rukawa.rb
      [--job-dirs=JOB_DIR1 JOB_DIR2]        # Load job directories
  -c, [--concurrency=N]                     # Default: cpu count
  --var, [--variables=KEY:VALUE KEY:VALUE]
      [--varfile=VARFILE]                   # variable definition file. ex (variables.yml, variables.json)
  -b, [--batch], [--no-batch]               # If batch mode, not display running status
  -l, [--log=LOG]                           # Default: ./rukawa.log
      [--stdout], [--no-stdout]             # Output log to stdout
      [--syslog], [--no-syslog]             # Output log to syslog
  -d, [--dot=DOT]                           # Output job status by dot format
  -f, [--format=FORMAT]                     # Output job status format: png, svg, pdf, ... etc
  -r, [--refresh-interval=N]                # Refresh interval for running status information
                                            # Default: 3

Run jobnet. If JOB_NET is set, resume from JOB_NAME

% bundle exec rukawa help run_job
  rukawa run_job JOB_NAME [JOB_NAME] ...

      [--config=CONFIG]                     # If this options is not set, try to load ./rukawa.rb
      [--job-dirs=JOB_DIR1 JOB_DIR2]        # Load job directories
  -c, [--concurrency=N]                     # Default: cpu count
  --var, [--variables=KEY:VALUE KEY:VALUE]
      [--varfile=VARFILE]                   # variable definition file. ex (variables.yml, variables.json)
  -b, [--batch], [--no-batch]               # If batch mode, not display running status
  -l, [--log=LOG]                           # Default: ./rukawa.log
      [--stdout], [--no-stdout]             # Output log to stdout
      [--syslog], [--no-syslog]             # Output log to syslog
  -d, [--dot=DOT]                           # Output job status by dot format
  -f, [--format=FORMAT]                     # Output job status format: png, svg, pdf, ... etc
  -r, [--refresh-interval=N]                # Refresh interval for running status information
                                            # Default: 3

Run specific jobs.

% bundle exec rukawa help graph
  rukawa graph JOB_NET_NAME [JOB_NAME] [JOB_NAME] ... -o, --output=OUTPUT

      [--config=CONFIG]           # If this options is not set, try to load ./rukawa.rb
      [--job-dirs=one two three]
  -o, --output=OUTPUT

Output jobnet graph. If JOB_NET is set, simulate resumed job sequence

### Usage from Ruby program

currency = 4
job_net = {"var1" => "value1"})
promise = do
  puts "Job Running"

promise.then do |futures|
  errors =
  unless errors.empty?
    puts "JobNet has errors"

## ToDo
- Write more tests

## Development

After checking out the repo, run `bin/setup` to install dependencies. Then, run `rake spec` to run the tests. You can also run `bin/console` for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment. Run `bundle exec rukawa` to use the gem in this directory, ignoring other installed copies of this gem.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run `bundle exec rake install`. To release a new version, update the version number in `version.rb`, and then run `bundle exec rake release`, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the `.gem` file to [](

## Contributing

Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at