# Language and enviromentos: osx language: node_jsnode_js: node # Track only a few branches# Master Branch which holds release-level code# Test branch which holds code in testing (alpha level changes)# Next branch which holds code awaiting release (beta level changes)# and tags that begin with a v and have one or more numbers seperated by periods# ex: v1 v1.0 v1.0.0 v1.0.0.0branches: only: - master - test - next - dev - /^v(?:\d+\.?){1,}$/ # Clone Depth, 1 is too small (according to docs) 3's about the usual suggestedgit: depth: 3 # Something to do with electron-build caching and whatnot to work correctlyenv: global: - ELECTRON_CACHE=$HOME/.cache/electron - ELECTRON_BUILDER_CACHE=$HOME/.cache/electron-builder # Wipe wine cache in electron-builder cache, something to do with preventing# build errors or wine errorsbefore_cache: - rm -rf $HOME/.cache/electron-builder/wine # Install RPM tools needed to build rpm files# before_install:# - brew install rpm # Install everything in NPMinstall: - npm install # Cache everything that needs cachingcache: directories: - node_modules - $HOME/.cache/electron - $HOME/.cache/electron-builder # Build, Optimize, and Package# Some of these build steps can take a whilescript: - npm run deploy # If tagged then ship it out to GitHub on successdeploy: provider: releases api_key: secure: 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 file_glob: true skip_cleanup: true file: - "build/*.exe" - "build/*.zip" - "build/*.dmg" - "build/*.AppImage" - "build/*.deb" - "build/*.rpm" - "build/*.pacman" - "build/*.tar.xz" on: tags: true