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Test Coverage
#### Version 0.3.3 (28.04.2014)

* fixed a problem with new GitHub raw URL hostname (@elhu)

#### Version 0.3.2 (24.03.2014)

* fixed a problem with the new version of rainbow gem

#### Version 0.3.1 (20.05.2013)

* stdin option

#### Version 0.3.0 (13.04.2013)

* silent option
* no-color option
* added vulnerabilities for ftpd, dragonfly, rdoc

#### Version 0.2.2 (29.03.2013)

* fixed Capistrano recipe
* updated Devise vulnerability info

#### Version 0.2.1 (21.03.2013)

* added possibility to display additional notes about specific vulnerabilities (see data.json)
* added multi_xml, httparty, extlib, crack and nori vulnerabilities

#### Version 0.2.0 (7.03.2013)

* Capistrano recipe (@manuelvanrijn)
* updated JSON vulnerability from February to also include json_pure
* print warning if no gemfiles are found
* print green checkmarks instead of OK for safe gemfiles

#### Version 0.1.2 (23.02.2013)

* fixed some issues on Ruby 1.8 (@timpeters)
* fixed issue with relative paths like '.' in parameters (@bct)
* fixed parsing gemfiles with platform-specific gems (e.g. mingw32)

#### Version 0.1.1 (18.82.2013)

* first public version