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namespace Kahlan\Cli;

class Cli
     * ANSI/VT100 color/format sequences.
     * @var array
    protected static $_vt100 = [
        'colors' => [
            'black'         => 30,
            'red'           => 31,
            'green'         => 32,
            'yellow'        => 33,
            'blue'          => 34,
            'magenta'       => 35,
            'cyan'          => 36,
            'light-grey'    => 37,
            'dark-grey'     => 90,
            'light-red'     => 91,
            'light-green'   => 92,
            'light-yellow'  => 93,
            'light-blue'    => 94,
            'light-magenta' => 95,
            'light-cyan'    => 99,
            'white'         => 97,
            'default'       => 39
        'formats' => [
            'n' => 0,   //normal
            'b' => 1,   //bold
            'd' => 2,   //dim
            'u' => 4,   //underline
            'r' => 7,   //reverse
            'h' => 7,   //hidden
            's' => 9    //strike

     * The default color.
     * @var string
    protected static $_vtcolor = 'default';

     * The default background color.
     * @var string
    protected static $_vtbackground = 'default';

     * The default style.
     * @var string
    protected static $_vtstyle = 'default';

     * Returns the ANSI/VT100 number from a color name.
     * @param  mixed   $name A color name string or a ANSI/VT100 number.
     * @return integer       A ANSI/VT100 number.
    protected static function _vtcolor($name)
        return static::_vt100($name);

     * Returns the ANSI/VT100 number from a backgound color name.
     * @param  mixed   $name A backgound color name string or a ANSI/VT100 number.
     * @return integer       A ANSI/VT100 number.
    protected static function _vtbackground($name)
        if (is_numeric($name)) {
            return $name + 10;
        return static::_vtcolor($name) + 10;

     * Returns a ANSI/VT100 number from a style name.
     * @param  mixed   $name A style name string or a ANSI/VT100 number.
     * @return integer       A ANSI/VT100 number.
    protected static function _vtstyle($name)
        return static::$_vt100['formats'][$name] ?? 0;

     * Returns a ANSI/VT100 number from a color name.
     * @param  mixed   $name A color name string or a ANSI/VT100 number.
     * @return integer       A ANSI/VT100 number.
    protected static function _vt100($name)
        if (is_numeric($name)) {
            return $name;

        if (isset(static::$_vt100['colors'][$name])) {
            $value = static::$_vt100['colors'][$name];
        } else {
            $value = 39;
        return $value;

     * Bells.
     * @param integer $count Number of times that the bells must ring.
    public static function bell($count = 1)
        echo str_repeat("\007", $count);

     * Return a VT100 colored string.
     * @param mixed        $string  The string to color.
     * @param string|array $options The possible values for an array are:
     *                              - `'style`: a style code.
     *                              - `'color'`: a color code.
     *                              - `'background'`: a background color code.
     *                              The string must respect one of the following format:
     *                              - `'style;color;background'`.
     *                              - `'style;color'`.
     *                              - `'color'`.
    public static function color($string, $options = null)
        if ($options === null) {
            return $string;

        if (is_string($options)) {
            $options = explode(';', $options);
            if (strlen($options[0]) === 1) {
                $options = array_pad($options, 3, 'default');
                $options = array_combine(['style', 'color', 'background'], $options);
            } else {
                $options = ['color' => reset($options)];

        $options += [
            'style'      => 'default',
            'color'      => 'default',
            'background' => 'default'

        $format = "\e[";
        $format .= static::_vtstyle($options['style']) . ';';
        $format .= static::_vtcolor($options['color']) . ';';
        $format .= static::_vtbackground($options['background']) . 'm';

        return $format . $string . "\e[0m";