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Test Coverage
  "app": {
    "title": "The Good, The Bad and The Accountant",
    "url": "",
    "description": "Can you run a city without falling prey to the sirens of corruption? Test yourself by playing The Good, The Bad and The Accountant!",
    "image": "",
    "share": {
      "tweet": {
        "via": "jplusplus_",
        "text": "How long can you survive in a corrupt city hall? Take your chance!"
  "main": {
    "back": "Back to the game",
    "intro": {
      "heading": "The Good, The Bad<br /> and The Accountant",
      "meta": "— by <a href='' target='_blank'>Journalism++</a>",
      "description": "<p>You're the general manager of a large city. Balance ethics and corruption to keep your position and get things done. Whatever happens, don't get caught!</p><p>Every example in the game is based on real cases.</p>",
      "new-game": "Start a new game",
      "continue": "Continue"
    "steps": {
      "undo": "Undo <span class='hidden-xs-down'>last action</span>",
      "over": {
        "undo": "Undo last action",
        "again": "Play again",
        "share": "You embezzled <a ui-sref='main.vars'>{{amount}} in {{years}} years</a>. Challenge your friends to make more!"
    "toolbar": {
      "heading": "The Good, The Bad<br /> and The Accountant",
      "links": {
        "chats": "Chats",
        "hints": "Hints",
        "indicators": "Indicators",
        "about": "About"
      "share": {
        "label": "Share",
        "twitter": "Share on Twitter",
        "facebook": "Share on Facebook",
        "reddit": "Share on Reddit"
    "hints": {
      "none": "No hints yet",
      "description": "Hints are collected during the game."