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Read and Learn again - Time to rediscover those saved and forgotten bookmarks. is a service which sends you an email (everyday or weekly) containing your unread and/or archived [Pocket]( links.

You can use it as a service at

Alternatively, you can also host an instance of it on Heroku. Read the Setup that follows.

_You might want to read the "[Learnings from Building](" too._

## Deploy on Heroku

### 1. Deploy


After you have deployed the app on Heroku, the following Elements would have been enabled:

- Heroku Hobby Postgres Database
- Heroku Hobby Redis
- SendGrid

### 2. Setup ENV Config

#### Pocket API

heroku config:add POCKET_CONSUMER_KEY_V2=...

Read Step 1 of to obtain a Pocket API Key.

IMPORTANT! You will need `modify` and `read` permissions for your Pocket API key.


heroku config:add WWW_HOSTNAME=<reread-clone-name>

This is required for ActionMailer config.

#### Sidekiq Settings

Read our [blog post]( to understand all these settings.

Otherwise, these are sane defaults:

heroku config:add DB_POOL=20
heroku config:add DB_REAPING_FREQUENCY=10
heroku config:add MAX_REDIS_CONNECTION=30
heroku config:add NUMBER_OF_WEB_DYNOS=1
heroku config:add NUMBER_OF_WORKER_DYNOS=1

### 3. Optional

We use [PartyFoul]( for error tracking. Follow their README to get it setup.

ENV vars required:

heroku config:add PARTYFOUL_OAUTH_TOKEN=...
heroku config:add PARTYFOUL_OWNER=...
heroku config:add PARTYFOUL_REPO=reread

We use [Skylight]( for basic app performance monitoring. Sign up and follow their instructions.

ENV vars required:

heroku config:add SKYLIGHT_AUTHENTICATION=...

## Notes

Continuous Updates provided by [deppbot]( - Automated Security and Dependency Updates.

This app also experiments with:

- [Pocket API](
- [party_foul](
- [ahoy_email](

## FAQ


When this App was first created, it only required `read` permission.
Hence the API key was created with `read` only.

However, in order for the "Archive on Pocket" feature to work,
the App would require `Modify` permission as well.

Unfortunately, Pocket doesn't allow updates to the access permissions for an App once it's been created,
so the only way to make it work is to create a new API key in Pocket with `read` and `modify` permissions.

Since there are users (at who have signed in using the earlier API key (and they may not sign in again)
the App thus have to support using `*_V1` for the old users and use `*_V2` for the new users (or users who re-auth).

_You only need `*_V2` set if you are deploying a new instance of reread._

## Contributing

Please see the [](/ file.

## Deployment

Please see the [](/ file.

## Credits

A huge THANK YOU to all our [contributors](! :heart:

## License

Please see the [](/ file.

## Maintained by Jolly Good Code

[![Jolly Good Code](](

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