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Test Coverage
-include .env
-include .version

changelog :=

.PHONY: $(filter-out $(changelog) docs vendor, $(MAKECMDGOALS))

help: ## Show this help message
    @printf "\033[33mPHP Unit Converter \033[0m(\033[34mversion $(VERSION)\033[0m) by Jordan Brauer\n\n"
    @printf "\033[33mUsage:\033[0m\n  make [target] [arg=\"val\"...]\n\n\033[33mTargets:\033[0m\n"
    @grep -E '^[-a-zA-Z0-9_\.\/]+:.*?## .*$$' $(firstword $(MAKEFILE_LIST)) | sort | awk 'BEGIN {FS = ":.*?## "}; {printf "  \033[32m%-15s\033[0m %s\n", $$1, $$2}'

analysis: vendor ## Analyze the source code and manifest document(s)
    @composer validate
    @composer normalize --dry-run
    @PHP_CS_FIXER_IGNORE_ENV=1 bin/phpcs fix --config=.php_cs --show-progress=dots --ansi -vvv --dry-run
    # @vendor/bin/phpinsights --no-interaction \
    #     --min-quality=70 \
    #     --min-complexity=90 \
    #     --min-architecture=70 \
    #     --min-style=90

changelog: $(changelog) ## Generate a new changelog for versions defined in .version config
$(changelog): vendor .version
    @git tag $(VERSION)
    @php -f vendor/bin/conventional-changelog -- \
        --history \
        --from-tag="$(VERSION_INITIAL)" \
        --to-tag="$(VERSION_LATEST)" \
    @git tag -d $(VERSION)
    @touch $(changelog)

coverage: vendor ## Generate a coverage report from the tests for CI/CD
    @vendor/bin/phpunit --coverage-clover=./clover.xml --configuration=./phpunit.xml --testsuite=fullspec --color=never
    #@vendor/bin/pest --coverage --coverage-clover=./clover.xml --configuration=./phpunit.xml --color=never

docs: $(wildcard src/*.php) $(wildcard src/**/*.php) ## Generate a new set of documentation
    @/usr/bin/php -f bin/phpdoc -- -d ./src -t ./docs
    @touch docs

lock: vendor
    @composer update --lock --ignore-platform-reqs

release: analysis changelog ## Release the version as defined in .version config
    @git commit -am "chore(release): $(VERSION)"
    @git tag $(VERSION)
    @git push origin $(VERSION)
    @git push

style: vendor ## Format the source code and other documents in the repository
    @composer normalize
    @PHP_CS_FIXER_IGNORE_ENV=1 bin/phpcs fix --config=.php_cs --show-progress=dots --ansi -vvv

test: vendor ## Run tests
    #@vendor/bin/phpunit --configuration=./phpunit.xml --testsuite=fullspec --color=always

vendor: composer.json ## Install vendor dependencies
    @composer install --optimize-autoloader --no-suggest --ignore-platform-reqs
    @touch vendor