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import { Op } from 'sequelize'
import { ChallengeModel } from '../models/challenge'
import logger from './logger'
import config from 'config'
import sanitizeHtml from 'sanitize-html'
import colors from 'colors/safe'
import * as utils from './utils'
import { calculateCheatScore, calculateFindItCheatScore, calculateFixItCheatScore } from './antiCheat'
import * as webhook from './webhook'
import * as accuracy from './accuracy'
import { type Server } from 'socket.io'
import { AllHtmlEntities as Entities } from 'html-entities'
import { challenges, notifications } from '../data/datacache'

const entities = new Entities()

const globalWithSocketIO = global as typeof globalThis & {
  io: SocketIOClientStatic & Server

export const solveIf = function (challenge: any, criteria: () => any, isRestore: boolean = false) {
  if (notSolved(challenge) && criteria()) {
    solve(challenge, isRestore)

export const solve = function (challenge: any, isRestore = false) {
  challenge.solved = true
  challenge.save().then((solvedChallenge: { difficulty: number, key: string, name: string }) => {
    logger.info(`${isRestore ? colors.grey('Restored') : colors.green('Solved')} ${solvedChallenge.difficulty}-star ${colors.cyan(solvedChallenge.key)} (${solvedChallenge.name})`)
    sendNotification(solvedChallenge, isRestore)
    if (!isRestore) {
      const cheatScore = calculateCheatScore(challenge)
      if (process.env.SOLUTIONS_WEBHOOK) {
        webhook.notify(solvedChallenge, cheatScore).catch((error: unknown) => {
          logger.error('Webhook notification failed: ' + colors.red(utils.getErrorMessage(error)))

export const sendNotification = function (challenge: { difficulty?: number, key: any, name: any, description?: any }, isRestore: boolean) {
  if (!notSolved(challenge)) {
    const flag = utils.ctfFlag(challenge.name)
    const notification = {
      key: challenge.key,
      name: challenge.name,
      challenge: challenge.name + ' (' + entities.decode(sanitizeHtml(challenge.description, { allowedTags: [], allowedAttributes: {} })) + ')',
      hidden: !config.get('challenges.showSolvedNotifications'),
    const wasPreviouslyShown = notifications.some(({ key }) => key === challenge.key)

    if (globalWithSocketIO.io && (isRestore || !wasPreviouslyShown)) {
      globalWithSocketIO.io.emit('challenge solved', notification)

export const sendCodingChallengeNotification = function (challenge: { key: string, codingChallengeStatus: 0 | 1 | 2 }) {
  if (challenge.codingChallengeStatus > 0) {
    const notification = {
      key: challenge.key,
      codingChallengeStatus: challenge.codingChallengeStatus
    if (globalWithSocketIO.io) {
      globalWithSocketIO.io.emit('code challenge solved', notification)

export const notSolved = (challenge: any) => challenge && !challenge.solved

export const findChallengeByName = (challengeName: string) => {
  for (const c in challenges) {
    if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(challenges, c)) {
      if (challenges[c].name === challengeName) {
        return challenges[c]
  logger.warn('Missing challenge with name: ' + challengeName)

export const findChallengeById = (challengeId: number) => {
  for (const c in challenges) {
    if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(challenges, c)) {
      if (challenges[c].id === challengeId) {
        return challenges[c]
  logger.warn('Missing challenge with id: ' + challengeId)

export const solveFindIt = async function (key: string, isRestore: boolean) {
  const solvedChallenge = challenges[key]
  await ChallengeModel.update({ codingChallengeStatus: 1 }, { where: { key, codingChallengeStatus: { [Op.lt]: 2 } } })
  logger.info(`${isRestore ? colors.grey('Restored') : colors.green('Solved')} 'Find It' phase of coding challenge ${colors.cyan(solvedChallenge.key)} (${solvedChallenge.name})`)
  if (!isRestore) {
    accuracy.storeFindItVerdict(solvedChallenge.key, true)
    await calculateFindItCheatScore(solvedChallenge)
    sendCodingChallengeNotification({ key, codingChallengeStatus: 1 })

export const solveFixIt = async function (key: string, isRestore: boolean) {
  const solvedChallenge = challenges[key]
  await ChallengeModel.update({ codingChallengeStatus: 2 }, { where: { key } })
  logger.info(`${isRestore ? colors.grey('Restored') : colors.green('Solved')} 'Fix It' phase of coding challenge ${colors.cyan(solvedChallenge.key)} (${solvedChallenge.name})`)
  if (!isRestore) {
    accuracy.storeFixItVerdict(solvedChallenge.key, true)
    await calculateFixItCheatScore(solvedChallenge)
    sendCodingChallengeNotification({ key, codingChallengeStatus: 2 })