* Copyright (c) 2016-2024 Bjoern Kimminich & the OWASP Juice Shop contributors.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
require('colors') // no assignment necessary as this module extends the String prototype
const inquirer = require('inquirer')
const fetchSecretKey = require('./lib/fetchSecretKey')
const fetchChallenges = require('./lib/fetchChallenges')
const fetchCountryMapping = require('./lib/fetchCountryMapping')
const fetchCodeSnippets = require('./lib/fetchCodeSnippets')
const readConfigStream = require('./lib/readConfigStream')
const fs = require('fs')
const options = require('./lib/options')
const generateCtfExport = require('./lib/generators/')
const argv = require('yargs')
.option('config', {
alias: 'c',
describe: 'provide a configuration file'
.option('output', {
alias: 'o',
describe: 'change the output file'
.option('ignoreSslWarnings', {
alias: 'i',
describe: 'ignore tls certificate warnings'
const questions = [
type: 'list',
name: 'ctfFramework',
message: 'CTF framework to generate data for?',
choices: [options.ctfdFramework, options.fbctfFramework, options.rtbFramework],
default: 0
type: 'input',
name: 'juiceShopUrl',
message: 'Juice Shop URL to retrieve challenges?',
default: ''
type: 'input',
name: 'ctfKey',
message: 'URL to ctf.key file <or> secret key <or> (CTFd only) comma-separated list of secret keys?',
default: ''
type: 'input',
name: 'countryMapping',
message: 'URL to country-mapping.yml file?',
default: '',
when: ({ ctfFramework }) => ctfFramework === options.fbctfFramework
type: 'list',
name: 'insertHints',
message: 'Insert a text hint along with each challenge?',
choices: [options.noTextHints, options.freeTextHints, options.paidTextHints],
default: 0
type: 'list',
name: 'insertHintUrls',
message: 'Insert a hint URL along with each challenge?',
choices: [options.noHintUrls, options.freeHintUrls, options.paidHintUrls],
default: 0
type: 'list',
name: 'insertHintSnippets',
message: 'Insert a code snippet as hint for each challenge?',
choices: [options.noHintSnippets, options.freeHintSnippets, options.paidHintSnippets],
default: 0
function getConfig (argv, questions) {
if (argv.config) {
return readConfigStream(fs.createReadStream(argv.config))
return inquirer.prompt(questions)
const juiceShopCtfCli = async () => {
console.log(`Generate ${'OWASP Juice Shop'.bold} challenge archive for setting up ${options.ctfdFramework.bold}, ${options.fbctfFramework.bold} or ${options.rtbFramework.bold} score server`)
try {
const answers = await getConfig(argv, questions)
const [fetchedSecretKey, challenges, countryMapping, vulnSnippets] = await Promise.all([
fetchSecretKey(answers.ctfKey, argv.ignoreSslWarnings),
fetchChallenges(answers.juiceShopUrl, argv.ignoreSslWarnings),
fetchCountryMapping(answers.countryMapping, argv.ignoreSslWarnings),
fetchCodeSnippets(answers.juiceShopUrl, argv.ignoreSslWarnings, answers.insertHintSnippets === options.noHintSnippets)
for (const challenge of challenges) {
if ( === 'Bonus Payload') {
challenge.description = challenge.description.replace('https://', 'https://')
await generateCtfExport(answers.ctfFramework || options.ctfdFramework, challenges, {
juiceShopUrl: answers.juiceShopUrl,
insertHints: answers.insertHints,
insertHintUrls: answers.insertHintUrls,
insertHintSnippets: answers.insertHintSnippets,
ctfKey: fetchedSecretKey,
outputLocation: argv.output
if (!challenges[0].hint && answers.insertHints !== options.noTextHints) {
console.log('You selected text hints but '.yellow + answers.juiceShopUrl + ' API response did not contain any!'.yellow)
console.log('Make sure that the server uses '.yellow + 'default.yml' + ' or has '.yellow + 'challenges.showHints: true' + ' in its config.'.yellow)
if (!challenges[0].hintUrl && answers.insertHintUrls !== options.noHintUrls) {
console.log('You selected hint URLs but '.yellow + answers.juiceShopUrl + ' API response did not contain any!'.yellow)
console.log('Make sure that the server uses '.yellow + 'default.yml' + ' or has '.yellow + 'challenges.showHints: true' + ' in its config.'.yellow)
} catch (error) {
module.exports = juiceShopCtfCli