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import { ValueAccessorBase } from './../abstract/ValueAccessorBase';
import { SaveFileService } from './../../data/savefile.service';
import { TextService } from './../../data/text.service';
Copyright 2018 June Hanabi
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
import { Component, OnInit, Input, Output, EventEmitter } from '@angular/core';
import {
} from '@angular/forms';
Similar blocks of code found in 20 locations. Consider refactoring.
selector: 'name-input-box',
templateUrl: './name-input-box.component.pug',
styleUrls: ['./name-input-box.component.scss'],
providers: [
{ provide: NG_VALUE_ACCESSOR, useExisting: NameInputBoxComponent, multi: true }
export class NameInputBoxComponent extends ValueAccessorBase<string> implements OnInit {
public saveFile: SaveFileService,
public textService: TextService
) {
ngOnInit() {
// Max Character count
// All Pokemon have 10 character limit
// All Trainers and People have a 7 character limit for dialog sake
Type number trivially inferred from a number literal, remove type annotation
public maxLength: number = 10;
Type string trivially inferred from a string literal, remove type annotation
" should be '
public label: string = "";
Type boolean trivially inferred from a boolean literal, remove type annotation
public bg: boolean = true;
Type boolean trivially inferred from a boolean literal, remove type annotation
public textBlack: boolean = true;
Type boolean trivially inferred from a boolean literal, remove type annotation
public disabled: boolean = false;
// The template contains 3 parts to it
// 1. A gameboy string to give context to the text from the textbox
// 2. HTML such as line breaks (A textbox is 2 lines)
// 3. An insertion point for the text from the textbox
// To use this the string recognizes special template code
// Write HTML directly like this, mostly only used for linebreaks
// For gameboy strings write text inside of <(c())> like this <(c(Hello))>
// To insert the textbox text which is already compiled use this <<t>>
// <()> - Runs a script, there is only one function, c, to compile
// <<>> - Inserts a variable, there is only 1 variable, t, the textbox value
// <<<>>> - Inserts variable escaped, there if you ever need it
Type string trivially inferred from a string literal, remove type annotation
" should be '
public template: string = "";
// Latest value
In the class "NameInputBoxComponent", the output property "onChangeValue" should not be prefixed with on
public onChangeValue = new EventEmitter<string>();
// Latest internal array
In the class "NameInputBoxComponent", the output property "onChangeInternal" should not be prefixed with on
public onChangeInternal = new EventEmitter<Uint8Array>();
// Latest HTML representation
In the class "NameInputBoxComponent", the output property "onChangeHTML" should not be prefixed with on
public onChangeHTML = new EventEmitter<string>();
Declaration of instance method not allowed after declaration of instance field. Instead, this should come at the beginning of the class/interface.
public doOnChangeValue(event: any) {
// Relay event
Declaration of instance method not allowed after declaration of instance field. Instead, this should come at the beginning of the class/interface.
public doOnChangeInternal(event: any) {
// Relay event
Declaration of instance method not allowed after declaration of instance field. Instead, this should come at the beginning of the class/interface.
public doOnChangeHTML(event: any) {
// Relay event