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Test Coverage
Features under the section marked 'Current' are completed but pending release as a gem. If you need any of these, you'll need to use the latest source from the git repository.

== Current
 * WiP

Features under a numbered section are complete and available in the Wrest gem.
== 4.0.1
* Handle attempt to deserialize of text/html with a passthrough

== 4.0.0
 * Remove runtime dependency on ActiveSupport
 * Drop support for multiple xml and json backends
 * Introduce Rubocop and bring codebase into compliance
 * Upgrade all gem dependencies

== 2.2.0
 * Add support for HTTP PATCH [Aditi Raveesh]

== 2.1.9
 * Switch to using concurrent-ruby

== 2.1.6
 * Logging payload by default

== 2.1.4
 * Making cache keys include query params

== 2.1.3
 * Adding cache expiry for caches using request headers

== 2.1.2
 * Setting cache keys as URI strings

== 2.1.1
 * Including Redis as a Caching Backend

== 2.0.0
 * Removing support for libcurl

== 1.5.4
 * Make thread pool configurable

== 1.5.3
 * Implemented a thread pool for async requests using ThreadBackend
 * Updated request/response logging to include current thread id
== 1.5.2
 * Updated dependencies - ActiveSupport, MultipartPost, Dalli and JRuby OpenSSL
== 1.5.1
 * Supports Ruby 2.x.x, JRuby 1.7.6 (and higher), JRuby

== 1.5.0
 * Introducing content type text/plain - pull request by buchin

== 1.4.7
 * Switch to using multi_json to manage Json backend to play nice with Rails 3.1.

== 1.4.6
 * Bump Builder dependency to allow both Builder 2.x and 3.x to be used

== 1.4.5
 * GH#107 alias :deserialize :deserialise

== 1.4.4
 * GH#105 Reduce Rubgems version requirements to 1.3.x or greater from > 1.5

== 1.4.3
 * GH#104 Allow default headers to be added to the uri that are then used for all requests
 * GH#31 Add explicit API for cookies

== 1.4.2
 * GH#102 Code and gemspec mismatch for json-jruby

== 1.4.1
 * GH#66 HTTPS requests using the Net::HTTP backend failing on Ruby 1.8.x

== 1.4.0
 * GH#96 Naive implementation of asynchronous requests using Eventmachine
 * GH#93 Since Wrest::Response is immutable, the results of Response#deserialise are cached

== 1.3.0
 * GH#95 Asynchronous requests on Wrest::Uri.

== 1.2.1
 * GH#91 Remove dependency on tzinfo

== 1.2.0
 * GH#80 Add a convenience API to make it easy to use the existing URI callback API

== 1.1.0
 * Caching support introduced. Includes Memcached support for the cache store. (GH# 69, 83, 87)

== 1.0.2
 * GH#12 Post Multipart support when using the Patron adapter
 * GH#72 Response code checkers: ok?, redirect?, created? etc.
 * GH#85 Do not auto-load Nokogiri/libxml-ruby and remove warnings at startup
 * GH#79 Update Patron version.

== 1.0.1
 * GH#61 Option propagate while converting uri to UriTemplate and back.
 * GH#64 Removed Caching.
 * GH#32 Callback for response status codes.
 * GH#53 Add to_uri_template helper to String
 * GH#12 Add Post/Put Multipart support when using the Patron adapter
 * GH#72 Response code checkers: ok?, redirect?, created? etc.

== 1.0.0
 * GH#56 Detailed Net::HTTP debug output option added to Wrest::Native:Request.
 * GH#60 Wrest debug log arrow direction changed to be consistent with Net::HTPP debug log
 * GH#59 follow_redirects_limit is off by one
 * GH#24 Add support for xpath based filtering of xml response bodies to the response chain
 * GH#46 Response.deserialise for Json responses
 * GH#52 Wrest console (bin/wrest) fails on 1.9.2
 * GH#55 Fix connection.verify_mode for Net::HTTP https connection to VERIFY_PEER
 * GH#57 Feature #24 doesn't autoload correctly

== 1.0.0.beta7
 * GH#46 Response.deserialise for Json responses

== 1.0.0.beta6
 * GH#35 Wrest::UriTemplate extensions swallow existing path
 * GH#41 Make Hash core_ext opt out

== 1.0.0.beta5
 * GH#30 Replace rails app in spec/sample_rails_app with a lighter sinatra app
 * GH#37 Allow opting out of Adding to_uri to string

== 1.0.0.beta4
 * GH#34 Wrest::Uri extensions swallow existing path

== 1.0.0.beta3
 * GH#13 Works for get and delete with parameters appended to the uri string and
   with ? and no parameters appended to the uri string
 * GH#26 'http://localhost'.to_uri['foo/bar'] fails
 * GH#11 Handle gem dependencies using bundler
 * GH#22 Converts Uri to UriTemplate
 * GH#23 Supports extension of UriTemplate via #[]

== 1.0.0.beta2
 * GH#2 Make Components::Containers hash store a HashWithIndifferentAccess
 * GH#6 Net::HTTP based calls to Twitter public APIs fail
 * GH#5 Patron (curl) support failing for responses where headers have multiple values
 * GH#7 Build fails on Ruby 1.9
 * GH#16 Remove jeweler and use .gemspec direcly

== 1.0.0.beta1
 * If libxml-ruby isn't found but nokogiri, don't warn about libxml-ruby

== 1.0.0.beta0
 * Dependencies updated to ActiveSupport 3.0.0.rc and RSpec 2.0.0.beta19

== 0.1.2
 * Locked gem dependencies to ActiveSupport 2.3.8 and rspec 1.3.0 to avoid breakages caused by inadvertently requiring the Rails 3.0 and Rspec 2.0 gems which have changed greatly

== 0.1.1
 * Multipart post and put using Net::Http

== 0.1.0
 * Added Nokogiri as a fallback for LibXML Ruby before we give up and use REXML. (Nokogiri is available on JRuby, unlike LibXML-ruby)
 * Added code to attempt to load JREXML (for what it's worth) when using REXML on JRuby
 * Ensure that Wrest throws an exception when an actual request is made in a test environment in Rails (RAILS_ENV == 'test')
 * Support for keep-alive connections via Wrest::Http::Session and Wrest::Http::Response#connection_closed?
 * Create two convenience Post methods on Uri - one for application/x-www-form-urlencoded and the other normal
 * Optional libcurl implementations of the Request/Response classes (for those on MRI who need better performance). See examples/delicious.rb, examples/facebook.rb. Note that while there is a great deal of API compatibility, everything may not behave exactly the same under libcurl. Please do report inconsistencies.
 * Added live functional tests to codebase (rake spec:functional, needs spec/functional/sample_rails_app running on port 3000)

== 0.0.9
 * Added redirect follow support for GET requests (see examples/redirection.rb)
 * Auto redirection limit
 * Request timeout limit config
 * Added an alias_accessor macro to allow alternative names for attribute accessors (see examples/wow_realm_status.rb)
 * Removed the need to explicitly include AttributesContainer::Typecaster or to use the enable_typecasting_support macro. The call to typecast now does this for us. See AttributesContainer#typecast and AttributesContainer::Typecaster#typecast

== 0.0.8
 * Added URI extension using the [] method (see examples/delicious.rb)
 * Refactored out Request as the first step to adding Response caching