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Fast supports SQL and all parser efforts are done through pg_query which means
it's PostgreSQL dialect only.

## Parsing

require 'fast/sql'
ast = Fast.parse_sql('select 1')
# => s(:select_stmt,
#     s(:target_list,
#       s(:res_target,
#         s(:val,
#           s(:a_const,
#             s(:val,
#               s(:integer,
#                 s(:ival, 1))))))))

## Why it's interesting to use AST for SQL?

Both SQL are available and do the same thing:

select * from customers


table customers

they have exactly the same objective but written down in very different syntax.

Give a try:

Fast.parse_sql("select * from customers") == Fast.parse_sql("table customers") # => true

## Match

Use `match?` with your node pattern to traverse the abstract syntax tree.

Fast.match?("(select_stmt ...)", ast) # => true

Use `$` to capture elements from the AST:

Fast.match?("(select_stmt $...)", ast)
#  => [s(:target_list,
#    s(:res_target,
#      s(:val,
#        s(:a_const,
#          s(:val,
#            s(:integer,
#              s(:ival, 1)))))))]

You can dig deeper into the AST specifying nodes:

Fast.match?("(select_stmt (target_list (res_target (val ($...)))))", ast)
# => [s(:a_const,
#     s(:val,
#       s(:integer,
#         s(:ival, 1))))]

And ignoring node types or values using `_`. Check all [syntax](/syntax) options.

Fast.match?("(select_stmt (_ (_ (val ($...)))))", ast)
# => [s(:a_const,
#     s(:val,
#       s(:integer,
#         s(:ival, 1))))]

## Search directly from the AST

You can also search directly from nodes and keep digging:

ast = Fast.parse_sql('select 1');'ival') # => [s(:ival, s(:ival, 1))]

Use first to return the node directly:

ast.first('(ival (ival _))')  #=> s(:ival, s(:ival, 1))

Combine the `capture` method with `$`:

ast.capture('(ival (ival $_))') # => [1]

!!! warn "Be careful with AST structures"
    The AST structure may vary depending on the Postgresql and the pg_query version
    used in the parser.

# Examples

Let's dive into a more complex example capturing fields and from clause of a
condition. Let's start parsing the sql:

## Capturing fields and where clause

ast = Fast.parse_sql('select name from customer')
#   => s(:select_stmt,
#     s(:target_list,
#       s(:res_target,
#         s(:val,
#           s(:column_ref,
#             s(:fields,
#               s(:string,
#                 s(:str, "name"))))))),
#     s(:from_clause,
#       s(:range_var,
#         s(:relname, "customer"),
#         s(:inh, true),
#         s(:relpersistence, "p"))))

Now, let's build the expression to get the fields and from_clause.

 cols_and_from = "
     (target_list (res_target (val (column_ref (fields $...)))))
     (from_clause (range_var $(relname _))))

Now, we can use `Fast.capture` or `Fast.match?` to extract the values from the

Fast.capture(cols_and_from, ast)
# => [s(:string,
#     s(:str, "name")), s(:relname, "customer")]

## Search inside

relname = Fast.parse_sql('select name from customer').search('relname').first
# => s(:relname, "customer")

Find the location of a node.

relname.location # => #<Parser::Source::Map:0x00007fd3bcb0b7f0
#  @expression=#<Parser::Source::Range (sql) 17...25>,
#  @node=s(:relname, "customer")>

The location can be useful to allow you to do refactorings and find specific
delimitations of objects in the string.

The attribute `expression` gives access to the source range.

# => #<Parser::Source::Range (sql) 17...25>

The `source_buffer` is shared and can be accessed through the expression.

# => #<Fast::SQL::SourceBuffer:0x00007fd3bc2a6420
#    @name="(sql)",
#    @source="select name from customer",
#    @tokens=
#     [<PgQuery::ScanToken: start: 0, end: 6, token: :SELECT, keyword_kind: :RESERVED_KEYWORD>,
#      <PgQuery::ScanToken: start: 7, end: 11, token: :NAME_P, keyword_kind: :UNRESERVED_KEYWORD>,
#      <PgQuery::ScanToken: start: 12, end: 16, token: :FROM, keyword_kind: :RESERVED_KEYWORD>,
#      <PgQuery::ScanToken: start: 17, end: 25, token: :IDENT, keyword_kind: :NO_KEYWORD>]>

The tokens are useful to find the proper node location during the build but
they're not available for all the nodes, so, it can be very handy as an extra

## Replace

Replace fragments of your SQL based on AST can also be done with all the work
inherited from Parser::TreeRewriter components.

Fast.parse_sql('select 1').replace('ival', '2') # => "select 2"

The previous example is a syntax sugar for the following code:

  Fast.parse_sql('select 1'),
  &->(node){ replace(node.location.expression, '2') }
) # => "select 2"

The last argument is a proc that runs on the [parser tree rewriter](
) scope.

Let's break down the previous code:

ast = Fast.parse_sql("select 1")
#  => s(:select_stmt,
#    s(:target_list,
#      s(:res_target,
#        s(:val,
#          s(:a_const,
#            s(:ival,
#              s(:ival, 1)))))))

The pattern is simply matching node type that is `ival` but it could be a complex expression
like `(val (a_const (val (ival (ival _)))))`.

Completing the example:

 Fast.replace_sql("ival", ast, &-> (n) { replace(n.loc.expression, "3") })
 # => "select 3"

`loc` is a shortcut for `location` attribute.

# Mastering on command line

Installing the gem ffast will allow you to use the `fast` utility in the command

## Force sql

Fast can guess that `fast ... *.sql` is looking for SQL stuff. But, if your file
extension is not available or you want test something inline, use `--sql`.

    fast --sql --debug --similar "drop view _"

It will output

    Search similar to (drop_stmt (objects (list (items (string (sval _))))) (remove_type _) (behavior _))

## Similar

Generalize identifiers with `--similar`. It can be very useful to build the expression from SQL and
look for similar expressions.

    fast --sql --similar "select * from _" *.sql

You can also use `--debug` to check the expression

    fast --debug --sql --similar "select * from _"


Search similar to (select_stmt (target_list (res_target (val (column_ref (fields))))) (from_clause (range_var (relname _) (inh ) (relpersistence _))))

## From code

If you don't know the AST but wants an exact match from code, use `--from-code`
and it will build an expression that matches exactly the same tree.

fast --sql --from-code "select * from my_table" *.sql

## Reusing your patterns and statements

Check out the [Shortcuts](/sql/shortcuts).