/** * nodeapi.js */ import params, {cipherOptions, cipherParams, cipherTypes} from './params'; /** * Node.js KeyWrapping function simply uses encrypt function. * @param keyToBeWrapped {Uint8Array} - plaintext key * @param wrappingKey {Uint8Array} - wrapping key * @param name {string} - 'AES-KW' * @param iv {Uint8Array} - default is '0xA6A6A6A6A6A6A6A6' * @param nodeCrypto {Object} - NodeCrypto object * @return {Uint8Array} - Unwrapped Key */Similar blocks of code found in 4 locations. Consider refactoring.export const wrapKey = ( keyToBeWrapped: Uint8Array, wrappingKey: Uint8Array, {name, iv}: {name: 'AES-KW', iv: Uint8Array}, nodeCrypto: any): Uint8Array => encrypt( keyToBeWrapped, wrappingKey, {name, iv}, nodeCrypto, true); /** * Node.js KeyUnwrapping function as well as keyWrapping * @param wrappedKey {Uint8Array} - Wrapped key * @param unwrappingKey {Uint8Array} - Key used for wrapping * @param name {string} - 'AES-KW' * @param iv {Uint8Array} - default is '0xA6A6A6A6A6A6A6A6' * @param nodeCrypto {Object} - NodeCrypto object * @return {Uint8Array} - Unwrapped Key */Similar blocks of code found in 4 locations. Consider refactoring.export const unwrapKey = ( wrappedKey: Uint8Array, unwrappingKey: Uint8Array, {name, iv}: {name: 'AES-KW', iv: Uint8Array}, nodeCrypto: any) => decrypt( wrappedKey, unwrappingKey, {name, iv}, nodeCrypto, true); /** * Encrypt plaintext message via AES Node.js crypto API * @param {Uint8Array} msg - Plaintext message to be encrypted. * @param {Uint8Array} key - Byte array of symmetric key. * @param {String} name - Name of AES algorithm like 'AES-GCM'. * @param {Uint8Array} [iv] - Byte array of initial vector if required. * @param {Uint8Array} [additionalData] - Byte array of additional data if required. * @param {Number} [tagLength] - Authentication tag length if required. * @param {Object} nodeCrypto - NodeCrypto object, i.e., require(crypto) in Node.js. * @param wrapKey {Boolean} [false] - true if called as AES-KW * @return {Uint8Array} - Encrypted message byte array. * @throws {Error} - Throws error if UnsupportedCipher. */Function `encrypt` has a Cognitive Complexity of 7 (exceeds 5 allowed). Consider refactoring.
Similar blocks of code found in 2 locations. Consider refactoring.export const encrypt = ( msg: Uint8Array, key: Uint8Array, {name, iv, additionalData, tagLength}: cipherOptions, nodeCrypto: any, wrapKey: boolean = false): Uint8Array => { const alg = getNodeName(name, key.byteLength, (wrapKey)? params.wrapKeys : params.ciphers); let cipher; switch(name){ case 'AES-GCM': { cipher = nodeCrypto.createCipheriv(alg, key, iv, {authTagLength: tagLength}); cipher.setAAD(additionalData); break; } case 'AES-CTR': { if((<Uint8Array>iv).length === 0 || (<Uint8Array>iv).length > 16) throw new Error('InvalidIVLength'); const counter = new Uint8Array(16); counter.set((<Uint8Array>iv)); counter[15] += 1; cipher = nodeCrypto.createCipheriv(alg, key, counter); break; } default: { // AES-CBC or AES-KW cipher = nodeCrypto.createCipheriv(alg, key, iv); break; }} let body; let final; let tag; try { body = new Uint8Array(cipher.update(msg)); final = new Uint8Array(; tag = new Uint8Array([]); if(name === 'AES-GCM') tag = new Uint8Array(cipher.getAuthTag()); } catch (e) { throw new Error('NodeCrypto_EncryptionFailure'); } const data = new Uint8Array(body.length + final.length + tag.length); data.set(body); data.set(final, body.length); data.set(tag, body.length + final.length); return data;}; /** * Decrypt data through AES Node.js crypto API. * @param {Uint8Array} data - Encrypted message to be decrypted. * @param {Uint8Array} key - Byte array of symmetric key. * @param {String} name - Name of AES algorithm like 'AES-GCM'. * @param {Uint8Array} [iv] - Byte array of initial vector if required. * @param {Uint8Array} [additionalData] - Byte array of additional data if required. * @param {Number} [tagLength] - Authentication tag length if required. * @param {Object} nodeCrypto - NodeCrypto object, i.e., require(crypto) in Node.js. * @return {Uint8Array} - Decrypted message byte array. * @param unwrapKey {Boolean} [false] - true if called as AES-KW * @throws {Error} - Throws error if UnsupportedCipher or DecryptionFailure. */Function `decrypt` has a Cognitive Complexity of 6 (exceeds 5 allowed). Consider refactoring.
Similar blocks of code found in 2 locations. Consider refactoring.export const decrypt = ( data: Uint8Array, key: Uint8Array, {name, iv, additionalData, tagLength}: cipherOptions, nodeCrypto: any, unwrapKey: boolean =false): Uint8Array => { const alg = getNodeName(name, key.byteLength, (unwrapKey)? params.wrapKeys : params.ciphers); let decipher; let body; switch(name){ case 'AES-GCM': { decipher = nodeCrypto.createDecipheriv(alg, key, iv, {authTagLength: tagLength}); decipher.setAAD(additionalData); body = data.slice(0, data.length - <number> tagLength); const tag = data.slice(data.length - <number> tagLength); decipher.setAuthTag(tag); break; } case 'AES-CTR': { if((<Uint8Array>iv).length === 0 || (<Uint8Array>iv).length > 16) throw new Error('InvalidIVLength'); const counter = new Uint8Array(16); counter.set(<Uint8Array>iv); counter[15] += 1; decipher = nodeCrypto.createDecipheriv(alg, key, counter); body = data; break; } default : { // AES-CBC or AES-KW decipher = nodeCrypto.createDecipheriv(alg, key, iv); body = data; break; }} let decryptedBody; let final; try{ decryptedBody = decipher.update(body); final =; } catch (e) { throw new Error('NodeCrypto_DecryptionFailure'); } const msg = new Uint8Array(final.length + decryptedBody.length); msg.set(decryptedBody); msg.set(final, decryptedBody.length); return msg;}; /** * get node algorithm name * @param name {string} - name of webcrypto alg like AES-GCM * @param keyLength {number} - aes encryption key * @param dict {object} - params.ciphers or params.wrapKeys * @return {string} - node algorithm name */const getNodeName = (name: cipherTypes, keyLength: number, dict: {[index: string]: cipherParams}) => { let alg = dict[name].nodePrefix; alg = `${alg}${(keyLength * 8).toString()}`; return alg + dict[name].nodeSuffix;};