# Editors' integration
We don't have any proper integration or official plugins for editors yet.
Here are a few ideas you can use to make your own flow.
## Vim
Split terminal vertically and open fast focused on build the expression.
nnoremap <Leader>ff :vsplit \| terminal fast "()" % <Left><Left><Left><Left><Left>
Or you can build a function:
function! s:Fast(args)
let cmd = ''
if !empty(b:ruby_project_root)
let cmd .= 'cd ' . b:ruby_project_root . ' && '
let cmd .= 'fast --no-color ' . a:args
let custom_maker = neomake#utils#MakerFromCommand(cmd)
let = cmd
let custom_maker.cwd = b:ruby_project_root
let custom_maker.remove_invalid_entries = 0
" e.g.:
" # path/to/file.rb:1141
" my_method(
" :boom,
" arg1: 1,
" )
" %W# %f:%l -> start a multiline warning when the line matches '# path/file.rb:1234'
" %-Z# end multiline warning on the next line that starts with '#'
" %C%m continued multiline warning message
let custom_maker.errorformat = '%W# %f:%l, %-Z#, %C%m'
let enabled_makers = [custom_maker]
update | call neomake#Make(0, enabled_makers) | echom "running: " . cmd
command! -complete=file -nargs=1 Fast call s:Fast(<q-args>)
Check the conversation about vim integration [here](