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Test Coverage
path: "/framer"
cover: "./cover-framer.png"
date: "2019-06-07"
title: "Framer"
published: true
url: ""
tags: ['Design','Collaboration','Code']

# Always interactive, lightning fast design.

Bring your creative ideas to life with Framer X, the best tool for interactive design. Create responsive layouts, design realistic prototypes, and bring everything closer to production—all in one place.

**The best teams around the world use Framer X**

## Interactions - Simply rapid prototyping.
Framer X offers tools to design scroll, link and page interactions. But don’t stop there—add a 3D effect or momentum. Create flows that feel real. And do it all in half the time.

## Components - Building blocks for every design.
Components in Framer X are the real deal. Pull them in from production, or create your own from design or code. Get every animation and micro-interaction just right. Create custom UI for every component, and reuse across multiple projects.

## Store - Thousands of design resources.
Never start from scratch with the Framer X Store. Find live maps, media players, multi-platform UI Kits and so much more. It’s everything you need to get your ideas up and running, all in one place. The best part? It’s community-powered and completely free.

## Teams - Design systems, supercharged.
The Framer X Team Store gives a whole new meaning to collaboration. A home for brand assets, design files and yes, even your production components. Always private, easily accessible. The best way to sync between design and development.

*“Framer allows designers to quickly iterate and user test a dozen different concepts, which drastically cuts down on development time.”*
Paul Stamatiou, Twitter