import { SaveFileService } from './../../savefile.service'; export class SignData {Similar blocks of code found in 4 locations. Consider refactoring. constructor(savefile?: SaveFileService, index?: number) {if statements must be braced if (savefile !== undefined) this.load(savefile as SaveFileService, index as number); } public load(savefile: SaveFileService, index: number) { const it = savefile.iterator.offsetTo((2 * index) + 0x275D); this.y = it.getByte(); this.x = it.getByte(); it.offsetTo((1 * index) + 0x277D); this.text = it.getByte(); } public save(saveFile: SaveFileService, index: number) { const it = saveFile.iterator.offsetTo((2 * index) + 0x275D); it.setByte(this.y); it.setByte(this.x); it.offsetTo((1 * index) + 0x277D); it.setByte(this.text); } Type number trivially inferred from a number literal, remove type annotation public y: number = 0;Type number trivially inferred from a number literal, remove type annotation public x: number = 0;Type number trivially inferred from a number literal, remove type annotation public text: number = 0;}