import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';import { utils } from './../utils/utils'; declare var window: { require: any;}; /** * Represents a single game data file */class GameData { constructor(name: string) { = window.require(utils.getPath(`/assets/data/${name}.json`)); } public data: any;} /** * Looks up game data on demand in the game data folder and index and caches * it for use */@Injectable({ providedIn: 'root'})export class GameDataService { protected cache: { [key: string]: GameData } = {}; Declaration of instance method not allowed after declaration of instance field. Instead, this should come at the beginning of the class/interface. file(name: string) { if (this.cache[name] === undefined) { this.cache[name] = new GameData(name); } return this.cache[name]; }}