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Test Coverage
 * Copyright (c) 2014-2024 Bjoern Kimminich & the OWASP Juice Shop contributors.
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT

import type { ChallengeModel } from 'models/challenge'
import { getChallengeEnablementStatus } from '../../lib/utils'

import chai = require('chai')
const expect = chai.expect

describe('utils', () => {
  const utils = require('../../lib/utils')

  describe('toSimpleIpAddress', () => {
    it('returns ipv6 address unchanged', () => {

    it('returns ipv4 address fully specified as ipv6 unchanged', () => {

    it('returns ipv6 loopback address as ipv4 address', () => {

    it('returns ipv4-mapped address as ipv4 address', () => {

  describe('extractFilename', () => {
    it('returns standalone filename unchanged', () => {

    it('returns filename from http:// URL', () => {

    it('ignores query part of http:// URL', () => {

    it('also works for file:// URLs', () => {

  describe('matchesSystemIniFile', () => {
    it('fails on plain input string', () => {
      expect(utils.matchesSystemIniFile('Bla Blubb')).to.equal(false)

    it('passes on Windows 10 system.ini file content', () => {
      expect(utils.matchesSystemIniFile('; for 16-bit app support\n' +
          '[386Enh]\n' +
          'woafont=dosapp.fon\n' +
          'EGA80WOA.FON=EGA80WOA.FON\n' +
          'EGA40WOA.FON=EGA40WOA.FON\n' +
          'CGA80WOA.FON=CGA80WOA.FON\n' +
          'CGA40WOA.FON=CGA40WOA.FON\n' +
          '\n' +
          '[drivers]\n' +
          'wave=mmdrv.dll\n' +
          'timer=timer.drv\n' +
          '\n' +

  describe('matchesEtcPasswdFile', () => {
    it('fails on plain input string', () => {
      expect(utils.matchesEtcPasswdFile('Bla Blubb')).to.equal(false)

    it('passes on Arch Linux passwd file content', () => {
      expect(utils.matchesEtcPasswdFile('test:x:0:0:test:/test:/usr/bin/zsh\n' +
          'bin:x:1:1::/:/usr/bin/nologin\n' +
          'daemon:x:2:2::/:/usr/bin/nologin\n' +
          'mail:x:8:12::/var/spool/mail:/usr/bin/nologin\n' +
          'ftp:x:14:11::/srv/ftp:/usr/bin/nologin\n' +
          'http:x:33:33::/srv/http:/usr/bin/nologin\n' +
          'nobody:x:65534:65534:Nobody:/:/usr/bin/nologin\n' +
          'dbus:x:81:81:System Message Bus:/:/usr/bin/nologin\n' +
          'systemd-journal-remote:x:988:988:systemd Journal Remote:/:/usr/bin/nologin\n' +
          'systemd-network:x:987:987:systemd Network Management:/:/usr/bin/nologin\n' +
          'systemd-oom:x:986:986:systemd Userspace OOM Killer:/:/usr/bin/nologin\n' +
          'systemd-resolve:x:984:984:systemd Resolver:/:/usr/bin/nologin\n' +
          'systemd-timesync:x:983:983:systemd Time Synchronization:/:/usr/bin/nologin\n' +
          'systemd-coredump:x:982:982:systemd Core Dumper:/:/usr/bin/nologin\n' +
          'uuidd:x:68:68::/:/usr/bin/nologin\n' +
          'avahi:x:980:980:Avahi mDNS/DNS-SD daemon:/:/usr/bin/nologin\n' +
          'named:x:40:40:BIND DNS Server:/:/usr/bin/nologin\n' +
          'brltty:x:979:979:Braille Device Daemon:/var/lib/brltty:/usr/bin/nologin\n' +
          'colord:x:978:978:Color management daemon:/var/lib/colord:/usr/bin/nologin\n' +
          'cups:x:209:209:cups helper user:/:/usr/bin/nologin\n' +
          'dhcpcd:x:977:977:dhcpcd privilege separation:/:/usr/bin/nologin\n' +
          'dnsmasq:x:976:976:dnsmasq daemon:/:/usr/bin/nologin\n' +
          'git:x:975:975:git daemon user:/:/usr/bin/git-shell\n' +
          'mpd:x:45:45::/var/lib/mpd:/usr/bin/nologin\n' +
          'nbd:x:974:974:Network Block Device:/var/empty:/usr/bin/nologin\n' +
          'nm-openvpn:x:973:973:NetworkManager OpenVPN:/:/usr/bin/nologin\n' +
          'nvidia-persistenced:x:143:143:NVIDIA Persistence Daemon:/:/usr/bin/nologin\n' +
          'openvpn:x:972:972:OpenVPN:/:/usr/bin/nologin\n' +
          'partimag:x:110:110:Partimage user:/:/usr/bin/nologin\n' +
          'polkitd:x:102:102:PolicyKit daemon:/:/usr/bin/nologin\n' +
          'rpc:x:32:32:Rpcbind Daemon:/var/lib/rpcbind:/usr/bin/nologin\n' +
          'rtkit:x:133:133:RealtimeKit:/proc:/usr/bin/nologin\n' +
          'sddm:x:971:971:Simple Desktop Display Manager:/var/lib/sddm:/usr/bin/nologin\n' +
          'tss:x:970:970:tss user for tpm2:/:/usr/bin/nologin\n' +
          'usbmux:x:140:140:usbmux user:/:/usr/bin/nologin\n' +

  describe('getChallengeEnablementStatus', () => {
    const defaultIsEnvironmentFunctions = {
      isDocker: () => false,
      isHeroku: () => false,
      isWindows: () => false,
      isGitpod: () => false

    for (const safetyMode of ['enabled', 'disabled', 'auto'] as const) {
      it(`challenges without disabledEnv are enabled with safetyMode set to ${safetyMode}`, () => {
        const challenge: ChallengeModel = { disabledEnv: null } as unknown as ChallengeModel

        expect(getChallengeEnablementStatus(challenge, safetyMode, defaultIsEnvironmentFunctions))
          .to.deep.equal({ enabled: true, disabledBecause: null })

    const testCases = [
      { name: 'Docker', environmentFunction: 'isDocker' },
      { name: 'Heroku', environmentFunction: 'isHeroku' },
      { name: 'Windows', environmentFunction: 'isWindows' },
      { name: 'Gitpod', environmentFunction: 'isGitpod' }

    for (const testCase of testCases) {
      it(`safetyMode: 'enabled': challenge with disabledOnEnv ${testCase.name} should be marked as disabled`, () => {
        const challenge: ChallengeModel = { disabledEnv: testCase.name } as unknown as ChallengeModel

        const isEnvironmentFunctions = { ...defaultIsEnvironmentFunctions, [testCase.environmentFunction]: () => true }
        expect(getChallengeEnablementStatus(challenge, 'enabled', isEnvironmentFunctions))
          .to.deep.equal({ enabled: false, disabledBecause: testCase.name })

      it(`safetyMode: 'auto': challenge with disabledOnEnv ${testCase.name} should be marked as disabled`, () => {
        const challenge: ChallengeModel = { disabledEnv: testCase.name } as unknown as ChallengeModel

        const isEnvironmentFunctions = { ...defaultIsEnvironmentFunctions, [testCase.environmentFunction]: () => true }
        expect(getChallengeEnablementStatus(challenge, 'auto', isEnvironmentFunctions))
          .to.deep.equal({ enabled: false, disabledBecause: testCase.name })

      it(`safetyMode: 'disabled': challenge with disabledOnEnv ${testCase.name} should be marked as enabled`, () => {
        const challenge: ChallengeModel = { disabledEnv: testCase.name } as unknown as ChallengeModel

        const isEnvironmentFunctions = { ...defaultIsEnvironmentFunctions, [testCase.environmentFunction]: () => true }
        expect(getChallengeEnablementStatus(challenge, 'disabled', isEnvironmentFunctions))
          .to.deep.equal({ enabled: true, disabledBecause: null })