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Test Coverage
 * Copyright (c) 2014-2024 Bjoern Kimminich & the OWASP Juice Shop contributors.
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT

import { CodeSnippetService, type CodeSnippet } from '../Services/code-snippet.service'
import { CodeFixesService } from '../Services/code-fixes.service'
import { CookieService } from 'ngx-cookie'
import { ChallengeService } from '../Services/challenge.service'
import { VulnLinesService, type result } from '../Services/vuln-lines.service'
import { Component, Inject, type OnInit } from '@angular/core'

import { MAT_DIALOG_DATA } from '@angular/material/dialog'
import { UntypedFormControl } from '@angular/forms'
import { ConfigurationService } from '../Services/configuration.service'
import { type ThemePalette } from '@angular/material/core'

enum ResultState {

export interface Solved {
  findIt: boolean
  fixIt: boolean

export interface RandomFixes {
  fix: string
  index: number

  selector: 'code-snippet',
  templateUrl: './code-snippet.component.html',
  styleUrls: ['./code-snippet.component.scss'],
  host: { class: 'code-snippet' }
export class CodeSnippetComponent implements OnInit {
  public snippet: CodeSnippet = null
  public fixes: string [] = null
  public selectedLines: number[]
  public selectedFix: number = 0
  public tab: UntypedFormControl = new UntypedFormControl(0)
  public lock: ResultState = ResultState.Undecided
  public result: ResultState = ResultState.Undecided
  public hint: string = null
  public explanation: string = null
  public solved: Solved = { findIt: false, fixIt: false }
  public showFeedbackButtons: boolean = true
  public randomFixes: RandomFixes[] = []

  constructor (@Inject(MAT_DIALOG_DATA) public dialogData: any, private readonly configurationService: ConfigurationService, private readonly codeSnippetService: CodeSnippetService, private readonly vulnLinesService: VulnLinesService, private readonly codeFixesService: CodeFixesService, private readonly challengeService: ChallengeService, private readonly cookieService: CookieService) { }

  ngOnInit () {
    this.configurationService.getApplicationConfiguration().subscribe((config) => {
      this.showFeedbackButtons = config.challenges.showFeedbackButtons
    }, (err) => { console.log(err) })

    this.codeSnippetService.get(this.dialogData.key).subscribe((snippet) => {
      this.snippet = snippet
      this.solved.findIt = false
      if (this.dialogData.codingChallengeStatus >= 1) {
        this.result = ResultState.Right
        this.lock = ResultState.Right
        this.solved.findIt = true
    }, (err) => {
      this.snippet = { snippet: err.error }
    this.codeFixesService.get(this.dialogData.key).subscribe((fixes) => {
      this.fixes = fixes.fixes
      if (this.fixes) {
      this.solved.fixIt = this.dialogData.codingChallengeStatus >= 2
    }, () => {
      this.fixes = null

  addLine = (lines: number[]) => {
    this.selectedLines = lines

  setFix = (fix: number) => {
    this.selectedFix = fix
    this.explanation = null

  changeFix (event: Event) {
    this.setFix(parseInt((event.target as HTMLSelectElement).value, 10))

  toggleTab = (event: number) => {
    this.result = ResultState.Undecided
    if (event === 0) {
      if (this.solved.findIt) this.result = ResultState.Right
    if (event === 1) {
      if (this.solved.fixIt) this.result = ResultState.Right

  checkFix = () => {
    this.codeFixesService.check(this.dialogData.key, this.randomFixes[this.selectedFix].index).subscribe((verdict) => {
      this.explanation = verdict.explanation

  checkLines = () => {
    this.vulnLinesService.check(this.dialogData.key, this.selectedLines).subscribe((verdict: result) => {
      this.hint = verdict.hint

  lockIcon (): string {
    if (this.fixes === null) {
      return 'lock'
    switch (this.lock) {
      case ResultState.Right:
        return 'lock_open'
      case ResultState.Wrong:
        return 'lock'
      case ResultState.Undecided:
        return 'lock'

  lockColor (): ThemePalette {
    switch (this.lockIcon()) {
      case 'lock_open':
        return 'accent'
      case 'lock':
        return 'warn'

  shuffle () {
    this.randomFixes = this.fixes
      .map((fix, index) => ({ fix, index, sort: Math.random() }))
      .sort((a, b) => a.sort - b.sort)
      .map(({ fix, index }) => ({ fix, index }))

  setVerdict = (verdict: boolean) => {
    if (this.result === ResultState.Right) return
    if (verdict) {
      if (this.tab.value === 0) {
        this.solved.findIt = true
        this.challengeService.continueCodeFindIt().subscribe((continueCode) => {
          if (!continueCode) {
            throw (new Error('Received invalid continue code from the server!'))
          const expires = new Date()
          expires.setFullYear(expires.getFullYear() + 1)
          this.cookieService.put('continueCodeFindIt', continueCode, { expires })
        }, (err) => { console.log(err) })
      } else {
        this.solved.fixIt = true
        this.challengeService.continueCodeFixIt().subscribe((continueCode) => {
          if (!continueCode) {
            throw (new Error('Received invalid continue code from the server!'))
          const expires = new Date()
          expires.setFullYear(expires.getFullYear() + 1)
          this.cookieService.put('continueCodeFixIt', continueCode, { expires })
        }, (err) => { console.log(err) })
      this.result = ResultState.Right
      this.lock = ResultState.Right
      import('../../confetti').then(module => {
        .then(() => {
          if (this.tab.value === 0 && this.fixes !== null) this.toggleTab(1)
    } else {
      this.result = ResultState.Wrong

  resultIcon (): string {
    switch (this.result) {
      case ResultState.Right:
        return 'check'
      case ResultState.Wrong:
        return 'clear'
        return 'send'

  resultColor (): ThemePalette {
    switch (this.resultIcon()) {
      case 'check':
        return 'accent'
      case 'clear':
        return 'warn'