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Test Coverage
 * Copyright (c) 2014-2024 Bjoern Kimminich & the OWASP Juice Shop contributors.
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT

import sinon = require('sinon')
import config from 'config'
import type { Product as ProductConfig } from '../../lib/config.types'
import chai = require('chai')
import sinonChai = require('sinon-chai')
const expect = chai.expect
const cache = require('../../data/datacache')
const security = require('../../lib/insecurity')
const utils = require('../../lib/utils')

describe('verify', () => {
  const verify = require('../../routes/verify')
  const challenges = require('../../data/datacache').challenges
  let req: any
  let res: any
  let next: any
  let save: any
  let err: any

  beforeEach(() => {
    req = { body: {}, headers: {} }
    res = { json: sinon.spy() }
    next = sinon.spy()
    save = () => ({
      then () { }

  describe('"forgedFeedbackChallenge"', () => {
    beforeEach(() => {
      security.authenticatedUsers.put('token12345', {
        data: {
          id: 42,
          email: 'test@juice-sh.op'
      challenges.forgedFeedbackChallenge = { solved: false, save }

    it('is not solved when an authenticated user passes his own ID when writing feedback', () => {
      req.body.UserId = 42
      req.headers = { authorization: 'Bearer token12345' }

      verify.forgedFeedbackChallenge()(req, res, next)


    it('is not solved when an authenticated user passes no ID when writing feedback', () => {
      req.body.UserId = undefined
      req.headers = { authorization: 'Bearer token12345' }

      verify.forgedFeedbackChallenge()(req, res, next)


    it('is solved when an authenticated user passes someone elses ID when writing feedback', () => {
      req.body.UserId = 1
      req.headers = { authorization: 'Bearer token12345' }

      verify.forgedFeedbackChallenge()(req, res, next)


    it('is solved when an unauthenticated user passes someones ID when writing feedback', () => {
      req.body.UserId = 1
      req.headers = {}

      verify.forgedFeedbackChallenge()(req, res, next)


  describe('accessControlChallenges', () => {
    it('"scoreBoardChallenge" is solved when the 1px.png transpixel is requested', () => {
      challenges.scoreBoardChallenge = { solved: false, save }
      req.url = 'http://juice-sh.op/public/images/padding/1px.png'

      verify.accessControlChallenges()(req, res, next)


    it('"adminSectionChallenge" is solved when the 19px.png transpixel is requested', () => {
      challenges.adminSectionChallenge = { solved: false, save }
      req.url = 'http://juice-sh.op/public/images/padding/19px.png'

      verify.accessControlChallenges()(req, res, next)


    it('"tokenSaleChallenge" is solved when the 56px.png transpixel is requested', () => {
      challenges.tokenSaleChallenge = { solved: false, save }
      req.url = 'http://juice-sh.op/public/images/padding/56px.png'

      verify.accessControlChallenges()(req, res, next)


    it('"extraLanguageChallenge" is solved when the Klingon translation file is requested', () => {
      challenges.extraLanguageChallenge = { solved: false, save }
      req.url = 'http://juice-sh.op/public/i18n/tlh_AA.json'

      verify.accessControlChallenges()(req, res, next)


    it('"retrieveBlueprintChallenge" is solved when the blueprint file is requested', () => {
      challenges.retrieveBlueprintChallenge = { solved: false, save }
      cache.retrieveBlueprintChallengeFile = 'test.dxf'
      req.url = 'http://juice-sh.op/public/images/products/test.dxf'

      verify.accessControlChallenges()(req, res, next)


    it('"missingEncodingChallenge" is solved when the crazy cat photo is requested', () => {
      challenges.missingEncodingChallenge = { solved: false, save }
      req.url = 'http://juice-sh.op/public/images/uploads/%F0%9F%98%BC-%23zatschi-%23whoneedsfourlegs-1572600969477.jpg'

      verify.accessControlChallenges()(req, res, next)


    it('"accessLogDisclosureChallenge" is solved when any server access log file is requested', () => {
      challenges.accessLogDisclosureChallenge = { solved: false, save }
      req.url = 'http://juice-sh.op/support/logs/access.log.2019-01-15'

      verify.accessControlChallenges()(req, res, next)


  describe('"errorHandlingChallenge"', () => {
    beforeEach(() => {
      challenges.errorHandlingChallenge = { solved: false, save }

    it('is solved when an error occurs on a response with OK 200 status code', () => {
      res.statusCode = 200
      err = new Error()

      verify.errorHandlingChallenge()(err, req, res, next)


    describe('is solved when an error occurs on a response with error', () => {
      const httpStatus = [402, 403, 404, 500]
      httpStatus.forEach(statusCode => {
        it(`${statusCode} status code`, () => {
          res.statusCode = statusCode
          err = new Error()

          verify.errorHandlingChallenge()(err, req, res, next)


    it('is not solved when no error occurs on a response with OK 200 status code', () => {
      res.statusCode = 200
      err = undefined

      verify.errorHandlingChallenge()(err, req, res, next)


    describe('is not solved when no error occurs on a response with error', () => {
      const httpStatus = [401, 402, 404, 500]
      httpStatus.forEach(statusCode => {
        it(`${statusCode} status code`, () => {
          res.statusCode = statusCode
          err = undefined

          verify.errorHandlingChallenge()(err, req, res, next)


    it('should pass occured error on to next route', () => {
      res.statusCode = 500
      err = new Error()

      verify.errorHandlingChallenge()(err, req, res, next)


  describe('databaseRelatedChallenges', () => {
    describe('"changeProductChallenge"', () => {
      const products = require('../../data/datacache').products

      beforeEach(() => {
        challenges.changeProductChallenge = { solved: false, save }
        products.osaft = { reload () { return { then (cb: any) { cb() } } } }

      it(`is solved when the link in the O-Saft product goes to ${config.get<string>('challenges.overwriteUrlForProductTamperingChallenge')}`, () => {
        products.osaft.description = `O-Saft, yeah! <a href="${config.get<string>('challenges.overwriteUrlForProductTamperingChallenge')}" target="_blank">More...</a>`

        verify.databaseRelatedChallenges()(req, res, next)


      it('is not solved when the link in the O-Saft product is changed to an arbitrary URL', () => {
        products.osaft.description = 'O-Saft, nooo! <a href="http://arbitrary.url" target="_blank">More...</a>'

        verify.databaseRelatedChallenges()(req, res, next)


      it('is not solved when the link in the O-Saft product remained unchanged', () => {
        let urlForProductTamperingChallenge = null
        for (const product of config.get<ProductConfig[]>('products')) {
          if (product.urlForProductTamperingChallenge !== undefined) {
            urlForProductTamperingChallenge = product.urlForProductTamperingChallenge
        products.osaft.description = `Vanilla O-Saft! <a href="${urlForProductTamperingChallenge}" target="_blank">More...</a>`

        verify.databaseRelatedChallenges()(req, res, next)


  describe('jwtChallenges', () => {
    beforeEach(() => {
      challenges.jwtUnsignedChallenge = { solved: false, save }
      challenges.jwtForgedChallenge = { solved: false, save }

    it('"jwtUnsignedChallenge" is solved when forged unsigned token has email jwtn3d@juice-sh.op in the payload', () => {
      Header: { "alg": "none", "typ": "JWT" }
      Payload: { "data": { "email": "jwtn3d@juice-sh.op" }, "iat": 1508639612, "exp": 9999999999 }
      req.headers = { authorization: 'Bearer eyJhbGciOiJub25lIiwidHlwIjoiSldUIn0.eyJkYXRhIjp7ImVtYWlsIjoiand0bjNkQGp1aWNlLXNoLm9wIn0sImlhdCI6MTUwODYzOTYxMiwiZXhwIjo5OTk5OTk5OTk5fQ.' }

      verify.jwtChallenges()(req, res, next)


    it('"jwtUnsignedChallenge" is solved when forged unsigned token has string "jwtn3d@" in the payload', () => {
      Header: { "alg": "none", "typ": "JWT" }
      Payload: { "data": { "email": "jwtn3d@" }, "iat": 1508639612, "exp": 9999999999 }
      req.headers = { authorization: 'Bearer eyJhbGciOiJub25lIiwidHlwIjoiSldUIn0.eyJkYXRhIjp7ImVtYWlsIjoiand0bjNkQCJ9LCJpYXQiOjE1MDg2Mzk2MTIsImV4cCI6OTk5OTk5OTk5OX0.' }

      verify.jwtChallenges()(req, res, next)


    it('"jwtUnsignedChallenge" is not solved via regularly signed token even with email jwtn3d@juice-sh.op in the payload', () => {
      const token = security.authorize({ data: { email: 'jwtn3d@juice-sh.op' } })
      req.headers = { authorization: `Bearer ${token}` }

      verify.jwtChallenges()(req, res, next)


    if (utils.isChallengeEnabled(challenges.jwtForgedChallenge)) {
      it('"jwtForgedChallenge" is solved when forged token HMAC-signed with public RSA-key has email rsa_lord@juice-sh.op in the payload', () => {
        Header: { "alg": "HS256", "typ": "JWT" }
        Payload: { "data": { "email": "rsa_lord@juice-sh.op" }, "iat": 1508639612, "exp": 9999999999 }
        req.headers = { authorization: 'Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJkYXRhIjp7ImVtYWlsIjoicnNhX2xvcmRAanVpY2Utc2gub3AifSwiaWF0IjoxNTgyMjIxNTc1fQ.ycFwtqh4ht4Pq9K5rhiPPY256F9YCTIecd4FHFuSEAg' }

        verify.jwtChallenges()(req, res, next)


      it('"jwtForgedChallenge" is solved when forged token HMAC-signed with public RSA-key has string "rsa_lord@" in the payload', () => {
        Header: { "alg": "HS256", "typ": "JWT" }
        Payload: { "data": { "email": "rsa_lord@" }, "iat": 1508639612, "exp": 9999999999 }
        req.headers = { authorization: 'Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJkYXRhIjp7ImVtYWlsIjoicnNhX2xvcmRAIn0sImlhdCI6MTU4MjIyMTY3NX0.50f6VAIQk2Uzpf3sgH-1JVrrTuwudonm2DKn2ec7Tg8' }

        verify.jwtChallenges()(req, res, next)


      it('"jwtForgedChallenge" is not solved when token regularly signed with private RSA-key has email rsa_lord@juice-sh.op in the payload', () => {
        const token = security.authorize({ data: { email: 'rsa_lord@juice-sh.op' } })
        req.headers = { authorization: `Bearer ${token}` }

        verify.jwtChallenges()(req, res, next)
