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Test Coverage
.menu button:first-child {
Line should be indented 2 spaces, but was indented 4 spaces
padding-left: 0;
.align-top {
Line should be indented 2 spaces, but was indented 4 spaces
vertical-align: top;
Line contains trailing whitespace
name-input-box {
Line should be indented 2 spaces, but was indented 4 spaces
display: inline-block;
Line should be indented 2 spaces, but was indented 4 spaces
Properties should be ordered display, margin-bottom, margin-right
margin-right: 25px;
Line should be indented 2 spaces, but was indented 4 spaces
margin-bottom: 25px;
.screen {
Line should be indented 2 spaces, but was indented 4 spaces
margin-top: 15px;
.header {
Properties should be ordered display, font-weight, padding-right, text-align, width
Line should be indented 2 spaces, but was indented 4 spaces
font-weight: bold;
Line should be indented 2 spaces, but was indented 4 spaces
width: 5em;
Line should be indented 2 spaces, but was indented 4 spaces
display: inline-block;
Line should be indented 2 spaces, but was indented 4 spaces
text-align: right;
Line should be indented 2 spaces, but was indented 4 spaces
padding-right: 1em;
.max-width {
Line should be indented 2 spaces, but was indented 4 spaces
width: 100%;
.center {
Line should be indented 2 spaces, but was indented 4 spaces
margin: 0 auto;
.center-text {
Line should be indented 2 spaces, but was indented 4 spaces
text-align: center;
.flex-right {
Properties should be ordered align-items, display, justify-content
Line should be indented 2 spaces, but was indented 4 spaces
display: flex;
Line should be indented 2 spaces, but was indented 4 spaces
justify-content: flex-end;
Line should be indented 2 spaces, but was indented 4 spaces
align-items: center;
.inline-block {
Line should be indented 2 spaces, but was indented 4 spaces
display: inline-block;
.move-entry {
Line should be indented 2 spaces, but was indented 4 spaces
Properties should be ordered align-items, display, justify-content
display: flex;
Line should be indented 2 spaces, but was indented 4 spaces
justify-content: center;
Line should be indented 2 spaces, but was indented 4 spaces
align-items: center;
Line should be indented 2 spaces, but was indented 4 spaces
mat-form-field {
width: 5em;
.flex-default-item {
Line should be indented 2 spaces, but was indented 4 spaces
flex-grow: 2;
// .card {
// border-radius: 5px;
// }
// .btn-add.btn-floating-icon-normal.stick {
// bottom: -15px;
// right: -15px;
// padding-top: 6px !important;
// }
// .btn-rem.btn-floating-icon-normal.stick {
// bottom: -15px;
// right: -15px;
// padding-top: 6px !important;
// }
// .label-title {
// line-height: 40px;
// }
// .clicky {
// cursor: pointer;
// }
// .spacer {
// padding-bottom: 15px;
// }