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namespace Kahlan\Jit\Patcher;

use Kahlan\Jit\Node\NodeDef;
use Kahlan\Jit\Node\FunctionDef;

class Monkey
     * Ignoring the following statements which are not valid function or class names.
     * @var array
    protected static $_blacklist = [
        '__halt_compiler' => true,
        'and'             => true,
        'array'           => true,
        'catch'           => true,
        'case'            => true,
        'clone'           => true,
        'compact'         => true,
        'declare'         => true,
        'die'             => true,
        'echo'            => true,
        'elseif'          => true,
        'empty'           => true,
        'eval'            => true,
        'exit'            => true,
        'extract'         => true,
        'for'             => true,
        'foreach'         => true,
        'func_get_arg'    => true,
        'func_get_args'   => true,
        'func_num_args'   => true,
        'function'        => true,
        'if'              => true,
        'include'         => true,
        'include_once'    => true,
        'isset'           => true,
        'list'            => true,
        'match'           => true,
        'or'              => true,
        'parent'          => true,
        'print'           => true,
        'require'         => true,
        'require_once'    => true,
        'return'          => true,
        'self'            => true,
        'static'          => true,
        'switch'          => true,
        'throw'           => true,
        'unset'           => true,
        'while'           => true,
        'xor'             => true,
        'yield'           => true

     * Prefix to use for custom variable name.
     * @var string
    protected $_prefix = '';

     * Counter for building unique variable name.
     * @var integer
    protected $_counter = 0;

     * Uses for the parsed node's namespace.
     * @var array
    protected $_uses = [];

     * Variables for the parsed node.
     * @var array
    protected $_variables = [];

     * Nested function depth level.
     * @var integer
    protected $_depth = 0;

     * The regex.
     * @var string
    protected $_regex = null;

     * The constructor.
     * @var array $config The config array. Possible values are:
     *                    - `'prefix'` _string_: prefix to use for custom variable name..
    public function __construct($config = [])
        $defaults = [
            'prefix'   => 'KMONKEY'
        $config += $defaults;

        $this->_prefix   = $config['prefix'];

        $alpha = '[\\\a-zA-Z_\\x7f-\\xff]';
        $alphanum = '[\\\a-zA-Z0-9_\\x7f-\\xff]';
        $this->_regex = "/(\n*)(new\s+)?(?<!\:|\\\$|\>|{$alphanum})(\s*)({$alpha}{$alphanum}*)(\s*)(?=\(|;|::{$alpha}{$alphanum}*\s*\()/m";

     * The JIT find file patcher.
     * @param  object $loader The autloader instance.
     * @param  string $class  The fully-namespaced class name.
     * @param  string $file   The correponding finded file path.
     * @return string         The patched file path.
    public function findFile($loader, $class, $file)
        return $file;

     * The JIT patchable checker.
     * @param  string  $class The fully-namespaced class name to check.
     * @return boolean
    public function patchable($class)
        return true;

     * The JIT patcher.
     * @param  object $node The node instance to patch.
     * @param  string $path The file path of the source code.
     * @return object       The patched node.
    public function process($node, $path = null)
        $this->_depth = 0;
        $this->_variables[$this->_depth] = [];
        if ($this->_variables[$this->_depth]) {
        $this->_variables = [];
        return $node;

     * Helper for `Monkey::process()`.
     * @param array $nodes A array of nodes to patch.
    protected function _processTree($parent)
        $hasScope = $parent instanceof FunctionDef || $parent->type === 'namespace' | $parent->type === 'declare';
        if ($hasScope) {
            $this->_variables[++$this->_depth] = [];
        foreach ($parent->tree as $index => $node) {
            if (!empty($node->tree)) {
            if ($node->processable && $node->type === 'code') {
                $this->_uses = $node->namespace ? $node->namespace->uses : [];

                $this->_monkeyPatch($node, $parent, $index);
        if ($hasScope) {

     * Flush stored variables in the passed node.
     * @param array $node The node to store variables in.
    protected function _flushVariables($node)
        if (!$this->_variables[$this->_depth]) {

        $body = '';
        foreach ($this->_variables[$this->_depth] as $variable) {
            $body .= $variable['name'] . $variable['patch'];

        if (!$node->inPhp) {
            $body = '<?php ' . $body . ' ?>';

        $patch = new NodeDef($body, 'code');
        $patch->parent = $node;
        $patch->function = $node->function;
        $patch->namespace = $node->namespace;
        array_unshift($node->tree, $patch);
        $this->_variables[$this->_depth] = [];

     * Monkey patch a node body.
     * @param object  $node   The node to monkey patch.
     * @param array   $parent The parent array.
     * @param integer $index  The index of node in parent children.
    protected function _monkeyPatch($node, $parent, $index)
        if (!preg_match_all($this->_regex, $node->body, $matches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE | PREG_SET_ORDER)) {
        foreach (array_reverse($matches) as $match) {
            $len = strlen($match[0][0]);
            $pos = $match[0][1];
            $name = $match[4][0];

            $nextChar = $node->body[$pos + $len];

            $isInstance = !!$match[2][0];
            $isStaticCall = $nextChar === ':';
            $isClass = $isStaticCall || $isInstance;
            $method = trim($match[5][0]) ? $match[5][0] : 'null';

            if (!isset(static::$_blacklist[ltrim(strtolower($name), '\\')]) && ($isClass || $nextChar === '(')) {
                $tokens = explode('\\', $name, 2);

                if ($name[0] === '\\') {
                    $name = substr($name, 1);
                    $args = $isClass ? "null, '{$name}', {$method}" : "null , null, '{$name}'";
                } elseif (isset($this->_uses[$tokens[0]])) {
                    $ns = $this->_uses[$tokens[0]];
                    if (count($tokens) === 2) {
                        $ns .= '\\' . $tokens[1];
                    $args = $isClass ? "null, '{$ns}', {$method}" : "null , null, '{$ns}'";
                } else {
                    $args = $isClass ? "__NAMESPACE__, '{$name}', {$method}" : "__NAMESPACE__ , null, '{$name}'";

                if (!isset($this->_variables[$this->_depth][$name])) {
                    $variable = '$__' . $this->_prefix . '__' . $this->_counter++;
                    $args .= ', ' . $variable . '__';

                    $this->_variables[$this->_depth][$name] = [
                        'name' => $variable,
                        'patch' => "=\Kahlan\Plugin\Monkey::patched({$args});"
                } else {
                    $variable = $this->_variables[$this->_depth][$name]['name'];
                $substitute = $variable . '__';
                if (!$isClass) {
                    $replace = $match[1][0] . $match[3][0] . $variable . $match[5][0];
                } else {
                    if ($this->_addClosingParenthesis($pos + $len, $index, $parent)) {
                        $replace = '(' . $substitute . '?' . $substitute . ':';
                    } else {
                        $replace = '';
                    $replace = $match[1][0] . $replace . $match[2][0] . $match[3][0] . $variable . $match[5][0];
                $node->body = substr_replace($node->body, $replace, $pos, $len);

     * Add a closing parenthesis
     * @param object  $node   The node to monkey patch.
     * @param array   $parent The parent array.
     * @param integer $index  The index of node in parent children.
     * @return boolean        Returns `true` if succeed, `false` otherwise.
    protected function _addClosingParenthesis($pos, $index, $parent)
        $count = 0;
        $nodes = $parent->tree;
        $total = count($nodes);

        for ($i = $index; $i < $total; $i++) {
            $node = $nodes[$i];

            if (!$node->processable || $node->type !== 'code') {
                if (!$node->close) {
                $code = &$node->close;
            } else {
                $code = &$node->body;

            $len = strlen($code);
            if (preg_match('~.*?=\s*&~', $code)) {
                return false;

            while ($pos < $len) {
                if ($count === 0 && $code[$pos] === ';') {
                    $code = substr_replace($code, ');', $pos, 1);
                    return true;
                } elseif ($code[$pos] === '(') {
                } elseif ($code[$pos] === ')') {
                    if ($count === 0) {
                        $code = substr_replace($code, $code[$pos] . ')', $pos, 1);
                        return true;
            $pos = 0;
        return false;

     * Check if a function is part of the blacklisted ones.
     * @param  string  $name A function name.
     * @return boolean
    public static function blacklisted($name = null)
        if (!func_num_args()) {
            return array_keys(static::$_blacklist);
        return isset(static::$_blacklist[strtolower($name)]);