/** * hkdf.js */ import params, {HashTypes} from './params';import * as util from 'js-crypto-env'; import random from 'js-crypto-random';import hmac from 'js-crypto-hmac';import jseu from 'js-encoding-utils'; /** * Hash-based Key Derivation Function computing from given master secret and salt. * If salt is not given, salt would be automatically generated inside. * Specification is given in RFC5869 {@link}. * @param {Uint8Array} master - Master secret to derive the key. * @param {String} [hash='SHA-256] - Name of hash algorithm used to derive the key. * @param {Number} [length = 32] - Intended length of derived key. * @param {String} [info=''] - String for information field of HKDF. * @param {Uint8Array} [salt=null] - Byte array of salt. * @return {Promise<{key: Uint8Array, salt: Uint8Array}>} - Derived key and salt used to derive the key. */Function `compute` has a Cognitive Complexity of 6 (exceeds 5 allowed). Consider refactoring.export const compute = async ( master: Uint8Array, hash: HashTypes = 'SHA-256', length: number = 32, info: string = '', salt: Uint8Array|null = null): Promise<{key: Uint8Array, salt: Uint8Array}> => { const env = util.getCrypto(); let key; if(!salt) salt = random.getRandomBytes(length); if ( === 'webCrypto' && typeof env.crypto.importKey === 'function' && typeof env.crypto.deriveBits === 'function') { try { // modern browsers supporting HKDF const masterObj = await env.crypto.importKey( 'raw', master, {name: 'HKDF'}, false, ['deriveKey', 'deriveBits'] ); const hkdfCtrParams = { name: 'HKDF', salt, info: jseu.encoder.stringToArrayBuffer(info), hash}; key = await env.crypto.deriveBits(hkdfCtrParams, masterObj, length * 8); key = new Uint8Array(key); } catch (e) { // fall back to pure js implementation key = await rfc5869(master, hash, length, info, salt); } } else { // node and IE key = await rfc5869(master, hash, length, info, salt); } return {key, salt};}; /** * Naive implementation of RFC5869 in PureJavaScript * @param {Uint8Array} master - Master secret to derive the key. * @param {String} hash - Name of hash algorithm used to derive the key. * @param {Number} length - Intended length of derived key. * @param {String} info - String for information field of HKDF. * @param {Uint8Array} salt - Byte array of salt. * @return {Promise<Uint8Array>} - Derived key. */const rfc5869 = async ( master: Uint8Array, hash: HashTypes, length: number, info: string, salt: Uint8Array) => { const len = params.hashes[hash].hashSize; // RFC5869 Step 1 (Extract) const prk = await hmac.compute(salt, master, hash); // RFC5869 Step 2 (Expand) let t = new Uint8Array([]); const okm = new Uint8Array(Math.ceil(length / len) * len); const uintInfo = jseu.encoder.stringToArrayBuffer(info); for(let i = 0; i < Math.ceil(length / len); i++){ const concat = new Uint8Array(t.length + uintInfo.length + 1); concat.set(t); concat.set(uintInfo, t.length); concat.set(new Uint8Array([i+1]), t.length + uintInfo.length); t = await hmac.compute(prk, concat, hash); okm.set(t, len * i); } return okm.slice(0, length);};