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Test Coverage
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Kahlan is a full-featured Unit & BDD test framework a la RSpec/JSpec which uses a `describe-it` syntax and moves testing in PHP one step forward.

**Kahlan lets you stub or monkey patch your code directly like in Ruby or JavaScript without any required PECL-extensions.**

## Videos

* <a href="http://vimeo.com/116949820" target="_blank">Warren Seymour presentation at Unified Diff (2015)</a>
* <a href="https://www.grafikart.fr/tutoriels/php/tdd-kahlan-805" target="_blank">Grafikart presentation in French (2016, Kahlan 2.X)</a>

## IRC

**chat.freenode.net** (server)
**#kahlan** (channel)

## Documentation

See the [full documentation here](https://kahlan.github.io/docs)

## Requirements

 * PHP 7.2+
 * Composer
 * [phpdbg](http://php.net/manual/en/debugger-about.php) or [Xdebug](http://xdebug.org/) (only required for code coverage analysis)

## Main Features

* RSpec/JSpec syntax
* Code Coverage metrics ([xdebug](http://xdebug.org) or [phpdbg](http://phpdbg.com/docs) required)
* Handy stubbing system ([mockery](https://github.com/padraic/mockery) or [prophecy](https://github.com/phpspec/prophecy) are no longer needed)
* Set stubs on your class methods directly (i.e allows dynamic mocking)
* Ability to Monkey Patch your code (i.e. allows replacement of core functions/classes on the fly)
* Check called methods on your classes/instances
* Built-in Reporters (Terminal or HTML reporting through [istanbul](https://gotwarlost.github.io/istanbul/) or [lcov](http://ltp.sourceforge.net/coverage/lcov.php))
* Built-in Exporters (Coveralls, Code Climate, Scrutinizer, Clover)
* Extensible, customizable workflow

## Syntax


describe("Example", function() {

    it("makes an expectation", function() {



    it("expects methods to be called", function() {

        $user = new User();
        expect($user)->toReceive('save')->with(['validates' => false]);
        $user->save(['validates' => false]);


    it("stubs a function", function() {

        $user = new User();


    it("stubs a class", function() {

        allow('PDO')->toReceive('prepare', 'fetchAll')->andReturn([['name' => 'bob']]);
        $user = new User();
        expect($user->all())->toBe([['name' => 'bob']]);




## Screenshots

### Example of default reporting:

### Example of verbose reporting:

### Example of code coverage on a specific scope:

## Installation

### via Composer

$ composer require --dev kahlan/kahlan

Kahlan uses the [Semantic Versioning](http://semver.org/) and maintains a `CHANGELOG` to help you easily understand what's happening.

### via Git clone

git clone git://github.com/kahlan/kahlan.git
cd kahlan
composer install
bin/kahlan              # to run specs or,
bin/kahlan --coverage=4 # to run specs with coverage info for namespaces, classes & methods (require xdebug)