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 * webtrees-lib: MyArtJaub library for webtrees
 * @package MyArtJaub\Webtrees
 * @subpackage AdminTasks
 * @author Jonathan Jaubart <>
 * @copyright Copyright (c) 2020-2022, Jonathan Jaubart
 * @license GNU General Public License, version 3


namespace MyArtJaub\Webtrees\Module\AdminTasks\Services;

use Carbon\CarbonImmutable;
use Fisharebest\Webtrees\I18N;
use Fisharebest\Webtrees\Log;
use Fisharebest\Webtrees\Registry;
use Fisharebest\Webtrees\Services\ModuleService;
use Illuminate\Database\Capsule\Manager as DB;
use Illuminate\Database\Query\Builder;
use Illuminate\Support\Collection;
use MyArtJaub\Webtrees\Common\Tasks\TaskSchedule;
use MyArtJaub\Webtrees\Contracts\Tasks\ModuleTasksProviderInterface;
use MyArtJaub\Webtrees\Contracts\Tasks\TaskInterface;
use Closure;
use Throwable;
use stdClass;

 * Service for Task Schedules CRUD, and tasks execution
class TaskScheduleService
     * Time-out after which the task will be considered not running any more.
     * In seconds, default 5 mins.
     * @var integer
    public const TASK_TIME_OUT = 600;

    private ModuleService $module_service;

     * Constructor for TaskScheduleService
     * @param ModuleService $module_service
    public function __construct(ModuleService $module_service)
        $this->module_service = $module_service;

     * Returns all Tasks schedules in database.
     * Stored records can be synchronised with the tasks actually available to the system.
     * @param bool $sync_available Should tasks synchronised with available ones
     * @param bool $include_disabled Should disabled tasks be returned
     * @return Collection<TaskSchedule> Collection of TaskSchedule
    public function all(bool $sync_available = false, bool $include_disabled = true): Collection
        $tasks_schedules = DB::table('maj_admintasks')

        if ($sync_available) {
            $available_tasks = clone $this->available();
            foreach ($tasks_schedules as $task_schedule) {
                /** @var TaskSchedule $task_schedule */
                if ($available_tasks->has($task_schedule->taskId())) {
                } else {

            foreach ($available_tasks as $task_name => $task_class) {
                if (null !== $task = app($task_class)) {
                    $this->insertTask($task_name, $task->defaultFrequency());

            return $this->all(false, $include_disabled);

        return $tasks_schedules;

     * Returns tasks exposed through modules implementing ModuleTasksProviderInterface.
     * @return Collection<string, string>
    public function available(): Collection
        return Registry::cache()->array()->remember(
            function (): Collection {
                /** @var Collection<string, string> $tasks */
                $tasks = $this->module_service
                    ->flatMap(fn(ModuleTasksProviderInterface $module) => $module->listTasks());
                return $tasks;

     * Find a task schedule by its ID.
     * @param int $task_schedule_id
     * @return TaskSchedule|NULL
    public function find(int $task_schedule_id): ?TaskSchedule
        return DB::table('maj_admintasks')
            ->where('majat_id', '=', $task_schedule_id)

     * Add a new task schedule with the specified task ID, and frequency if defined.
     * Uses default for other settings.
     * @param string $task_id
     * @param int $frequency
     * @return bool
    public function insertTask(string $task_id, int $frequency = 0): bool
        $values = ['majat_task_id' => $task_id];
        if ($frequency > 0) {
            $values['majat_frequency'] = $frequency;

        return DB::table('maj_admintasks')

     * Update a task schedule.
     * Returns the number of tasks schedules updated.
     * @param TaskSchedule $task_schedule
     * @return int
    public function update(TaskSchedule $task_schedule): int
        return DB::table('maj_admintasks')
            ->where('majat_id', '=', $task_schedule->id())
                'majat_status'      =>  $task_schedule->isEnabled() ? 'enabled' : 'disabled',
                'majat_last_run'    =>  $task_schedule->lastRunTime()->toDateTimeString(),
                'majat_last_result' =>  $task_schedule->wasLastRunSuccess(),
                'majat_frequency'   =>  $task_schedule->frequency(),
                'majat_nb_occur'    =>  $task_schedule->remainingOccurrences(),
                'majat_running'     =>  $task_schedule->isRunning()

     * Delete a task schedule.
     * @param TaskSchedule $task_schedule
     * @return int
    public function delete(TaskSchedule $task_schedule): int
        return DB::table('maj_admintasks')
            ->where('majat_id', '=', $task_schedule->id())

     * Find a task by its name
     * @param string $task_id
     * @return TaskInterface|NULL
    public function findTask(string $task_id): ?TaskInterface
        if ($this->available()->has($task_id)) {
            return app($this->available()->get($task_id));
        return null;

     * Retrieve all tasks that are candidates to be run.
     * @param bool $force Should the run be forced
     * @param string $task_id Specific task ID to be run
     * @return Collection<TaskSchedule>
    public function findTasksToRun(bool $force, string $task_id = ''): Collection
        $query = DB::table('maj_admintasks')
            ->where('majat_status', '=', 'enabled')
            ->where(function (Builder $query): void {
                $query->where('majat_running', '=', 0)
                    ->orWhere('majat_last_run', '<=', CarbonImmutable::now('UTC')->subSeconds(self::TASK_TIME_OUT));

        if (!$force) {
            $query->where(function (Builder $query): void {

                $query->where('majat_last_result', '=', 0)
                    ->orWhereRaw('DATE_ADD(majat_last_run, INTERVAL majat_frequency MINUTE) <= NOW()');

        if ($task_id !== '') {
            $query->where('majat_task_id', '=', $task_id);

        return $query->get()->map(self::rowMapper());

     * Run the task associated with the schedule.
     * The task will run if either forced to, or its next scheduled run time has been exceeded.
     * The last run time is recorded only if the task is successful.
     * @param TaskSchedule $task_schedule
     * @param boolean $force
    public function run(TaskSchedule $task_schedule, $force = false): void
        /** @var TaskSchedule $task_schedule */
        $task_schedule = DB::table('maj_admintasks')
            ->where('majat_id', '=', $task_schedule->id())

        if (
            !$task_schedule->isRunning() &&
            ($force ||
        ) {

            $task = $this->findTask($task_schedule->taskId());
            if ($task !== null) {

                $first_error = $task_schedule->wasLastRunSuccess();
                try {
                } catch (Throwable $ex) {
                    if ($first_error) { // Only record the first error, as this could fill the log.
                        Log::addErrorLog(I18N::translate('Error while running task %s:', $task->name()) . ' ' .
                            '[' . get_class($ex) . '] ' . $ex->getMessage() . ' ' . $ex->getFile() . ':'
                            . $ex->getLine() . PHP_EOL . $ex->getTraceAsString());

                if ($task_schedule->wasLastRunSuccess()) {

     * Mapper to return a TaskSchedule object from an object.
     * @return Closure(stdClass $row): TaskSchedule
    public static function rowMapper(): Closure
        return static function (stdClass $row): TaskSchedule {
            return new TaskSchedule(
                (int) $row->majat_id,
                $row->majat_status === 'enabled',
                CarbonImmutable::parse($row->majat_last_run, 'UTC'),
                (bool) $row->majat_last_result,
                (int) $row->majat_frequency,
                (int) $row->majat_nb_occur,
                (bool) $row->majat_running