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# TwitterLike

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- Just another simple web application that can be used to test the integration between the AngularJS and Silex PHP micro framework. So, this project is a cool and simplest version of Twitter micro blogging with a web responsible interface (thanks TwitterBootstrap) and with a REST API provided by Silex (thanks SensioLabs), **contribute with this project**!

## Installation

- The package is available on [Packagist](
- The source files is [PSR-2]( compatible.
- Autoloading is [PSR-4]( compatible.

git clone
cd twitter-like/
composer install
bower install
npm install
mkdir -p storage/cache
chmod +x app/console
chmod -Rf 777 storage/
cp .env.example .env

# change your database credentials
nano .env

# run "grunt production" to minify and optimize the web files

Now, you must create a MySQL database named `twitter_like` (this name can be changed in your `.env` file). After, you must type the command on your terminal:

php app/console orm:schema-tool:create

This command will create the entities on your MySQL database.

### Running a Web Server

After the steps that you followed to install this application, you must run a web server. So, type the following command on your terminal to create a web server.

$ php -S -t public/ public/index.php

Note that this command must be executed on root directory of this web application.

Now you can open your browser and access the application [http://localhost:8080/](http://localhost:8080/) that looks like with the following screenshot:


## API Documentation

Well, you can see below the HTTP routes where this application will handle your requests.

**GET** */* will load the web application.

**GET** */api/post* will load the posts from database in two format and return the results in two different formats (`json` or `xml`).

        "created_at":"2016-05-19 01:24:34",
        "message":"Could you help me, please?"
        "created_at":"2016-05-19 01:24:01",
        "message":"I'm a ZCPE (Zend Certified PHP Engineer) and I work with PHP since 2010."
        "created_at":"2016-05-19 01:23:19",
        "message":"Hey guys, good morning!"
        "created_at":"2016-05-19 01:23:04",
        "message":"Hello, how are you?"
        "created_at":"2016-05-19 01:22:52",
        "message":"My first message."

Or in XML if you send a request with the `Accept` header with the value `text/xml`:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <entry id="5" created_at="2016-05-19 01:24:34">
        <![CDATA[Could you help me, please?]]>
    <entry id="4" created_at="2016-05-19 01:24:01">
        <![CDATA[I'm a ZCPE (Zend Certified PHP Engineer) and I work with PHP since 2010.]]>
    <entry id="3" created_at="2016-05-19 01:23:19">
        <![CDATA[Hey guys, good morning!]]>
    <entry id="2" created_at="2016-05-19 01:23:04">
        <![CDATA[Hello, how are you?]]>
    <entry id="1" created_at="2016-05-19 01:22:52">
        <![CDATA[My first message.]]>

**POST** */api/post* will receive a content type as `application/json` with the following content:

    "message":"Could you help me, please?"

This request will create a resource on your entity Post and will return a response where the content type will be `application/json` with the following content:

    "id": 6,
    "created_at": "2016-05-19 01:24:34",
    "message": "Could you help me, please?"

**If you liked of this project, give me a *star =)*.**


1. Give me a star **=)**
1. Fork it
2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`)
3. Make your changes
4. Run the tests, adding new ones for your own code if necessary (`vendor/bin/phpunit`)
5. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Added some feature'`)
6. Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`)
7. Create new Pull Request