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# Dasherize

[![Build Status](](
[![Code Climate](](

Dasherize is a beautiful material-based dashboard for your projects which provides you with an overview of open Pull Requests and Issues, and statuses of your CI, all on a single web page.

Currently supports GitHub, Travis, CodeShip and CircleCI.

Take it for a spin on []( See [our blog]( for some technical details.

![screen shot 2015-09-30 at 11 12 13 pm](

## Origin

Dasherize was created as an alternative to [ProjectMonitor]( and [Dashing]( because [@winstonyw]( wanted a dashboard that displays GitHub Pull Requests and Issues count, and Continuous Integration status out of the box.

[@winstonyw]( reviews Dasherize every morning over a cup of tea, to check on the CI status of projects and clear the backlog of PRs and Issues.

At the same time, a Presentation mode is made available for putting up Dasherize as a dashboard on a big screen monitor or TV, so that the projects' statuses are visible for all to see.

Please feel free to:

- Use Dasherize as a service on [](
- Deploy a copy of Dasherize on Heroku

## Deploy on Heroku


Once deployed on Heroku, you'll have to set up some ENV variables.

### ENV

`WWW_HOSTNAME` is your heroku app url (without scheme) for `config/application.rb`:


You will also need to register a GitHub OAuth application.

Go to [Applications]( and
fill in the details:

- Application Name: Dasherize
- Homepage URL: `http://<your-app-name>`
- Authorization Callback URL: `http://<your-app-name>`

On the confirmation screen, copy the Client ID and Client Secret and set


For performance, these are settings which you can use:


## Wish List

- Production/Staging/Master commit SHA and how far apart are they?
- CI status of Pull Requests
- Health of PivotalTracker Project
- Bugs Count (when not using [](

## Contributing

Please see the [](/ file.

## Deployment

Please see the [](/ file.

## Credits

A huge THANK YOU to all our [contributors](! :heart:

## License

Please see the [](/ file.

## Maintained by Jolly Good Code

[![Jolly Good Code](](

We specialise in rapid development of high quality MVPs. [Hire us]( to turn your product idea into reality.