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Test Coverage
name: "\U0001F41BBug report"
about: Report a bug in the OWASP Juice Shop CTF Extension
title: '[πŸ›] '
labels: bug
assignees: ''



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Existing issues often contain information about workarounds, resolution, or progress updates.


# :bug: Bug report

## Description

<!-- ✍️-->
A clear and concise description of the problem...

### Is this a regression?

<!-- Did this behavior use to work in the previous version? -->
<!-- ✍️-->
Yes, the previous version in which this bug was not present was: `x.y.z`

## :microscope: Minimal Reproduction

<!-- ✍️Simple steps to reproduce this bug.

Issues that don't have enough info and can't be reproduced will be will be labeled with "missing information" and closed shortly afterwards.

## :fire: Exception or Error

<!-- If the issue is accompanied by an exception or an error, please share your log below: -->
<!-- ✍️-->


## :deciduous_tree: Your Environment

<!-- run `node -v && npm -v` and paste output below -->
<!-- ✍️-->


### Additional Information

<!-- ✍️Is this a browser specific issue? If so, please specify the browser and version. -->
<!-- ✍️Do any of these matter: operating system, Docker environment, cloud environment, ...? If so, please mention it below. -->