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3 hrs
Test Coverage
namespace Kahlan;

use Closure;
use Exception;
use InvalidArgumentException;
use Kahlan\Analysis\Debugger;
use Kahlan\Block;
use Kahlan\Block\Group;
use Kahlan\Filter\Filters;

class Suite
     * The PHP constraint to respect
     * @var string
    public static $PHP = PHP_MAJOR_VERSION;

     * @var bool
     * @internal
    public $loaded = false;

     * Blocks stack.
     * @var Block[]
    protected static $_blocks = [];

     * Store all hashed references.
     * @var array
    protected static $_registered = [];

     * The return status value (`0` for success).
     * @var integer
    protected $_status = 0;

     * The root group block of the test suite.
     * @var Group
    protected $_root = null;

     * The reporters container.
     * @var Reporters
    protected $_reporters = null;

     * Array of fully-namespaced class name to clear on each `it()`.
     * @var array
    protected $_autoclear = [];

     * Set the number of fails allowed before aborting. `0` mean no fast fail.
     * @see ::failfast()
     * @var integer
    protected $_ff = 0;

     * Count the number of failure or exception.
     * @see ::failfast()
     * @var integer
    protected $_failures = 0;

     * The execution summary instance.
     * @var object
    protected $_summary = null;

     * A regexp pattern used to removes useless traces to focus on the one
     * related to a spec file.
     * @var string
    protected $_backtraceFocus = null;

     * The Constructor.
    public function __construct()
        $this->_summary = new Summary();
        $this->_root = new Group(['suite' => $this]);

     * Gets children.
     * @return array The array of children instances.
    public function root()
        return $this->_root;

     * Increment the number of failures.
    public function failure()

     * Returns `true` if the suite reach the number of allowed failure by the fail-fast parameter.
     * @return boolean;
    public function failfast()
        return $this->_ff && $this->_failures >= $this->_ff;

     * Overrides the default error handler
     * @param boolean $enable  If `true` override the default error handler,
     *                         if `false` restore the default handler.
     * @param array   $options An options array. Available options are:
     *                         - 'handler': An error handler closure.
    protected function _errorHandler($enable, $options = [])
        $defaults = ['handler' => null];
        $options += $defaults;
        if (!$enable) {
            return restore_error_handler();
        $handler = function ($code, $message, $file, $line = 0, $args = []) {
            if (!(error_reporting() & $code)) {
            $trace = debug_backtrace();
            $trace = array_slice($trace, 1, count($trace));
            $message = "`" . Debugger::errorType($code) . "` {$message}";
            $code = 0;
            $exception = compact('code', 'message', 'file', 'line', 'trace');
            throw new PhpErrorException($exception);
        $options['handler'] = $options['handler'] ?: $handler;
        set_error_handler($options['handler'], error_reporting());

     * Gets/sets the regexp pattern used to removes useless traces to focus on the one
     * related to a spec file.
     * @param  string $pattern A wildcard pattern (i.e. `fnmatch()` style).
     * @return string          The focus regexp.
    public function backtraceFocus($pattern = null)
        if ($pattern === null) {
            return $this->_backtraceFocus;
        $patterns = is_array($pattern) ? $pattern : [$pattern];
        foreach ($patterns as $key => $value) {
            $patterns[$key] = preg_quote($value, '~');
        $pattern = join('|', $patterns);
        return $this->_backtraceFocus = strtr($pattern, ['\*' => '.*', '\?' => '.']);

     * Runs all specs.
     * @param  array     $options Run options.
     * @return boolean            The result array.
     * @throws Exception
    public function run($options = [])
        $defaults = [
            'reporters' => null,
            'autoclear' => [],
            'ff'        => 0,
            'part'      => '1/1'
        $options += $defaults;

        $this->_reporters = $options['reporters'];
        $this->_autoclear = (array) $options['autoclear'];
        $this->_ff = $options['ff'];

        [$index, $total] = explode('/', $options['part']) + [null, null];

        $this->root()->partition($index, $total);

        $this->report('start', ['total' => $this->active()]);

        $this->_errorHandler(true, $options);

        $passed = $this->root()->process();



        $this->report('end', $this->summary());
        $this->_status = $passed ? 0 : 1;
        return $passed;

     * Run a block's closure.
     * @param  Block   $block   The block instance.
     * @param  Closure $closure The closure.
     * @param  string  $type    The closure type.
     * @return mixed
    public function runBlock($block, $closure, $type)
        return Filters::run($this, 'runBlock', [$block, $closure, $type], function ($next, $block, $closure, $type) {
            return call_user_func_array($closure, []);

     * Gets specs excecution results.
     * @return array
    public function summary()
        return $this->_summary;

     * Gets number of total specs.
     * @return integer
    public function total()
        $stats = $this->root()->stats();
        return $stats['normal'] + $stats['focused'] + $stats['excluded'];

     * Gets number of active specs.
     * @return integer
    public function active()
        $stats = $this->root()->stats();
        return $this->root()->focused() ? $stats['focused'] : $stats['normal'];

     * Gets/sets exit status code according passed results.
     * @param  integer $status If set force a specific status to be returned.
     * @return boolean         Returns `0` if no error occurred, `1` otherwise.
    public function status($status = null)
        if (func_num_args()) {
            $this->_status = $status;
            return $this;
        if ($this->root()->focused()) {
            return 1;
        return $this->_status;

     * Send some data to reporters.
     * @param string $type The message type.
     * @param mixed  $data The message data.
    public function report($type, $data)
        if (!$reporters = $this->reporters()) {
        $reporters->dispatch($type, $data);

     * Gets the reporters container.
     * @return object
    public function reporters()
        return $this->_reporters;

     * Autoclears plugins.
    public function autoclear()
        foreach ($this->_autoclear as $plugin) {
            if (is_object($plugin)) {
                if (method_exists($plugin, 'clear')) {
            } elseif (method_exists($plugin, 'reset')) {

     * Triggers the `stop` event.
    public function stop()
        $this->report('stop', $this->summary());

     * Generates a hash from an instance or a string.
     * @param  mixed $reference An instance or a fully namespaced class name.
     * @return string           A string hash.
     * @throws InvalidArgumentException
    public static function hash($reference)
        if (is_object($reference)) {
            return spl_object_hash($reference);
        if (is_string($reference)) {
            return $reference;
        throw new InvalidArgumentException("Error, the passed argument is not hashable.");

     * Registers a hash. [Mainly used for optimization]
     * @param mixed $hash A hash to register.
    public static function register($hash)
        static::$_registered[$hash] = true;

     * Gets registered hashes. [Mainly used for optimizations]
     * @param  string     $hash The hash to look up. If none return all registered hashes.
     * @return array|bool
    public static function registered($hash = null)
        if (!func_num_args()) {
            return static::$_registered;

        return isset(static::$_registered[$hash]);

     * Clears the registered hash.
    public static function reset()
        static::$_registered = [];

     * Push a block in the stack.
     * @param Block A block instance to push instance.
    public static function push($block)
        static::$_blocks[] = $block;

     * Get the active scope instance.
     * @return Scope The object instance or `null` if there's no active instance.
    public static function current()
        return end(static::$_blocks);

     * Pop a block from the stack.
     * @return Block The popped block instance .
    public static function pop()
        return array_pop(static::$_blocks);