const BluePromise = require("bluebird");const fs = require("fs");const electron = require("electron");const { dialog } = electron;const fs2 = BluePromise.promisifyAll(fs);const _ = require("lodash"); module.exports = class SaveFile { constructor(app) { this.app = app; // Init empty path and data this.onPathChange(); this.onDataChange(); this.app.on("menu-clearRecentDocs", this.clearRecentDocs.bind(this)); this.app.on("menu-openRecentDocs", this.openRecentDocs.bind(this)); this.app.on("menu-open", this.openFile.bind(this)); this.app.on("menu-reopen", this.reOpenFile.bind(this)); this.app.on("menu-new", this.closeFile.bind(this)); this.app.on("menu-save", this.saveFile.bind(this)); this.app.on("menu-saveAs", this.saveAsFile.bind(this)); this.app.on("menu-saveAsCopy", this.saveAsCopyFile.bind(this)); this.app.on("menu-wipe", this.wipeUnusedSpace.bind(this)); this.app.on("ipcFrom-dataUpdate", this.onDataChange.bind(this)); this.app.on("window-ready", this.onWindowReady.bind(this)); } onWindowReady() { this.onPathChange(this.filePath); } onPathChange(path = "") { if (path !== "") this.addRecentDocument(path); this.filePath = path; this.app.emit("ipcTo", "pathChange", path); } /** * This should be the only method to be called to change data * @param {Uint8Array} data New data to apply * @param {boolean} fromRender Is this data from the render? * @param {boolean} internalOnly Should this data silently change? */ onDataChange(data = new Uint8Array(0x8000), fromRender = false, internalOnly = false) { this.fileData = data; if (!fromRender) this.app.emit("ipcTo", "dataChange", data, internalOnly); if (fromRender && this.pendingSave) this._writeSaveFile(); } // Adds a file to the list of recent documents which is persistent // Only 10 unique non-duplicate files are kept meaning each entry will be // a different file, the samefile will remain in the same slot // They are added to the top, oldest at the bottom // They are accessible via CommandOrControl+Shift+# <0-9> addRecentDocument(path) { let recentDocs = this.app.store.get('recentDocs', []); recentDocs.unshift(path); recentDocs = _.uniq(recentDocs); if (recentDocs.length > 10) recentDocs.length = 10; this.app.store.set('recentDocs', recentDocs); } openRecentDocs(index) { let recentDocs = this.app.store.get('recentDocs', []); this.readSaveFile(recentDocs[index]); } // Handles Open File Dialog // We want this to use es6 async/await and since it never throws an error // we can't use Bluebird so we need to promisfy it manually openOpenFileDialog(title) { return new Promise((resolve) => { dialog.showOpenDialog({ title, buttonLabel: "Open", filters: [ { name: 'SAV Files', extensions: ['sav'] }, { name: 'All Files', extensions: ['*'] }, ], properties: [ "openFile", "treatPackageAsDirectory", ], }, (files) => { resolve(files); }); }); } // Handles Save File Dialog // We want this to use es6 async/await and since it never throws an error // we can't use Bluebird so we need to promisfy it manually openSaveFileDialog(title) { return new Promise((resolve) => { dialog.showSaveDialog({ title, buttonLabel: "Save", filters: [ { name: 'SAV Files', extensions: ['sav'] }, { name: 'All Files', extensions: ['*'] }, ], }, (file) => { resolve(file); }); }); } // Handles loading file into memory async readSaveFile(filePath) { // Read file const data = await fs2.readFileAsync(filePath); this.onDataChange(data); this.onPathChange(filePath); } // Cache and save requested data update async _writeSaveFile() { await fs2.writeFileAsync(this.pendingSave, this.fileData); this.pendingSave = null; } // Request data update async writeSaveFile(_filePath = this.filePath) { this.pendingSave = _filePath; this.app.emit("ipcTo", "dataUpdate"); } clearRecentDocs() { this.app.store.set('recentDocs', []); } // Initiates an open file dialog to open save file async openFile() { const fileNames = await this.openOpenFileDialog("Open Save File"); if (fileNames === undefined) { return; } const filePath = fileNames[0]; await this.readSaveFile(filePath); } // Reloads file from disk erasing unsaved changes, if no open file is // present just resets buffer async reOpenFile() { // If theres no open file then reload an empty array if (this.filePath === "") { this.onDataChange(); return; } await this.readSaveFile(this.filePath); } // Closes file in memory and erases buffer closeFile() { this.onDataChange(); this.onPathChange(); } // Save file async saveFile() { if (this.filePath === "") { await this.saveAsFile(); return; } await this.writeSaveFile(); } // Save file as... async saveAsFile() { const fileName = await this.openSaveFileDialog("Save File As..."); if (fileName === undefined) { return; } await this.saveFile(); this.onPathChange(fileName); } // Save copy of file async saveAsCopyFile() { const fileName = await this.openSaveFileDialog("Save Copy As..."); if (fileName === undefined) { return; } await this.writeSaveFile(fileName); } // This erases the raw internal data completely leaving the file all zeroes // Normally the expanded copy will overwrite only the used bytes and leave // everything else as-is however with this method the expanded copy will // still do the same but will be writing back to a clean slate thus blasting // away all unused values wipeUnusedSpace() { // Mark internal only to be true so that the render doesn't treat it like // a new file, all existing data is kept this.onDataChange(undefined, false, true); }}