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# Changelog

Important additions/changes/removals will appear here.

## Unreleased


## 2.5 (August 24, 2023)

### Fixed
* If you `touch` a mailing it'll check if it needs to `#end_if_no_mailings` properly [#36](

### Added
* `Caffeinate.dripper_collection.clear_cache!` to resolve

## 2.4 (April 24, 2023)

### Added 
* RSpec matchers [#30](
* Ability to use normal Ruby classes, not just ActionMailer, using `Caffeinate::ActionProxy` [#24](
* Periodical drip rework [#26](
  * now support `every`, `if`, and `start` option
* Ability to automatically call all drippers with `Caffeinate.perform!` [#28](

### Changed
* A `Drip` now accepts an `action_class` option, in addition to the previous options [#24](
* Periodical drips are now defined with `periodical` [#26](
* Calling `subscribe!` will now only `find_or_create` for active subscriptions (using `end!` will cause a subsequent `.subscribe` to yield a new/fresh subscription) [#31](
* If you destroy a `CampaignSubscription` it will no longer hit the `on_complete` callbacks [#34](

### Fixed 
* Calling `end!` in a callback won't end up in an infinite loop. [#35](

## v2.3

It didn't exist, sorry.

## v2.2.0 (March 20, 2023)

### Fixed
* Documentation about `rescue_from` in a `Dripper` 

### Added
* Ability to add new mailings to a campaign using `CampaignSubscription#refuel!`
    - Someone had mentioned that:
    > [Caffeinate] appear to allow you to edit Campaigns for people currently subscribed (e.g. adding more emails to an onboarding campaign)
    Now ya can! Just call `refuel!` on an instance of a `CampaignSubscription` and it will only create new mailings. 

## v2.1.0 (January 14, 2023)

### Fixed
* Ruby 3 bug 

### Added
* Support for rescuing from an error during delivery:

    class MyDripper < Caffeinate::Dripper::Base
      rescue_from Postmark::SomeError do |exception|

## v2.0.1 (September 11, 2021)

### Fixed
* Unsubscribe/resubscribe links on views of the `CampaignSubscriptionsController`

## v2.0.0 (September 11, 2021)

### Changed
* `CampaignSubscription` now creates the relevant mailings using `after_create` instead of `after_commit` 
    - The original logic was flawed: the `on_complete` callback for a `Dripper` would be invoked due to how a
      `CampaignSubscription` is considered complete: ``. `after_create` creates the mailings 
      in the same transaction as the `CampaignSubscription`, not outside of it.
### Removed
* Duplicate `#resubscribe!` method on `CampaignSubscription`

## v0.16 (April 14, 2021)

### Changed
* Change `delegate_missing_to` to normal `respond_to_missing?` and `method_missing`

## v0.15 (January 18, 2021)

### Added
* `Caffeinate::Mailing#send_at` column must is `not null`
* `Caffeinate::Mailing.unsent` reflects `Caffeinate::Mailing` records where `Caffeinate::CampaignSubscription` is active
* `Caffeinate::Campaign` now has an `active` scope 

### Changed
* Improved documentation.

### Removed
* Auto-subscribe functionality
    - This wasn't used (and this gem isn't even released); it was from the original implementation and carried over because
      I thought it was a good idea. It wasn't.

## v0.14 (January 18, 2021)

### Added
* This changelog
* Add Rails migration version when installing Caffeinate
* Ability to bail on a mailing in a `before_drip` callback ([3643dd](

### Changed
* Drip doesn't get evaluated if `before_drip` returns false