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Test Coverage
 * Copyright (c) 2014-2024 Bjoern Kimminich & the OWASP Juice Shop contributors.
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT

import { challenges } from '../../data/datacache'
import { expect } from '@jest/globals'
import frisby = require('frisby')
const Joi = frisby.Joi
const utils = require('../../lib/utils')
const security = require('../../lib/insecurity')

const API_URL = 'http://localhost:3000/api'
const REST_URL = 'http://localhost:3000/rest'

const authHeader = { Authorization: `Bearer ${security.authorize()}`, 'content-type': 'application/json' }
const jsonHeader = { 'content-type': 'application/json' }

describe('/api/Users', () => {
  it('GET all users is forbidden via public API', () => {
    return frisby.get(`${API_URL}/Users`)
      .expect('status', 401)

  it('GET all users', () => {
    return frisby.get(`${API_URL}/Users`, { headers: authHeader })
      .expect('status', 200)

  it('GET all users doesnt include passwords', () => {
    return frisby.get(`${API_URL}/Users`, { headers: authHeader })
      .expect('status', 200)
      .expect('jsonTypes', 'data.*', {
        password: Joi.any().forbidden()

  it('POST new user', () => {
    return frisby.post(`${API_URL}/Users`, {
      headers: jsonHeader,
      body: {
        email: 'horst@horstma.nn',
        password: 'hooooorst'
      .expect('status', 201)
      .expect('header', 'content-type', /application\/json/)
      .expect('jsonTypes', 'data', {
        id: Joi.number(),
        createdAt: Joi.string(),
        updatedAt: Joi.string(),
        password: Joi.any().forbidden()

  it('POST new admin', () => {
    return frisby.post(`${API_URL}/Users`, {
      headers: jsonHeader,
      body: {
        email: 'horst2@horstma.nn',
        password: 'hooooorst',
        role: 'admin'
      .expect('status', 201)
      .expect('header', 'content-type', /application\/json/)
      .expect('jsonTypes', 'data', {
        id: Joi.number(),
        createdAt: Joi.string(),
        updatedAt: Joi.string(),
        password: Joi.any().forbidden()
      .expect('json', 'data', {
        role: 'admin'

  it('POST new blank user', () => {
    return frisby.post(`${API_URL}/Users`, {
      headers: jsonHeader,
      body: {
        email: ' ',
        password: ' '
      .expect('status', 201)
      .expect('header', 'content-type', /application\/json/)
      .expect('jsonTypes', 'data', {
        id: Joi.number(),
        createdAt: Joi.string(),
        updatedAt: Joi.string(),
        password: Joi.any().forbidden()

  it('POST same blank user in database', () => {
    return frisby.post(`${API_URL}/Users`, {
      headers: jsonHeader,
      body: {
        email: ' ',
        password: ' '
    }).post(`${API_URL}/Users`, {
      headers: jsonHeader,
      body: {
        email: ' ',
        password: ' '
      .expect('status', 400)
      .expect('header', 'content-type', /application\/json/)

  it('POST whitespaces user', () => {
    return frisby.post(`${API_URL}/Users`, {
      headers: jsonHeader,
      body: {
        email: ' test@gmail.com',
        password: ' test'
      .expect('status', 201)
      .expect('header', 'content-type', /application\/json/)
      .expect('jsonTypes', 'data', {
        id: Joi.number(),
        created: Joi.string(),
        updatedAt: Joi.string(),
        password: Joi.any().forbidden()

  it('POST new deluxe user', () => {
    return frisby.post(`${API_URL}/Users`, {
      headers: jsonHeader,
      body: {
        email: 'horst3@horstma.nn',
        password: 'hooooorst',
        role: 'deluxe'
      .expect('status', 201)
      .expect('header', 'content-type', /application\/json/)
      .expect('jsonTypes', 'data', {
        id: Joi.number(),
        createdAt: Joi.string(),
        updatedAt: Joi.string(),
        password: Joi.any().forbidden()
      .expect('json', 'data', {
        role: 'deluxe'

  it('POST new accounting user', () => {
    return frisby.post(`${API_URL}/Users`, {
      headers: jsonHeader,
      body: {
        email: 'horst4@horstma.nn',
        password: 'hooooorst',
        role: 'accounting'
      .expect('status', 201)
      .expect('header', 'content-type', /application\/json/)
      .expect('jsonTypes', 'data', {
        id: Joi.number(),
        createdAt: Joi.string(),
        updatedAt: Joi.string(),
        password: Joi.any().forbidden()
      .expect('json', 'data', {
        role: 'accounting'

  it('POST user not belonging to customer, deluxe, accounting, admin is forbidden', () => {
    return frisby.post(`${API_URL}/Users`, {
      headers: jsonHeader,
      body: {
        email: 'horst5@horstma.nn',
        password: 'hooooorst',
        role: 'accountinguser'
      .expect('status', 400)
      .expect('header', 'content-type', /application\/json/)
      .then(({ json }) => {
        expect(json.message).toBe('Validation error: Validation isIn on role failed')
        expect(json.errors[0].message).toBe('Validation isIn on role failed')

  if (utils.isChallengeEnabled(challenges.usernameXssChallenge)) {
    it('POST new user with XSS attack in email address', () => {
      return frisby.post(`${API_URL}/Users`, {
        headers: jsonHeader,
        body: {
          email: '<iframe src="javascript:alert(`xss`)">',
          password: 'does.not.matter'
        .expect('status', 201)
        .expect('header', 'content-type', /application\/json/)
        .expect('json', 'data', { email: '<iframe src="javascript:alert(`xss`)">' })

describe('/api/Users/:id', () => {
  it('GET existing user by id is forbidden via public API', () => {
    return frisby.get(`${API_URL}/Users/1`)
      .expect('status', 401)

  it('PUT update existing user is forbidden via public API', () => {
    return frisby.put(`${API_URL}/Users/1`, {
      header: jsonHeader,
      body: { email: 'administr@t.or' }
      .expect('status', 401)

  it('DELETE existing user is forbidden via public API', () => {
    return frisby.del(`${API_URL}/Users/1`)
      .expect('status', 401)

  it('GET existing user by id', () => {
    return frisby.get(`${API_URL}/Users/1`, { headers: authHeader })
      .expect('status', 200)

  it('PUT update existing user is forbidden via API even when authenticated', () => {
    return frisby.put(`${API_URL}/Users/1`, {
      headers: authHeader,
      body: { email: 'horst.horstmann@horstma.nn' }
      .expect('status', 401)

  it('DELETE existing user is forbidden via API even when authenticated', () => {
    return frisby.del(`${API_URL}/Users/1`, { headers: authHeader })
      .expect('status', 401)

describe('/rest/user/whoami', () => {
  it('GET own user id and email on who-am-i request', () => {
    return frisby.post(`${REST_URL}/user/login`, {
      headers: jsonHeader,
      body: {
        email: 'bjoern.kimminich@gmail.com',
        password: 'bW9jLmxpYW1nQGhjaW5pbW1pay5ucmVvamI='
      .expect('status', 200)
      .then(({ json }) => {
        return frisby.get(`${REST_URL}/user/whoami`, { headers: { Cookie: `token=${json.authentication.token}` } })
          .expect('status', 200)
          .expect('header', 'content-type', /application\/json/)
          .expect('jsonTypes', 'user', {
            id: Joi.number(),
            email: Joi.string()
          .expect('json', 'user', {
            email: 'bjoern.kimminich@gmail.com'

  it('GET who-am-i request returns nothing on missing auth token', () => {
    return frisby.get(`${REST_URL}/user/whoami`)
      .expect('status', 200)
      .expect('header', 'content-type', /application\/json/)
      .expect('json', {
        user: {}

  it('GET who-am-i request returns nothing on invalid auth token', () => {
    return frisby.get(`${REST_URL}/user/whoami`, { headers: { Authorization: 'Bearer InvalidAuthToken' } })
      .expect('status', 200)
      .expect('header', 'content-type', /application\/json/)
      .expect('json', {
        user: {}

  it('GET who-am-i request returns nothing on broken auth token', () => {
    return frisby.get(`${REST_URL}/user/whoami`, { headers: { Authorization: 'BoarBeatsBear' } })
      .expect('status', 200)
      .expect('header', 'content-type', /application\/json/)
      .expect('json', {
        user: {}

  it('GET who-am-i request returns nothing on expired auth token', () => {
    return frisby.get(`${REST_URL}/user/whoami`, { headers: { Authorization: 'eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJzdGF0dXMiOiJzdWNjZXNzIiwiZGF0YSI6eyJpZCI6MSwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiIiLCJlbWFpbCI6ImFkbWluQGp1aWNlLXNoLm9wIiwicGFzc3dvcmQiOiIwMTkyMDIzYTdiYmQ3MzI1MDUxNmYwNjlkZjE4YjUwMCIsInJvbGUiOiJhZG1pbiIsImxhc3RMb2dpbklwIjoiMC4wLjAuMCIsInByb2ZpbGVJbWFnZSI6ImRlZmF1bHQuc3ZnIiwidG90cFNlY3JldCI6IiIsImlzQWN0aXZlIjp0cnVlLCJjcmVhdGVkQXQiOiIyMDE5LTA4LTE5IDE1OjU2OjE1LjYyOSArMDA6MDAiLCJ1cGRhdGVkQXQiOiIyMDE5LTA4LTE5IDE1OjU2OjE1LjYyOSArMDA6MDAiLCJkZWxldGVkQXQiOm51bGx9LCJpYXQiOjE1NjYyMzAyMjQsImV4cCI6MTU2NjI0ODIyNH0.FL0kkcInY5sDMGKeLHfEOYDTQd3BjR6_mK7Tcm_RH6iCLotTSRRoRxHpLkbtIQKqBFIt14J4BpLapkzG7ppRWcEley5nego-4iFOmXQvCBz5ISS3HdtM0saJnOe0agyVUen3huFp4F2UCth_y2ScjMn_4AgW66cz8NSFPRVpC8g' } })
      .expect('status', 200)
      .expect('header', 'content-type', /application\/json/)
      .expect('json', {
        user: {}