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import { OptionProps } from "react-select/lib/types";
import { Props as SelectProps } from "react-select/lib/Select";
import { AsyncProps } from "react-select/lib/Async";

type OptionValue =
    | ITaxonomyValue
    | ITaxonomyValue[]
    | OptionProps
    | OptionProps[]
    | string
    | string[]
    | number
    | number[]
    | boolean;

export interface ITaxonomyPickerProps
    extends SelectProps<OptionValue>,
        AsyncProps<OptionValue> {
     * The internal name of the Taxonomy Picker (nothing to do with TermSet name).
    name: string;

     * A Boolean value that specifies whether the Taxonomy Picker has multiple or single values to be selected.
    multi: boolean;

     * The display name to be show as a control label.
    displayName?: string;

     * The term set id to get the terms.
     * Is it's not specified, then will be used defaultOptions as a fallback
    termSetGuid?: string;

     * The term set name.
    termSetName?: string;

     * The maximun number of terms from which convert the control from Sync to Asycn.
     * Sync means all the terms will be gathered.
     * Async means no terms will be gotten until first user search.
    termSetCountMaxSwapToAsync?: number;

     * The quantity of minutes to expire the Term Set Counters cache.
     * That is the cache used by TaxonomyAPI.getTermSetCount method to get the quantity of terms.
     * Default value is 10080 minutes / 1 week
     * @default 10080
    termSetCountCacheExpiresMin?: number;

     * The quantity of minutes to expire the Get All Terms cache.
     * That is the cache used by TaxonomyAPI.getAllTermsByTermSet method to get the quantity of terms.
     * Default value is 1440 minutes / 1 day
     * @default 1440
    termSetAllTermsCacheExpiresMin?: number;

     * The defaultOptions values to be used as a Mock values
    defaultOptions: ITaxonomyValue[] | OptionProps[];

     * initial Taxonomy Picker value
    defaultValue?: OptionValue;

     * field placeholder, displayed when there's no value
     * @default "Type here to search..."
    placeholder?: string;

     * Function (event handler which triggers when the selected value/s change/s.
    onPickerChange?: (
        taxonomyPickerName: string,
        newValue: OptionValue
    ) => void;

     * Show term path ?
    showPath?: boolean;

     * Log Errors in console
    logErrorsConsole?: boolean;

     * Log Errors in screen using div
    logErrorsDiv?: boolean;

 * Defines basic taxonomy value data structure.
export interface ITaxonomyValue {
     * The name for a Term.
    label: string;

     * The GUID for a Term.
    value: string;

     * The Path for a Term.
    path: string;