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export default gameService;
import _ from 'lodash';
import game from './game.json';

/** @ngInject */
function gameService($log, $rootScope, Step, Var, Ending, Character, I18n, memoizeMixin) {
  // Symbols declarion for private attributes and methods
  const _meta = Symbol('meta');
  const _vars = Symbol('vars');
  const _history = Symbol('history');
  const _journeyCacheKey = Symbol('journeyCacheKey');

  class Game {
    constructor(meta) {
      // Load meta data
      this[_meta] = angular.copy(meta || game);
      // Build step using meta data
      this[_meta].steps = _.castArray(this[_meta].steps).map(meta => new Step(meta, this));
      // Build step using meta data
      this[_meta].endings = _.castArray(this[_meta].endings).map(meta => new Ending(meta, this));
      // Prepare vars according to choice's history
      // Ensure those method arround bound to the current instance
      ['continue'].forEach(m => {
        this[m] = this[m].bind(this);
      // Notice the user
      $`Starting game with ${this.steps.length} steps`);
      // And broadcast a starting event
      $rootScope.$broadcast('game:start', this);
    isCurrent(step) {
      return step.isCurrent();
    isOver() {
      // Get choices of steps that are done
      const done = _.filter(this.history, _.method('step.isDone'));
      // Filter to thoses that have consequences
      return _.some(done, _.method('hasConsequences')) || !this.hasStepsAhead();
    isFirstYear() {
      return this.year === _.first(this.years);
    hasFeedback() {
      return this.history.length ? _.last(this.history).hasFeedback() : false;
    hasStepsAhead() {
      return this.stepsAhead.length > 0;
    hasStepsBehind() {
      return this.stepsBehind.length > 0;
    allowsNextSlice() {
      return !this.isOver() && !this.lastStack.isLastSlice();
    hasExplainers() {
      return this.explainers.length > 0;
    canUndo() {
      return this.history.length > 0;
    update(changes) {
      _.forEach(changes, (value, key) => {
        // Set the value accordingly
    var(name) {
      return _.find(this.vars, {name});
    endingsFor(name) {
      return _.filter(this.endingsWithVar, ending => === name);
    select(choice) {
      // Avoid adding a choice twice
      if (this.history.indexOf(choice) > -1) {
      // Apply changes
      // Take risk according to the current variables
      if (choice.takeRisks()) {
        // We loose!
        $'Losing causes: %s', choice.consequences.join(', '));
        // Send event to the root scope
        $rootScope.$broadcast('game:over', choice);
      } else {
        // Send event to the root scope
        $rootScope.$broadcast('game:selection', choice);
    undo() {
      // Remove the last choice
      const choice = this.history.pop();
      // Reset the current step's slice
      // And apply the whole history
      // Send event to the root scope
      $rootScope.$broadcast('game:undo', choice);
    load(historySerialized) {
      // Empty history
      this.history.splice(0, 0);
      // Iterate over the serialized history to make the right selection
      historySerialized.forEach(pair => {
        // Find the choice
        const choice = this.steps[pair[0]].choices[pair[1]];
        // Add it to the history
        // Terminate the step
      // Then apply history
    apply() {
      // Create new vars
      this[_vars] =[_meta].vars, (value, name) => {
        return new Var(angular.extend({name}, value), this);
      // Apply existing choices
      this.history.forEach(choice => this.update(choice.changes));
      // Invalidate the journey cache key
    continue() {
      // Invalidate the journey cache key
      // Emit an event
      $rootScope.$broadcast("game:slice:next", this.lastStack);
    finalSlice() {
      // Invalidate the journey cache key
      // Emit an event
      $rootScope.$broadcast("game:slice:next", this.lastStack);
    findPicture(lastYear = this.step.year) {
      return this.memoize('findPicture', lastYear => {
        // Find the closest years
        const year = _.chain(this.meta.years).keys().sort().findLast(y => {
          return y <= lastYear && this.meta.years[y].picture;
        // Return the picture for this year
        return this.meta.years[year].picture;
      }, lastYear);
    invalidateJourney() {
      this[_journeyCacheKey] = _.uniqueId('journey-');
    yearInfo(year) {
      return this.memoize('yearInfo', year => {
        return new I18n(this.meta.years[year]);
      }, year);
    get meta() {
      return this[_meta];
    get characters() {
      return this.memoize('characters', () => {
        return, (meta, key) => new Character(meta, key));
    get journeyCacheKey() {
      return this[_journeyCacheKey];
    get delay() {
    get readingTime() {
      return this.lastStack.readingTime;
    get lastStack() {
      if (this.step.isLastSlice()) {
        if (this.step.selection) {
          return this.step.selection;
        } else if (this.step.hasHelper()) {
          return this.step.helper;
      // Next slice within the step by default
      return this.step;
    get slice() {
      if (this.step.selection) {
        return this.step.slice + this.step.selection.slice;
      return this.step.slice;
    get feedback() {
      return this.hasFeedback() ? _.last(this.history).feedback : null;
    get consequences() {
      return _(this.history).map('consequences').flatten().uniq().value();
    set history(val) {
      this[_history] = val;
    // List of choices made by the player
    get history() {
      // Instanciate history if needed
      this[_history] = this[_history] || [];
      // Return the array
      return this[_history];
    // List of step seen or currently seen by the player
    get journey() {
      return this.memoize('journey', () => {
        // Do not add any step if the party is over
        if (this.isOver()) {
          // Get only steps from the past
          return this.stepsBehind;
        // Get steps from the past and the first ahead
        return this.stepsBehind.concat(this.stepsAhead.slice(0, 1));
      // Use a cache token to refresh the journey after each event
      }, this.journeyCacheKey);
    get historySerialized() {
      return this.memoize('historySerialized', () => {
        return, choice => {
          return [choice.step.index, choice.index];
      // Use the current journey cache key as memoize token
      }, this.journeyCacheKey);
    get vars() {
      return this[_vars];
    get stepIndex() {
      return this.step.index;
    get steps() {
      return this.meta.steps;
    get end() {
      // Did we had consequences?
      if (this.consequences.length) {
        // Get the last ending for the last consequence
        return _.last(this.endingsFor(_.last(this.consequences).name));
      // Last ending is the default
      return _.last(this.endings);
    get endings() {
      return this.meta.endings;
    get endingsWithVar() {
      return _.filter(this.endings, _.method('hasCondition'));
    get stepsBehind() {
      // Collect step from history step that are done
      return _.chain(this.history).map('step').filter(_.method('isDone')).value();
    get stepsAhead() {
      const steps = this.stepsBehind;
      // Start index
      const from = steps.length ? _.last(steps).index + 1 : 0;
      // Step must be valid
      return _.filter(this.steps.slice(from), {assert: true});
    get step() {
      return _.last(this.journey);
    get year() {
      return this.step && this.step.year;
    get years() {
      return _(this.steps).map('year').compact().uniq().sort().value();
    get pictures() {
      return, 'picture');
    get picture() {
      return this.findPicture();
    get risks() {
      return this.memoize('risks', () => {
        return _.filter(this.vars, {category: 'risk'});
      }, this.journeyCacheKey);
    get publicRisks() {
      return this.memoize('publicRisks', () => {
        return _.filter(this.vars, {category: 'risk', public: true});
      }, this.journeyCacheKey);
    get publicVars() {
      return this.memoize('publicVars', () => {
        return _.filter(this.vars, {public: true});
      }, this.journeyCacheKey);
    get explainers() {
      // Get all past steps that reach the last slice (before selection)
      const withSelection = _.chain(this.journey).filter(_.method('isLastSlice'));
      // Extract the explainer
      return'explainer').compact().uniqBy(h => h.title).value();
    get lastExplainer() {
      if (this.step && this.step.hasExplainer()) {
        return this.step.explainer;
  return memoizeMixin(Game);