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Test Coverage
* hmac.js
import params, {HashTypes} from './params';
import * as util from 'js-crypto-env';
import jschash from 'js-crypto-hash';
* Compute keyed hash value
* @param {Uint8Array} key - ByteArray of symmetric key.
* @param {Uint8Array} data - Byte array of message to be hashed.
* @param {HashTypes} [hash='SHA-256'] - Name of hash algorithm like 'SHA-256'.
* @return {Promise<Uint8Array>} - Keyed-hash value.
* @throws {Error} - Throws if UnsupportedEnvironment, i.e., even neither WebCrypto, NodeCrypto nor PureJS is available.
Function `compute` has a Cognitive Complexity of 13 (exceeds 5 allowed). Consider refactoring.
Function `compute` has 34 lines of code (exceeds 25 allowed). Consider refactoring.
export const compute = async (key: Uint8Array, data: Uint8Array, hash: HashTypes = 'SHA-256'): Promise<Uint8Array> => {
const env = util.getCrypto();
let msgKeyedHash;
let errMsg;
let native = true;
try {
if (env.name === 'webCrypto' && typeof env.crypto.importKey === 'function' && typeof env.crypto.sign === 'function') {
const keyObj = await env.crypto.importKey('raw', key, {
name: 'HMAC',
hash: {name: hash}
}, false, ['sign', 'verify']);
msgKeyedHash = await env.crypto.sign({name: 'HMAC', hash: {name: hash}}, keyObj, data);
} else if (env.name === 'nodeCrypto') { // for node
const f = env.crypto.createHmac(params.hashes[hash].nodeName, key);
msgKeyedHash = f.update(data).digest();
} else native = false;
} catch (e: unknown) {
if (e instanceof Error) {
errMsg = e.message;
native = false;
if (!native){
try {
msgKeyedHash = await purejs(key, data, hash);
} catch (e: unknown) {
if (e instanceof Error) {
errMsg = `${errMsg} => ${e.message}`;
throw new Error(`UnsupportedEnvironments: ${errMsg}`);
} else {
throw new Error('UnsupportedEnvironments');
return new Uint8Array(msgKeyedHash);
* PureJS implementation of HMAC algorithm specified in RFC 2104 {@link https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2104}.
* @param {Uint8Array} key - ByteArray of symmetric key.
* @param {Uint8Array} data - Byte array of message to be hashed.
* @param {HashTypes} hash - Name of hash algorithm like 'SHA-256'.
* @return {Promise<Uint8Array>} - Keyed-hash value.
const purejs = async (key: Uint8Array, data: Uint8Array, hash: HashTypes): Promise<Uint8Array> => {
const B = params.hashes[hash].blockSize;
const L = params.hashes[hash].hashSize;
if(key.length > B) key = await jschash.compute(key, hash);
const K = new Uint8Array(B); // first the array is initialized with 0x00
const KxorIpad = K.map( (k) => 0xFF & (0x36 ^ k));
const KxorOpad = K.map( (k) => 0xFF & (0x5c ^ k));
const inner = new Uint8Array(B + data.length);
inner.set(data, B);
const hashedInner = await jschash.compute(inner, hash);
const outer = new Uint8Array(B + L);
outer.set(hashedInner, B);
return jschash.compute(outer, hash);
* Verify keyed-hash value using the key
* @param {Uint8Array} key - ByteArray of symmetric key.
* @param {Uint8Array} data - Byte array of message to be hashed.
* @param {Uint8Array} mac - Given keyed-hash value.
* @param {HashTypes} [hash='SHA-256'] - Name of hash algorithm like 'SHA-256'.
* @return {Promise<boolean>} - Result of verification.
* @throws {Error} - Throws if InvalidInputMac
export const verify = async (key: Uint8Array, data: Uint8Array, mac: Uint8Array, hash: HashTypes = 'SHA-256') => {
const newMac = await compute(key, data, hash);
return (mac.toString() === newMac.toString());