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package nl.jiankai.mapper;

import nl.jiankai.annotations.Column;
import nl.jiankai.annotations.Convert;
import nl.jiankai.annotations.Converter;
import nl.jiankai.annotations.Ignore;
import nl.jiankai.annotations.SuppressWarnings;
import nl.jiankai.mapper.converters.AttributeConverter;
import nl.jiankai.mapper.converters.DateToLocalDateConverter;
import nl.jiankai.mapper.converters.TimeToLocalTimeConverter;
import nl.jiankai.mapper.converters.TimestampToLocalDateTimeConverter;
import nl.jiankai.mapper.exceptions.MappingFailedException;
import nl.jiankai.mapper.strategies.FieldNamingStrategy;
import nl.jiankai.mapper.strategies.IdentityFieldNamingStrategy;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import java.lang.annotation.Annotation;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;

 * This class allows the user to map a ResultSet to their desired model object
 * @author Jiankai Zheng
public class ResultSetMapper {
    private final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ResultSetMapper.class);
    private final ClassCache classCache = new ClassCache();
    private final FieldNamingStrategy fieldNamingStrategy;
    private final Map<SourceAndTarget, AttributeConverter> attributeConvertersBySourceAndTarget = new HashMap<>();
    private final Map<Class, AttributeConverter> attributeConvertersByClass = new HashMap<>();
    private boolean hasClassLevelWarningSuppression;

     * Builds a ResultSetMapper with default IdentityFieldNamingStrategy
    public ResultSetMapper() {
        this.fieldNamingStrategy = new IdentityFieldNamingStrategy();
        logger.info("No specific field naming strategy has been set. It will default to the {} field naming strategy.", this.fieldNamingStrategy);

     * Builds a ResultSetMapper with a custom FieldNamingStrategy
     * @param fieldNamingStrategy the field naming strategy to be used for mapping field names
    public ResultSetMapper(final FieldNamingStrategy fieldNamingStrategy) {
        logger.info("The {} field naming strategy will be used for mapping.", fieldNamingStrategy);
        this.fieldNamingStrategy = fieldNamingStrategy;

     * Get the field naming strategy the mapper is using to map field names
     * @return The field naming strategy to map field names
    public FieldNamingStrategy getFieldNamingStrategy() {
        return this.fieldNamingStrategy;

    public void registerAttributeConverter(AttributeConverter attributeConverter) {

     * Maps the ResultSet to the desired class
     * @param resultSet        the ResultSet returned by JDBC API
     * @param destinationClass the class to map to
     * @param <T>              the desired class
     * @return list of the mapped objects
    public <T> List<T> map(final ResultSet resultSet, final Class<T> destinationClass) {
        final List<T> list = new ArrayList<>();
        this.hasClassLevelWarningSuppression = classCache.isAnnotationPresent(destinationClass, SuppressWarnings.class);

        try {
            if (resultSet == null || !resultSet.isBeforeFirst()) {
                logger.warn("An empty ResultSet has been passed in! Empty list will be returned.");
                return new ArrayList<>();

            logger.info("Commencing mapping ResultSet to {}", destinationClass);
            final Map<String, Field> fields = classCache.getFields(destinationClass);

            while (resultSet.next()) {
                logger.trace("Adding new {} to the list", destinationClass);
                list.add(createObject(resultSet, destinationClass, fields));
        } catch (SQLException | NoSuchMethodException | IllegalAccessException | InvocationTargetException | InstantiationException ex) {
            logger.error("Something has gone wrong while mapping! Exception: " + ex.getMessage());
            throw new MappingFailedException("Something has gone wrong while mapping!", ex);

        logger.info("ResultSet has been successfully mapped to {}", destinationClass);
        return list;

     * Create an instance of the destination class
     * @param resultSet        the ResultSet returned by JDBC API
     * @param destinationClass the class to map to
     * @param fields           the mapped fields
     * @param <T>              the desired class
     * @return an instance of the destination class
    private <T> T createObject(ResultSet resultSet, Class<T> destinationClass, Map<String, Field> fields) throws NoSuchMethodException, IllegalAccessException, InvocationTargetException, InstantiationException {
        logger.trace("Constructing new {} instance", destinationClass);
        final T dto = destinationClass.getConstructor().newInstance();

        for (Map.Entry<String, Field> entry : fields.entrySet()) {
            final String key = entry.getKey();
            final Field field = entry.getValue();

            try {
                logger.trace("Fetching '{}' from the ResultSet", key);
                final Object value = resultSet.getObject(key);
                logger.debug("Retrieval of '{}' has resulted to: {}", key, value);

                logger.trace("Setting the value '{}' to the field: {}", value, field.getName());
                field.set(dto, tryConvertValue(field, value));
                logger.trace("Value set successfully.");
            } catch (SQLException ex) {
                final boolean fieldWarningsNotSuppressed = !(hasClassLevelWarningSuppression || classCache.isFieldAnnotationPresent(field, SuppressWarnings.class));

                if (fieldWarningsNotSuppressed) {
                    logger.warn("Something went wrong while trying to construct the object.", ex);

        return dto;

     * Tries to convert a value of one type to another if the appropriate {@link AttributeConverter} for that exists.
     * @param value the value to be converted
     * @return a value that is either converter or not
    private Object tryConvertValue(Field field, Object value) {
        if (value == null) {
            if (classCache.isFieldOfPrimitiveType(field)) {
                return ClassTypeUtil.getDefaultValueForPrimitiveType(field.getType());
            } else {
                return null;

        AttributeConverter attributeConverter;
        logger.trace("Finding annotation {}", Convert.class);
        Convert convertAnnotation = classCache.getFieldAnnotation(field, Convert.class);

        if (convertAnnotation != null) {
            logger.trace("{} annotation found!", Converter.class);
            logger.trace("Fetching attribute converter {}", convertAnnotation.converter());
            attributeConverter = attributeConvertersByClass.get(convertAnnotation.converter());

            if (attributeConverter != null) {
                logger.trace("Attribute converter {} found!", convertAnnotation.converter());
                logger.trace("Converting value");

                return attributeConverter.convert(value);
        } else {
            logger.trace("{} annotation not found", Converter.class);
            logger.trace("Fetching attribute converter for {} to {}", value.getClass(), field.getType());
            attributeConverter = attributeConvertersBySourceAndTarget.get(new SourceAndTarget(value.getClass(), field.getType()));

            if (attributeConverter != null) {
                logger.trace("Attribute converter {} found!", attributeConverter.getClass());
                logger.trace("Finding annotation {}", Converter.class);
                Converter converterAnnotation = classCache.getAnnotation(attributeConverter.getClass(), Converter.class);
                if (converterAnnotation == null) {
                    logger.trace("An attribute converter has been found but no {} annotation was present. Therefore converting will not be done.", Converter.class);
                } else if (converterAnnotation.autoApply()) {
                    logger.trace("Annotation {} found and autoApply is on", converterAnnotation.getClass());
                    logger.trace("Converting value");
                    return attributeConverter.convert(value);

        return value;

     * Registers all out of the box {@link AttributeConverter}
    private void registerAttributeConverters() {
        var timestampToLocalDateTimeConverter = new TimestampToLocalDateTimeConverter();
        var dateToLocalDateConverter = new DateToLocalDateConverter();
        var timeToLocalTimeConverter = new TimeToLocalTimeConverter();


    private void putAttributeConverterInMap(AttributeConverter attributeConverter) {
        logger.trace("Registering attribute converter {}", attributeConverter.getClass());
        attributeConvertersBySourceAndTarget.put(new SourceAndTarget(attributeConverter.source(), attributeConverter.target()), attributeConverter);
        attributeConvertersByClass.put(attributeConverter.getClass(), attributeConverter);

     * This class fetches the class reflection data. After fetching it for the first time it will keep the class data in the cache so that it can retrieved later if desired.
     * @author Jiankai Zheng (jk.zheng@hotmail.com)
     * @since 1.6.0
    private class ClassCache {
        private final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ClassCache.class);
        private final Map<Class, Map<String, Field>> cachedClassFields = new HashMap<>();
        private final Map<Class, Map<Class, Annotation>> cachedClassAnnotations = new HashMap<>();
        private final Map<Field, Map<Class, Annotation>> cachedFieldAnnotations = new HashMap<>();
        private final Map<Field, Boolean> cachedPrimitiveFields = new HashMap<>();

         * Get annotation of a class from cache. If it's not present in the cache it will try to fetch it through reflection.
         * @param classToSearchFor      the class you want the annotation for
         * @param annotationToSearchFor the annotation you want
         * @return the annotation
        public <T> T getAnnotation(Class classToSearchFor, Class<T> annotationToSearchFor) {
            Map<Class, Annotation> cachedAnnotations = cachedClassAnnotations.get(classToSearchFor);

            if (cachedAnnotations == null) {
                cachedAnnotations = Arrays.stream(classToSearchFor.getAnnotations()).collect(Collectors.toMap(Annotation::annotationType, annotation -> annotation));
                cachedClassAnnotations.put(classToSearchFor, cachedAnnotations);

            return (T) cachedClassAnnotations.get(classToSearchFor).get(annotationToSearchFor);

         * Get annotation of a field from cache. If it's not present in the cache it will try to fetch it through reflection.
         * @param fieldToSearchFor      the field you want the annotation for
         * @param annotationToSearchFor the annotation you want
         * @return the annotation
        public <T> T getFieldAnnotation(Field fieldToSearchFor, Class<T> annotationToSearchFor) {
            Map<Class, Annotation> cachedAnnotations = cachedFieldAnnotations.get(fieldToSearchFor);

            if (cachedAnnotations == null) {
                cachedAnnotations = Arrays.stream(fieldToSearchFor.getAnnotations()).collect(Collectors.toMap(Annotation::annotationType, annotation -> annotation));
                cachedFieldAnnotations.put(fieldToSearchFor, cachedAnnotations);

            return (T) cachedFieldAnnotations.get(fieldToSearchFor).get(annotationToSearchFor);

         * Tells whether an annotation is present for a particular class.
         * @param classToSearchFor      the class you want to look at
         * @param annotationToSearchFor the annotation you want to find
         * @return whether it's present or not
        public boolean isAnnotationPresent(Class classToSearchFor, Class annotationToSearchFor) {
            return getAnnotation(classToSearchFor, annotationToSearchFor) != null;

         * Tells whether an annotation is present for a particular field.
         * @param fieldToSearchFor      the field you want to look at
         * @param annotationToSearchFor the annotation you want to find
         * @return whether it's present or not
        public boolean isFieldAnnotationPresent(Field fieldToSearchFor, Class annotationToSearchFor) {
            return getFieldAnnotation(fieldToSearchFor, annotationToSearchFor) != null;

         * Get all declared fields of the destination class
         * @param classToSearchFor the class you want the fields of
         * @param <T>              the desired class
         * @return all declared fields mapped based on the field naming strategy
        public <T> Map<String, Field> getFields(final Class<T> classToSearchFor) {
            logger.trace("Trying to fetch {} fields from cache..", classToSearchFor);
            Map<String, Field> fields = cachedClassFields.get(classToSearchFor);

            if (fields == null) {
                logger.trace("{} is not available in the cache.", classToSearchFor);
                fields = getFieldsAndPutInCache(classToSearchFor);

            return Map.copyOf(fields);

         * Determines whether the provided {@link Field} is of a primitive type (ex. int).
         * @param field the field you want to check the type of
         * @return whether the field is of primitive type (true = primitive)
        public boolean isFieldOfPrimitiveType(Field field) {
            return cachedPrimitiveFields.computeIfAbsent(field, ClassTypeUtil::isPrimitiveType);

         * Get all fields from the specified class and put it in the cache and return the list of fields.
         * @param clazz the class you want the fields of
         * @param <T>   the type of class
         * @return the fields of the class
        private <T> Map<String, Field> getFieldsAndPutInCache(Class<T> clazz) {
            final Map<String, Field> fields = new HashMap<>();

            logger.trace("Fetching all declared fields for class: {}", clazz);
            final List<Field> declaredFields = getFields(new ArrayList<>(), clazz);

            for (Field field : declaredFields) {
                if (!field.isAnnotationPresent(Ignore.class)) {
                    mapFieldName(fields, field);

            logger.trace("{} fetched. Saving to cache.", clazz);
            cachedClassFields.put(clazz, fields);
            return fields;

         * Get all public, protected and private fields recursively (including fields from the super classes)
         * @param fields a list of fields
         * @param type   the destination class
         * @return list of all fields of the passed in class
         * @since 1.4.0
        private List<Field> getFields(List<Field> fields, Class<?> type) {
            logger.trace("Adding all declared fields from class {}", type);

            if (type.getSuperclass() != null) {
                logger.trace("Retrieving declared fields from class {}", type);
                getFields(fields, type.getSuperclass());

            return fields;

         * Maps the field based on the field naming strategy
         * @param mappedFields the list of mapped fields
         * @param field        the field to be mapped
        private void mapFieldName(Map<String, Field> mappedFields, Field field) {
            final String fieldName = field.getName();

            logger.trace("Fetching @Column annotation for field '{}'", fieldName);
            final Column columnAnnotation = field.getAnnotation(Column.class);

            logger.trace("Setting '{}' accessibility to true", fieldName);

            if (columnAnnotation != null) {
                final String columnName = columnAnnotation.name();

                logger.trace("@Column annotation found for '{}'", fieldName);
                logger.trace("The field name strategy will be overruled. Mapping '{}' to '{}'", fieldName, columnName);
                mappedFields.put(columnName, field);
            } else {
                final String transformedName = fieldNamingStrategy.transform(fieldName);

                logger.trace("No @Column annotation found for '{}'", fieldName);
                logger.trace("Mapping '{}' to '{}'", fieldName, transformedName);
                mappedFields.put(transformedName, field);

     * A utility class for checking whether a given field/class is a primitive type and retrieving its default value.
     * @author Jiankai Zheng (jk.zheng@hotmail.com)
     * @since 1.6.2
    private static class ClassTypeUtil {
        private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ClassTypeUtil.class);
        private static boolean DEFAULT_BOOLEAN;
        private static byte DEFAULT_BYTE;
        private static short DEFAULT_SHORT;
        private static int DEFAULT_INT;
        private static long DEFAULT_LONG;
        private static float DEFAULT_FLOAT;
        private static double DEFAULT_DOUBLE;
        private static char DEFAULT_CHAR;

         * Determines whether the provided {@link Field} is of primitive type (ex. int).
         * @param field the field to check for
         * @return a primitive type or not (true = primitive)
        public static boolean isPrimitiveType(Field field) {
            logger.trace("Checking type for field {} which is of type {}", field, field.getType());
            return field.getType().isPrimitive();

         * Get the default value for the provided primitive type (ex. 0 for int).
         * @param primitiveType the primitive type you want to get the default value for
         * @return the default value of the primitive type
        public static Object getDefaultValueForPrimitiveType(Class<?> primitiveType) {
            logger.trace("Getting default value for type {}", primitiveType.getTypeName());

            if (primitiveType == Boolean.TYPE) {
                return DEFAULT_BOOLEAN;
            } else if (primitiveType == Integer.TYPE) {
                return DEFAULT_INT;
            } else if (primitiveType == Short.TYPE) {
                return DEFAULT_SHORT;
            } else if (primitiveType == Byte.TYPE) {
                return DEFAULT_BYTE;
            } else if (primitiveType == Double.TYPE) {
                return DEFAULT_DOUBLE;
            } else if (primitiveType == Long.TYPE) {
                return DEFAULT_LONG;
            } else if (primitiveType == Float.TYPE) {
                return DEFAULT_FLOAT;
            } else if (primitiveType == Character.TYPE) {
                return DEFAULT_CHAR;
            } else {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("Provided class '%s' is not a primitive type", primitiveType.getName()));

    private class SourceAndTarget {
        private final Class source;
        private final Class target;

        public SourceAndTarget(Class source, Class target) {
            this.source = source;
            this.target = target;

        public boolean equals(Object o) {
            if (this == o) return true;
            if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false;
            SourceAndTarget that = (SourceAndTarget) o;
            return Objects.equals(source, that.source) && Objects.equals(target, that.target);

        public int hashCode() {
            return Objects.hash(source, target);