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              <h1>Redis Sniffer</h1>
              <p>Redis Sniffer is a packet capture and filter utility geared toward capturing and logging both ingress and egress Redis traffic going across a specific interface on a specific port.</p>
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              <h1>Redis Sniffer v1.1.0 Released!</h1>
              <p>v1.1.0 introduces a debug mode that will capture and log raw ethernet and tcp packets.  Redis command filtering has also been implemented, allowing for only specified redis commands to be logged.</p>
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              <h1>Redis Sniffer on Github</h1>
              <p>As an Open Source project, we utilize Github as out primary code repository.</p>
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          <h2 class="featurette-heading">Getting Started: <span class="text-muted">Installation</span></h2>
          <p class="lead">*nix - Debian/Ubuntu/Mint - pip<br />
          <pre><code>sudo apt-get install libpcap-dev
pip install redis-sniffer</code></pre></p>
          <p class="lead">*nix - Debian/Ubuntu/Mint - apt<br />
          <pre><code>// Add our apt key
wget -O -|apt-key add -

// add our repo to your source list
echo "deb stable main" >> /etc/apt/sources.list
sudo apt-get udpate
sudo apt-get install libpcap-dev redis-sniffer</code></pre></p>
          <p class="lead">*nix - Redhat/CentOS<br />
          <pre><code>sudo yum install libpcap-devel
pip install redis-sniffer</code></pre></p>


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          <h2 class="featurette-heading">Getting Started: <span class="text-muted">Using Redis Sniffer</span></h2>
          <p class="lead">Redis Sniffer binds to a network interface and analyzes the traffic that is crossing that interface on a specified port.  The most basic usage can be seen here: <br />
          <pre><code># format: redis-sniffer -i &lt;interface&gt; -p &lt;port&gt;
sudo redis-sniffer -i bond0 -p 6379</code></pre>
          This will log all ingress and egress traffic on the interface/port to a log file in the current directory.  Some additional examples are shown below:<br />
          <pre><code># log all redis traffic on port 6379 crossing bond0 interface and have logs written to the /var/log/redis-sniffer folder.
          sudo redis-sniffer -i bond0 -p 6379 --out /var/log/redis-sniffer

          # log only select redis commands; -f allows a comma separated list of redis commands to filter and log.  When using the -f flag, each filtered command will be logged to its own file.
          sudo redis-sniffer -i bond0 -p 6379 --out /var/log/redis-sniffer -f select

          #other options
          -l [full,event,debug] - The level of logging, defaults to <strong>full</strong>
          -el, --event-log - The name of the file that redis events are logged to
          -fl, --full-log - The name of the file that all traffic is logged to
          --append - A suffix to append to the log file names created when using filters</code></pre></p>


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