

2 days
Test Coverage
// commands for packing and unpacking tarballs
// this file is used by lib/cache.js

var npm = require("../npm.js")
  , fs = require("graceful-fs")
  , writeFileAtomic = require("write-file-atomic")
  , writeStreamAtomic = require("fs-write-stream-atomic")
  , path = require("path")
  , log = require("npmlog")
  , uidNumber = require("uid-number")
  , rm = require("./gently-rm.js")
  , readJson = require("read-package-json")
  , myUid = process.getuid && process.getuid()
  , myGid = process.getgid && process.getgid()
  , tar = require("tar")
  , zlib = require("zlib")
  , fstream = require("fstream")
  , Packer = require("fstream-npm")
  , lifecycle = require("./lifecycle.js")

if (process.env.SUDO_UID && myUid === 0) {
  if (!isNaN(process.env.SUDO_UID)) myUid = +process.env.SUDO_UID
  if (!isNaN(process.env.SUDO_GID)) myGid = +process.env.SUDO_GID

exports.pack = pack
exports.unpack = unpack

function pack (tarball, folder, pkg, dfc, cb) {
  log.verbose("tar pack", [tarball, folder])
  if (typeof cb !== "function") cb = dfc, dfc = false

  log.verbose("tarball", tarball)
  log.verbose("folder", folder)

  if (dfc) {
    // do fancy crap
    return lifecycle(pkg, "prepublish", folder, function (er) {
      if (er) return cb(er)
      pack_(tarball, folder, pkg, cb)
  } else {
    pack_(tarball, folder, pkg, cb)

function pack_ (tarball, folder, pkg, cb) {
  new Packer({ path: folder, type: "Directory", isDirectory: true })
    .on("error", function (er) {
      if (er) log.error("tar pack", "Error reading " + folder)
      return cb(er)

    // By default, npm includes some proprietary attributes in the
    // package tarball.  This is sane, and allowed by the spec.
    // However, npm *itself* excludes these from its own package,
    // so that it can be more easily bootstrapped using old and
    // non-compliant tar implementations.
    .pipe(tar.Pack({ noProprietary: !npm.config.get("proprietary-attribs") }))
    .on("error", function (er) {
      if (er) log.error("tar.pack", "tar creation error", tarball)
    .on("error", function (er) {
      if (er) log.error("tar.pack", "gzip error "+tarball)
    .on("error", function (er) {
      if (er) log.error("tar.pack", "Could not write "+tarball)
    .on("close", cb)

function unpack (tarball, unpackTarget, dMode, fMode, uid, gid, cb) {
  log.verbose("tar", "unpack", tarball)
  log.verbose("tar", "unpacking to", unpackTarget)
  if (typeof cb !== "function") cb = gid, gid = null
  if (typeof cb !== "function") cb = uid, uid = null
  if (typeof cb !== "function") cb = fMode, fMode = npm.modes.file
  if (typeof cb !== "function") cb = dMode, dMode = npm.modes.exec

  uidNumber(uid, gid, function (er, uid, gid) {
    if (er) return cb(er)
    unpack_(tarball, unpackTarget, dMode, fMode, uid, gid, cb)

function unpack_ ( tarball, unpackTarget, dMode, fMode, uid, gid, cb ) {
  rm(unpackTarget, function (er) {
    if (er) return cb(er)
    // gzip {tarball} --decompress --stdout \
    //   | tar -mvxpf - --strip-components=1 -C {unpackTarget}
    gunzTarPerm( tarball, unpackTarget
               , dMode, fMode
               , uid, gid
               , function (er, folder) {
      if (er) return cb(er)
      readJson(path.resolve(folder, "package.json"), cb)

function gunzTarPerm (tarball, target, dMode, fMode, uid, gid, cb_) {
  if (!dMode) dMode = npm.modes.exec
  if (!fMode) fMode = npm.modes.file
  log.silly("gunzTarPerm", "modes", [dMode.toString(8), fMode.toString(8)])

  var cbCalled = false
  function cb (er) {
    if (cbCalled) return
    cbCalled = true
    cb_(er, target)

  var fst = fs.createReadStream(tarball)

  fst.on("open", function (fd) {
    fs.fstat(fd, function (er, st) {
      if (er) return fst.emit("error", er)
      if (st.size === 0) {
        er = new Error("0-byte tarball\n" +
                       "Please run `npm cache clean`")
        fst.emit("error", er)

  // figure out who we're supposed to be, if we're not pretending
  // to be a specific user.
  if (npm.config.get("unsafe-perm") && process.platform !== "win32") {
    uid = myUid
    gid = myGid

  function extractEntry (entry) {
    log.silly("gunzTarPerm", "extractEntry", entry.path)
    // never create things that are user-unreadable,
    // or dirs that are user-un-listable. Only leads to headaches.
    var originalMode = entry.mode = entry.mode || entry.props.mode
    entry.mode = entry.mode | (entry.type === "Directory" ? dMode : fMode)
    entry.mode = entry.mode & (~npm.modes.umask)
    entry.props.mode = entry.mode
    if (originalMode !== entry.mode) {
      log.silly( "gunzTarPerm", "modified mode"
               , [entry.path, originalMode, entry.mode])

    // if there's a specific owner uid/gid that we want, then set that
    if (process.platform !== "win32" &&
        typeof uid === "number" &&
        typeof gid === "number") {
      entry.props.uid = entry.uid = uid
      entry.props.gid = entry.gid = gid

  var extractOpts = { type: "Directory", path: target, strip: 1 }

  if (process.platform !== "win32" &&
      typeof uid === "number" &&
      typeof gid === "number") {
    extractOpts.uid = uid
    extractOpts.gid = gid

  var sawIgnores = {}
  extractOpts.filter = function () {
    // symbolic links are not allowed in packages.
    if (this.type.match(/^.*Link$/)) {
      log.warn( "excluding symbolic link"
              , this.path.substr(target.length + 1)
              + " -> " + this.linkpath )
      return false

    // Note: This mirrors logic in the fs read operations that are
    // employed during tarball creation, in the fstream-npm module.
    // It is duplicated here to handle tarballs that are created
    // using other means, such as system tar or git archive.
    if (this.type === "File") {
      var base = path.basename(this.path)
      if (base === ".npmignore") {
        sawIgnores[ this.path ] = true
      } else if (base === ".gitignore") {
        var npmignore = this.path.replace(/\.gitignore$/, ".npmignore")
        if (sawIgnores[npmignore]) {
          // Skip this one, already seen.
          return false
        } else {
          // Rename, may be clobbered later.
          this.path = npmignore
          this._path = npmignore

    return true

    .on("error", function (er) {
      if (er) log.error("tar.unpack", "error reading "+tarball)
    .on("data", function OD (c) {
      // detect what it is.
      // Then, depending on that, we'll figure out whether it's
      // a single-file module, gzipped tarball, or naked tarball.
      // gzipped files all start with 1f8b08
      if (c[0] === 0x1F &&
          c[1] === 0x8B &&
          c[2] === 0x08) {
          .on("error", function (er) {
            if (er) log.error("tar.unpack", "unzip error "+tarball)
          .on("entry", extractEntry)
          .on("error", function (er) {
            if (er) log.error("tar.unpack", "untar error "+tarball)
          .on("close", cb)
      } else if (hasTarHeader(c)) {
        // naked tar
          .on("entry", extractEntry)
          .on("error", function (er) {
            if (er) log.error("tar.unpack", "untar error "+tarball)
          .on("close", cb)
      } else {
        // naked js file
        var jsOpts = { path: path.resolve(target, "index.js") }

        if (process.platform !== "win32" &&
            typeof uid === "number" &&
            typeof gid === "number") {
          jsOpts.uid = uid
          jsOpts.gid = gid

          .on("error", function (er) {
            if (er) log.error("tar.unpack", "copy error "+tarball)
          .on("close", function () {
            var j = path.resolve(target, "package.json")
            readJson(j, function (er, d) {
              if (er) {
                log.error("not a package", tarball)
                return cb(er)
              writeFileAtomic(j, JSON.stringify(d) + "\n", cb)

      // now un-hook, and re-emit the chunk
      fst.removeListener("data", OD)
      fst.emit("data", c)

function hasTarHeader (c) {
  return c[257] === 0x75 && // tar archives have 7573746172 at position
         c[258] === 0x73 && // 257 and 003030 or 202000 at position 262
         c[259] === 0x74 &&
         c[260] === 0x61 &&
         c[261] === 0x72 &&

       ((c[262] === 0x00 &&
         c[263] === 0x30 &&
         c[264] === 0x30) ||

        (c[262] === 0x20 &&
         c[263] === 0x20 &&
         c[264] === 0x00))